Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1081: Run away

"Above the King of Pirates (

In the end, Lu Fei and his party paid a lot of money to obtain the address of their accommodation from Aunt Xia!

"This is too expensive!"

Nami said distressedly, "The information fee and the accommodation fee together cost 5 million Baileys. It's not as good as we go back to live on the boat!"

"Now the port is probably the focus of the inspection!"

Robin said solemnly, "I just asked the person next to him, and he told me to check other places at most once a day, but at least three times in the port!"

"It was lucky that we didn't meet anyone when we came, but if we want to go back now, it is estimated that we will be found, and a big battle will not be avoided by then! So we still find a place to live!"

As he said, Robin shrugged and said, "Furthermore... We have given all the money, so what else can we do? We can only live in it! If it doesn't stop, it's a waste of money!"

Nami listened, still a little distressed!

That's five million!

Getting it on the market is enough to buy a boat!

However, it was distressed, but Nami finally did not say anything against it, and nodded and agreed.

Relative to money, security is also what she values!

She doesn't want to lose her partner because of money!

that's it!

Luffy and his party left the bar!


Early the next morning!

Luffy and his party walked out of a small hotel in a remote alley!


Luffy, who didn't pay attention, was yawning and stretched, hit someone on the body as soon as he came out of the alley.

Subconsciously, Luffy looked up!

After discovering that the person hit was an uncle with a wretched face, he scratched his head and apologized, "Uncle, sorry, I didn't pay attention!"

"Hey, isn't this the famous little brother Luffy?" The wretched uncle looked at Luffy and teased.

"Uncle, you know me!" Luffy asked with a smile.


At this time, Nami pulled Luffy back, and gave him a violent shudder, saying, "Idiot, this is the Admiral Yellow Ape! Didn't I even show you the newspaper last night? ? Now you can't recognize it?"

"It was so late last night and I was so sleepy, how could I remember it?" Luffy said grievously.

Nami's three corpse gods furious with this sentence.

But in the end she still had to suppress her anger!

no way!

Huang Yuan is right in front of you!

"You go first, I will block him!" At this moment, Robin stood up and ordered with a serious face!

"How can it? We are partners!" Luffy refused without hesitation.

"Yes! Let a lady stay, this is not what a gentleman should do!" Sanji said with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

Sauron, Frankie, Chopper and others didn't speak, but the posture of preparing to attack already explained everything!

Even Usopp, who is usually very careful, showed a vigilant look at this time!

"Hehehe, Brother Luffy and his friends are really deep and righteous! I can't help but want to let you go!"

Huang Yuan laughed and said something, then shook his head and said regretfully, "It's a pity, I can't let you go! After all... I'm an admiral!"

After speaking, Huang Yuan added abruptly, "Oh, yes, brother, have you been kicked by the light?"

? ? ?

Luffy and his party are a little confused!

Kicked by the light?

What do you mean! ?

At the same time they were puzzled, Robin's heart was alarming!

She naturally knows what Huang Yuan means!


She immediately wanted to make a defensive posture!



Compared to the speed of light, Robin's reaction is still slower!





A yellow light flashed, and all of Luffy's group except Robin were kicked into the sky.


Only Robin had time to block it with his hand, and only slipped out less than three to five meters away!





The kicked Luffy and his party hit the boxes stacked in the alley!

But soon, they all got up!


Robin glanced back at them, and after seeing that they were only slightly injured, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

She could see that Huang Yuan didn't use all his strength just now!

The water of the great channel is already released!

Otherwise, with the strength of Lu Fei and others, he would basically be in heaven now!

As for why Huang Yuan doesn't use all his strength...

Thinking about Huang Yuan’s character, Robin probably understands it!

Now Huang Yuan is just playing!

"Go, there is no use for you to stay!" Robin solemnly ordered to Luffy and his group.

this time!

Lu Fei and others are silent!

Huang Yuan’s just now made them thoroughly recognize the difference in strength between the two sides!

But after leaving like this, they feel a little sorry!


The group struggled, and finally Nami gritted her teeth and made a decision for everyone!

"We stay here are of no use except to cause trouble to Robin! If we leave, there will be no problem waiting for Robin to run alone!" After Nami briefly explained, she took Luffy directly go!

Lu Fei looked at Huang Ape in front of him, clenched his fists, and showed a gnashing look. After giving Huang Ape a hard look, he followed Nami's pull and left!


He is usually a little hot-blooded, but he is not brainless!

In this case, they can only cause trouble to Robin!

And when Luffy was gone, the others took a deep look at Huang Yuan, and they all reluctantly chose to leave!

Regarding this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huang Yuan looked at it with a smile, and did not choose to stop it!

After leaving, Huang Yuan said with a grin, "Finally, I am gone, if you all stay, I would not be able to deal with it... After all, I don't want to offend Lieutenant General Karp!"

He pursues both justice and justice. The greatest pleasure of going to work is fishing. He is not interested in doing things that offend people, and he doesn’t want to do anything. Especially for people like Karp, he doesn’t want to offend. !

Of course, these prerequisites are that the other party does not push his nose on his face and does not offend him!

If the other party kicks his nose to the face, it will offend him... Ha ha!

His Huang Yuan is not only good at fishing!

"So...I'm leaving too!?" Robin asked tentatively as he rolled his eyes while listening to Huang Yuan's words.

"That won't work! I'm always going to grab some business!" Huang Yuan said with a smile.

Hearing that, Robin's heart gradually sank!

Fortunately, she herself had anticipated this a long time ago, but she was not too disappointed!

"Then it can only be done once!" Robin said indifferently, his eyes flashed a little, and he took the lead in attacking.

"Fruit awakens. Thousands of reds. Giant tree. Thousands of hands!!!"


Immediately, countless hands rose from the ground.


the other side!

At the same time Robin and Huang Yuan went to war!

Luffy and his party ran, and they found a huge figure blocking them!

The comer is not good!

Looking at the big man who got in the way, the group of people stopped subconsciously!

"Who are you!?" Luffy frowned and asked.

The big man ignored Luffy’s question, instead he asked indifferently, "If you want to travel...where do you want to go?"

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