Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1080: Coating and Supernova

"Above the King of Pirates (

The Kingdom of Dressrosa!

"Jie Jie Jie... Qiwuhai assembly? It looks like something big is going to happen!" Doflamingo said with a grinning fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"Then shall we go?" Torrepol said sternly.

"Go, why not? If you don't participate in this kind of important event, wouldn't it be less fun?" Doflamingo said with a smile, and then said, "However, I can go, you can stay and visit the house. !"

"Understood, Dover!" Torrepol smiled and did not object!


Whiskey Peak!

"Summon Qiwuhai?" Krokdal listened to the news, and after thinking for a moment, he waved his hand and said to his men in front of him, "Go and prepare the ships for me, I'm going to the navy headquarters!"

"Yes!" After nodding respectfully, his subordinates turned and left!


Hydra Island!

"Let the palace go over?" Hancock sneered, listening to the news, with a sneer on his face, "Don't go!"

"But sister, the navy's tone is very tough this time!" Sandasonia said with a frown.

Hancock frowned as he listened.

Although she wanted to refuse, after thinking about Daughter Island, she hesitated and said, "Then wait! If someone personally invites you, just go, if not!"

Only then did Sundarthonia let go of her frowning brows, nodded, and agreed, "Understood!"


Somewhere in the great waterway!

"Assemble?" After hearing the news, Jinping hesitated for a while, muttered, "Let's go! The identity of Qiwuhai is still very important to Murloc Island at present!"

After that, Jinping didn't hesitate, came to the beach, jumped, jumped directly into the sea!


Water splash!


Somewhere in the great waterway!

"It seems that something big has happened... Or, go and join in the fun!" Mihawk murmured, rowing his small wooden boat, and heading towards the navy headquarters!


According to the guidance of the middle-aged man, Luffy and his team came to area 1-29!

And they, who were not familiar with their lives, ended up as the middle-aged man expected, and as a last resort, they came to Xia Qi's bar!

"Drink, come and drink!"

"Hey~ that group of navies are really crazy, so they can't go to sea these days!"

"Who said no? It's really troublesome!"

"Lao Lei, you have no way of coating these days, do you still have money to drink?"

"It's okay, I keep the bill!"

"Hey! The boss is still willing to let you keep accounts?"

"I have a good relationship with the boss, can you control it?"

"Your relationship is so good, why don't you get married!"



As soon as he entered the door, Lu Fei and his party heard a loud noise!

Coating! ?

Among them, Luffy heard the point at once!

The middle-aged fake fan told them before that they must be coated if they want to go to the new world!

Immediately, Luffy began to scan the audience subconsciously!

Finally, after scanning a circle, he found the coater Lao Lei who was drinking and chatting with a group of sturdy men!

"Hi, uncle! Are you a coater?"

Very familiar, Lu Fei stepped forward and said hello!

Lei Li listened to this voice and turned his head subconsciously, but he saw a familiar face!


Lei Li, who had seen the Adventure King, narrowed his eyes, and immediately recognized that the person was his old opponent for many years, Karp's grandson, Monch D. Luffy!

At the same time, he also recognized that the hat on Luffy's head was the cap of the former captain!

"Do you want to coat?"

Lei Li, who had a good impression of Luffy, didn't do anything because Luffy was the grandson of his old rival, but instead asked with a smile.


Luffy nodded unconsciously, and said, "An uncle told us that if we are going to the new world, we can only go there if we coat it here!"

"Uh...For you, it is true that only the coating can pass!" Reilly nodded in agreement.

He knows the bounty offered by Luffy and others, and he definitely can't take the route of Mary Joa!

"Then uncle...what is the coating?"

At this time, Luffy asked curiously.

I'm down!

Lei Li couldn't sit still and fell directly to the ground!

What the hell?

Don't even know that you are looking for a coater?

Lei Li's eyes widened and looked at Luffy incredible!

"Hahaha, this kid does the coating without knowing what the coating is!?"

"Haha, weird things happen every year, especially this year!"

"What's so funny? Didn't you recognize it? He is Luffy! Monkey D. Luffy! The one offering a reward of 500 million!"

With these last words, the audience suddenly became quiet!

The people present who hadn't cared about the people who had just entered, listened to these words, subconsciously put down the wine glass in their hands, and looked at Luffy's group!

And looking at it this way, they are not calm anymore!

"It's Luffy and his party!!!"

"The protagonist of Adventure King, the most dazzling supernova this year, Luffy?"

"It's really Luffy!"

"Yes, it is him! Their straw hat adventure group directly airborne the supernova with a collective bounty of 2 billion a few days ago, turning the original ten supernova into eleven, and it is even called this session in the newspaper. The new king among the pirates!"


The arrival of Lu Fei and his party brought a lively discussion among everyone present!

If there are any offenders offering a reward, it is natural!

But the problem is that their bounty is only one or two hundred million, and the least is even a few million, which is completely incomparable with Luffy and his party!

For this reason, Luffy and his party directly became the focus of the audience, the most beautiful cub in the audience!

"This big brother, what is a supernova?"

At this moment, Na wonderfully asked a sturdy man on the side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with an axe next to her.

Regarding Nami, the big man was photographed in the Straw Hat Adventure Group's power and did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied, "Supernovas are recognized as the eleven most powerful pirates who have risen recently!"

"You are one of them! And still the most dazzling! After the Judiciary Island incident, you are vaguely regarded as the rookie king of this supernova!"

"But we are not pirates!" Nami couldn't understand.

"But you are also offered a reward!" The big man shrugged and said, "What is the difference between you who are offered a reward and the pirate? It's just a different name! So everyone agreed that you are one of the pirates. !"

"Of course, the most important thing is that what you did was too long-faced and broke the judicial island that the world government claims to never be able to break, so everyone is rushing to classify you as pirates, and want to take this reputation!"

Can it be like this?

Nami is almost stunned!

These pirates are too shameless!

What is the difference between the rewarded us and the pirate?

Pirates are pirates, adventurers are adventurers!


In order to rub our reputation, class us as pirates?

Are all so shameless?

Are all so realistic?

At this moment, Nami once again deeply understood what human reality is!


the other side!

After Raleigh got up, he had to be patient and explained to Luffy in detail what coating is!

"So this is ah!"

After his explanation, Lu Fei suddenly understood it!

"Uncle, can you coat us with a coating?" Luffy grinned and invited with a smile.

"No problem!" Lei Li agreed boldly!

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