Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1060: Like a broken bamboo

Can't stop it!

In front of Sanji and Zoro, the two ace fighters of the Straw Hat Adventure Group, the navy and CP members guarding the front gate could not stop them!

Not long!

A piece of people fell on the ground!

"Solved!" Sanji said, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, drew a stick on his mouth, took out a lighter and lit it.

"Lookie chef, this time I have one more than you!" Sauron put away the knife and said with a smile.

"Only one! This Judicial Island will not only have such a wave of people!" Sanji said indifferently after taking another breath.

"Then wait and see, I will be more than you in the future!" Sauron smiled confidently!

But before Sanji could answer, Nami, Robin, and Chopper, who had been behind them, also rushed over!

Among them, Nami said directly, "Well, you two don't delay, let's go over quickly, Luffy has already rushed in!"

Regarding this, the few people present had no opinion, and walked inside together!

However, what they didn't notice was that a black paint on the ground, like a shadow of a person holding something like a camera phone bug, was quietly following them!

And just as they were walking, this strange shadow suddenly separated several identical shadows, and "flowed" toward the surroundings, as if they were looking for the best angle to shoot!


The Judicial Island is not just an island, but a collective name, consisting of five departments: the former island, the main island, the tower of justice, the bridge of hesitation, and the gate of justice!

At this time, the location of Luffy's party is the front gate of Qiandao!

And the main entrance of Maejima is not only one, but two!

The first one is stationed by the navy and CP members who were hit by Sanji and Sauron, while the second one is stationed by two giants!

But when Nami led the others to the second main entrance, she was surprised to find that the two giants had been instigated!

"Luffy, what's going on now?"

Nami looked at the two giants next to her in a daze, but she couldn't turn her mind for a while!

How does Luffy usually do?

Xiu Dou?

Hot blood?




But the only thing missing is the brain!

Nami really couldn't believe it, because she thought that Luffy, who had no brains, would one day be able to instigate people or two giants!

"Nami, you are here just right! I tell you, they are named Casey and Oymo, who are Dongli and Broki's men! They stayed here after being deceived by the Navy! Just now I told them about us They are willing to help us!" Luffy said with a smile.


Except for Robin, who already knew the situation, Nami and others were dumbfounded!

There is such a coincidence in the world?

These two gatekeepers turned out to be Dongli and Broki's younger brothers?

Whether it's Nami, Chopper, or Sanji and Sauron, they all feel incredible about the situation in front of them!

However, the facts are right in front of them, and they can't help but... they don't have time to believe it!

"Next, let us open this door for you!" After the two giants, Casey and Oimo grinning, they suddenly turned around and took advantage of the huge hammer and axe they were holding. Smashed to the second front door behind them!


Beneath the giant hammer and the giant axe, the second main entrance was accompanied by a loud noise and smoke flying all over the sky, and it was instantly beaten to pieces!

After a while!

When the smoke gradually dissipated, through the main entrance, Luffy and his party immediately saw their purpose of coming to Judicial Island this time-Usopp and Frankie!

Different from the original plot!

In the original plot, Robin and Frankie were both arrested, so CP and his party can walk towards the Judicial Island without any scruples!

But now among the people they caught, one was not their original target, but the person they caught threatening the original target, which is Robin!

In this case, it is naturally impossible for them to go inside!

Well, things are not done properly, why do you walk in?

So, all the people from CP9 are here!

At this time, in front of them were the **** Usopp and Frankie, and behind them was the remaining defensive force on the island --- almost ten thousand garrisons!

"Ussop, Frankie, I've always saved you!" Looking at the two people who were pressed in front, their mouths blocked, and speechless, Luffy was anxious and wanted to rush directly!

But at this moment, Nami hurriedly grabbed his clothes and stopped his behavior!

"Luffy, there are all enemies over there now, you used to be useless, they will threaten us with the lives of Usopp and Frankie! Let's talk about it first!" Nami said with an ugly face.

"This...Okay!" Luffy looked at the two deeply, then clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and agreed!

Luffy is reckless, but not stupid!

He also knows when to do something!

After seeing Luffy settle down, Nami secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

Then, she took a few steps forward, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, we look like we need to talk!"


On a square in the Chambord Islands!

"Fight, really fight!"

"It really deserves to be a straw hat adventure group!"

"Fight, fight hard!"

"Broken, the gate of Justice Island is broken!

"What is that? Giant? There is a giant guarding the gate on Judicial Island?"

"Wait, that's not right! How does this giant help the Straw Hat group?"

"Oh, that's it! These **** of the world government are actually deceiving!"

"The second line is broken, broken! It was broken by a giant!"

"Deserve it! When you lie, you should think of such an end!"


When they saw Luffy and his party smashing through the gates of the former island of Judiciary Island, all the people who were secretly watching the live broadcast were suddenly excited!

People who are not afraid of big things like to watch this kind of fun!

And soon, UU reading www. The news broadcasted live on uukanshu.com also reached the navy headquarters!

"What should I do? Need someone to take down the screen to stop this live broadcast?"

A navy soldier who came to report the news asked the Marshal Sengoku.

Sengoku subconsciously turned his gaze to the side and looked like Karp who was eating senbei as if it had nothing to do with him.

The protagonist of this live broadcast is his grandson!

As an old friend for many years, Karp does not express his position, and the Warring States period is not good at handling this matter related to Karp's grandson!

But in the end, what Warring States got was Karp's blindness!

This old bastard!

After cursing inwardly, the Warring States period thought for a while and responded, "No! It's just that the gate was broken, it's nothing! The defense force of Judicial Island is not weak, there are tens of thousands of troops behind, not to mention CP9 inside. People, it’s impossible for the Straw Hats and the group to continue to fight, just let them broadcast it!"

"In this case, when the Straw Hats and the group are finally defeated, they can use their living example to show those who are unpredictable and dispel their thoughts!"

Since Karp doesn't respond, he can only handle the live broadcast as a normal navy marshal!


Water capital!

The fifth floor of the hotel!

Looking at the live broadcast cast by the projection phone worm in front of him, Gion couldn't help but asked Arthur curiously, "How did you do this, Arthur? Why did the Straw Hat Adventure Group have such a close live broadcast? See it?"

"Ha ha!"

Arthur smiled and said mysteriously, "Secret!"

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