Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1058: Annual drama

"Above the King of Pirates (



Accompanied by the sound of mechanical operation and the sound of whistle, a train with only one carriage slowly stopped in the station!

"What's the matter? I haven't received the above notice, someone will come at this time?"

Inside the station, the guards in charge of watching such a car showed a look of surprise and at the same time became alert!

If something goes wrong, it is a demon!

Since they did not receive the above instructions saying that there was a train coming into the station, and now there is such a train coming into the station, it means that there is a possibility that there is a problem with this train!





When the train door slowly opened, the guards also raised their hearts, and began to load their guns!

next moment!

Luffy and his party walked out of the car door!


A violent shout came out of a middle-aged population who looked like a leader among the guards!

Luffy's group stopped subconsciously!

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" the middle-aged man frowned and asked.

"Oh, we are from the Straw Hat Adventure Group, here to save people!" Luffy stated his purpose honestly!


But as soon as the voice fell, a violent shudder hit his head, causing him pain to hug his head and squat defense.

"Stupid!!! How can such a thing be said?" Nami jumped angrily.

Every critical moment, Luffy always surprises her in an unexpected way!

If it weren't for Luffy's never to drop the chain, Nami would have stabbed him to death!

"Even if you can't say it, don't you need to be so angry!" Lu Fei whispered while rubbing his head.

At this moment, the middle-aged man also reacted!

Without even thinking about it, he quickly issued the order, saying, "Enemy attack!!! Everyone has it, free shooting!"

Where are they here?

Judicial Island!

Besides the people of the world government, who else is here?


And Lu Fei said he was here to save people, so naturally their identities needless to say!

It must be an accomplice of the criminal!

So the middle-aged man gave the order without hesitation!

the other side!

Looking at the actions of the guards, the main combat forces in Luffy's group naturally have corresponding actions!

"give it to me!"

Sauron stood out, and with a confident smile on his face, he held the knife on his waist and ran directly towards the guards!

"Da da da da!"

With a rush of footsteps, the guards with their hearts on top subconsciously pulled the trigger---shot!





Dense gunfire sounded almost at the same time.

In an instant, countless bullets headed towards Luffy's group!

at this time!

A flash of light flashed in the running Sauron's eyes!

next moment!


The knife is out of the sheath!

A silver light flashed!

"Ding Ding Ding Ding~"

The bullets fell from mid-air and hit the ground with a crisp sound.


Before the guards could react, Sauron's figure rushed into the station guards!

Silver light flashed again!





The guards did not even make a scream, and fell down one after another like dominoes!

Just less than three seconds!

Dozens of guards were all lying on the ground!


At this time, Sauron, who was already behind all the guards, slowly retracted the knife into the scabbard.

"Sauron, good job!" Luffy said happily.

"This is just the guard of the station. There is nothing to be happy about. Next we should go to the main entrance. That side is the main guarding force of Judicial Island!" Sanji said calmly after taking a deep breath of cigarettes.

"Don't worry, I will blow them all up!" Luffy squeezed his fists and said excitedly.


The group began to walk towards the main entrance of Judicial Island!


at the same time!

In a square in the Chambord Islands!

"Da da da!"

Accompanied by a rush of rapid footsteps, a group of people in black suits came to the square with a projection phone worm and a black screen.

Suddenly, the people of the Chambord Islands in the square were excited!

They are familiar with this scene!

Someone wants to broadcast!

Someone wants to make trouble!

Something big happened!

They watched it lively!

In the past ten years or so, this kind of thing happened frequently, especially when it first happened more than ten years ago, they watched it almost every day!

That is to say, in recent years, with the navy and the world government's severe crackdown, and the cost of live broadcast itself is too high, this kind of thing has only happened less frequently!

But no matter what, they still recognized what they were going to do at a glance!

"Hey, brother, what are you going to broadcast today? Who is going to broadcast?"

Someone even went forward and asked one of these busy men in suits!

The man in the suit glanced at the good deed, and said in a deep voice, "Today is the live-action version of Adventure King!"

The live-action version of Adventure King! ?

Good things are surprised and happy!

What was shocking was that he didn't expect that the man in the suit would really tell him what to broadcast live. The happy thing is that Adventure King is his favorite to watch. Today, the live-action version is going to be broadcast live!

"Really?" The good guy hurriedly asked!

But the man in the suit didn't answer him again, just doing his own work!

Seeing this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the good people didn't ask themselves to be bored, and turned around and discussed with others enthusiastically!

"Did you just hear that they are going to broadcast the live-action version of Adventure King!"

"I heard it! My favorite watch is Adventure King!"

"Hey, I also like Adventure King, but... I like Nami!"

"Huh~ you are disgusting!"

"What? Don't you like it?"

"I like it! But I prefer Robin, the ice beauty who recently debuted!"

"Hehe, hurry up to sleep! Everything in your dreams!"


In the heated discussion, the screen was set up soon, and the projection phone bug was ready!

next moment!

A group of buildings seen from a bird's-eye view is projected on the screen!

"what is that?"

"Didn't you say you want to broadcast the live-action version of Adventure King? Why didn't you see the real person?"

"Wait, this place...where do I seem to have seen it?"

"When you say that, I also have a little impression. I really seem to have seen it somewhere!"

"Yeah! I also feel a little impressed!"

"Idiot, isn't that the justice island? The justice island of the world government!!!"


Only five seconds after the opening, someone soon recognized the scene on the projection!

Justice Island!

And just when people were wondering why the Judicial Island was projected, an out-of-mirror sound that sounded slightly bad came up!

"Gentlemen in front of the screen, ladies and gentlemen, good noon! I am the anchor of this live broadcast, your dear... next door Lao Wang!"

"Next, I will bring you a wonderful live broadcast, an annual drama performed by all members of the Straw Hat Adventure Group---breaking the Judicial Island!!!"

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