Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1059: Those who watch the excitement are not afraid of big things

Break the Judicial Island! ?

After all the people watching the live broadcast were stunned, they immediately became excited!

"Really want to break the Judicial Island?"

"This is the biggest thing in recent years, right?"

"Here, here comes! The familiar taste is here! This reminds me of the turbulent era for more than ten years. Major events happen almost every few days, and there is fun to watch!"

"Don't say it, today this thing is really a bit like it was back then."


There is a saying that is good, and those who watch the excitement are not afraid of big things!

These people who are watching the live broadcast now have this idea!

They don’t care whether the Judicial Island has never been breached, whether it has a success rate, and they don’t care whether the attacked Judicial Island is the face of the world government. Anyway, this is a big thing, they like to watch it!

However, they liked to watch it, but some people's faces changed!

"What about the captain? Do you want to stop it?" A young navy in the crowd asked the tall man with an ugly expression.

Although the navy is an army, it is usually strictly managed, but it is not unreasonable, and occasionally it will leave it for a few days to leave the base to breathe and have fun.

And now this is the case with this navy and the tall man next to him!

But what they never expected was that they encountered such a bad thing as soon as they came out today!

Although Judicial Island is owned by the world government and not exclusively by the navy, it has something to do with the navy!

Not only is the navy responsible for guarding, but also when the navy catches some major criminals, it will often send them here for a while!

Therefore, if something goes wrong with the Judiciary Island, the navy will have nothing to do, but it will be affected somewhat!

"Go back and report it!" The tall man thought for a while, and made a decision in his heart!

The second thing is to stop it, and the most important thing is to notify it!

Although reason told him that the Judicial Island would not be breached, he didn't know why he seemed to have an ominous premonition in the dark---this time the trouble might be really serious!


The navy got the news and learned that someone from the live broadcast of the Judicial Island, or the people from the Straw Hat Adventure Group that was live broadcast, broke the Judicial Island!


The Warring States period did not hesitate much. One party called and notified the person above. On the other hand, he also called a person closely related to this matter---Kapu!

The captain of the Straw Hat Adventure Group is Luffy!

Luffy's grandfather is Karp!

In this case, the Warring States must contact Karp.

No contact without contact!

After all, if this matter is true, Luffy will definitely get a reward!

Even in the face of Karp, there are at most four more words-you must catch it alive!


With a loud noise, the office door was slammed open!

You don't need to look up in the Warring States period to know who the person is---only the old **** Karp dares to enter his office like this!

Others, even if it's the violent temper of Aka Inu, it's all right to enter his office!

"What's the matter with me in the Warring States period!" Karp grinned and said, he also sat down in front of the Warring States period very familiarly, raised his legs, and picked up the senbei on the table. Gu Zi eat it!

"It has to do with your grandson!" Warring States said lightly.

Suddenly, Kapu's hippie smile became serious!

"What's the matter?" Karp asked with a frown.

"Your grandson went to attack Judicial Island!" The Warring States said in a deep voice.


Karp listened, and one fell to the ground without sitting firmly!

But then, he quickly got up, looked at the Warring States with wide eyes, and asked with an incredible expression, "Wait, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly, you say it again?"

"Judicial Island! Your grandson took someone to attack the Judicial Island!" The Warring States Period repeated faintly!

Karp was stunned, and suddenly laughed, "Wow hahaha~ As expected, my grandson went to attack Judicial Island!"

You deserve it!

Warring States silently complained!

Karp did not react to his expectations!

He knew that Karp, the old bastard, was not afraid of big things too!

After laughing for a while, Karp stopped and asked curiously, "What the **** is going on?"

The Warring States began to explain helplessly, saying, "This is how things are..."


the other side!

Just as people were excited about the live broadcast, Luffy and his team also started their battle!

First of all!

They came to the front gate of Judiciary Island from the station!

At this point, this place is already full of navy and CP people in suits!

"There are so many people!"

"That's all enemies!"

"It seems that we haven't seen Usopp and Frankie!"


Like traveling, Luffy's group swaggered in front of this group of people!

But these people are not used to Luffy's group!

"Enemy attack!!!"

After a shout, everyone raised their guns!

"Hehe! Zoro, Sanji, I'll leave it to you here, I'm going to rush in!"

Upon seeing this, Luffy gave an order, with a confident smile on his face, and without waiting for the two to answer, he frantically raised his right hand, and finally threw it out fiercely!

"call out!"

Soon, his hand stretched out, grabbed the flagpole on the tall city wall not far away from the main entrance, and flew over!

"I really like to cause trouble to people!" Looking at Luffy's back, Sanji took a deep breath of cigarette, then violently threw the smoking cigarette **** on the ground, stepped on it, and said, "So much Human, do you have any problems with Chlorella?"


"Sex cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I won't have any problems if you have any problems!" Sauron slowly took out the knife from his waist, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly!

"In that case... we're on it!!!" Sanji said, kicking his feet and suddenly disappearing in place!


Seeing this, Sauron smiled confidently and ran towards the crowd!





And at this moment, the navy and CP who were in charge of guarding the main gate also pulled the trigger!

But obviously!


The two rushed into the crowd one by one, dodged all the bullets, and one wielded the knife frantically to stop the bullets that came, and this wave of shooting was solved easily!

Although the strength of Luffy and his team is nothing in the eyes of really strong people, they have passed the realm that can be injured by bullets. Unless they are a strong shooter, bullets like the current one can’t hurt them at all. they!


Before the gatekeepers attacked the second wave, the two who had already rushed into the crowd began a crushing massacre with the fastest speed!



"call out!"

"call out!"


All of a sudden, a person was kicked into the sky by Sanji, and another person was cut to the ground by Sauron!





"It hurts~"



At the same time, a series of painful screams and rushing on the street sounded, mixed together, endless!

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