Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1082: The Art of Thor

"Above the King of Pirates (

"Huh huh!"

Robin panted quickly!

At this time, half an hour had passed since she and Huang Yuan went to war!

The current situation is not optimistic!

Huang Yuan is not a green pheasant after all!

Compared with the green pheasant, the fruit ability of the yellow ape can be said to be more restrained against Robin!

Especially when Robin couldn't keep up with him, Huang Yuan’s only weakness, physical skills, and relative weaknesses were not!

Because of this, even if Huang Yuan was a little careless in his fight and didn't use his full strength, Robin still fell short!

"It's time to go! Half an hour is enough for the navy from the navy headquarters to rush over. If you don't leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave afterwards!" Robin thought to himself inwardly, panting, responding to the attack of the yellow ape.

The Chambord Islands itself is not far from the navy headquarters!

Once something happens here, the support of the navy headquarters can be said to be available at any time!

So Robin knew he had to go now!

However, there is also a more important issue...

How to go?

If the opponent is a green pheasant, the problem is simple!

Robin can beat him back and run!

But Huang Yuan is different!

Even if you beat him back, it's no use!

His fruit is a shining fruit. With his fruit ability, even if Robin repulses him and turns and runs away, he will catch up in a few seconds at most without even minutes!

Thinking about it, Robin's eyes began to drift away, looking for opportunities!

At this time, Huang Yuan seemed to have discovered Robin's thoughts, and teased, "Yo Yo, is Miss Robin ready to retreat?"

Was found!

Robin's heart "thumped", but on the surface he responded calmly, "Guess?"

Huang Yuan's eyes narrowed, as if he had seen everything, a wicked smile appeared on his face, and he said mysteriously, "Then I guess...you must run away!"

He got it!

"Thump thump!"

Robin raised his brows, and his heart beat faster!

But on the surface, she still said calmly, "Maybe!"


In response, Huang Yuan smiled, but said nothing.

The two were fighting, and the time passed three minutes!

At this time, Robin, who still didn't find a chance, became more and more impatient!

"It won't work. If you drag it down, the navy will come. It seems that you can only try that trick for completion..."

In the end, Robin made a decision in desperation!

next moment!

After she pushed back Huang Yuan a little bit, she folded her hands on her chest!

"Fruit Awakening. Flower Field. The Art of Thunder God!!!"

In an instant!

With a radius of five kilometers, from the ground, to trees, to various buildings, countless hands stretched out with Robin as the center point!

Huang Yuan frowned slightly when he watched this scene. Although he did not feel any fatal danger, he instinctively felt something wrong!

Subconsciously, he kicked it!

"Kick at the speed of light!"


This kick hit Robin completely!

But a weird scene happened!

Robin, who was hit by this foot, suddenly turned into hands, then completely disintegrated and disappeared in place!

People! ?

Where are people?

Huang Yuan is a little confused!

However, he quickly reacted!

Standing in place, after scanning the surrounding area with the color of seeing and hearing, Huang Yuan touched his chin, his face showed an interesting smile, and said quietly, "Fleeed~ Robin, son of the devil...it's interesting! "


Inside a remote house in the Chambord Islands!

"Huh huh!"

Robin was panting quickly, and the sweat on his forehead was like water, continuously flowing down, directly soaking her collar.

However, Robin did not have time to bother about these at this time!

Instead, he looked at the situation in the house first.

In the end, Robin's eyes lit up after seeing a corner of the room.

"There is a phone bug? According to the time, should Luffy and the others get back on the boat? I'll report that it is safe first!"

Immediately, Robin didn't hesitate, stepped forward, picked up the microphone and shot!


But the phone rang for a long time, but it still didn't connect!

Robin couldn't help frowning.

what happened?

Why did they not answer the phone?

Was it caught?

Thinking wrinkly, Robin whispered, "Take a break first, and then let someone ask for the news!"

Now her physical strength has bottomed out, it must be unrealistic to go out and find someone!

Not to mention other people, just a yellow ape caused her a headache!

Therefore, she can only stay here and wait for her strength to recover before making other plans!


At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

"who are you!?"

A girl looked at Robin with a surprised expression!

She never expected that a stranger would appear in her home.

While Robin listened to her question, his eyes narrowed, and the fruit power was immediately activated, quietly closing the door silently...


New world!

Moby Dick!

"Da da da da!"

On the deck, a figure rushed over!

"Father, it's not good, it's not good!"

On the deck, a sturdy young pirate shouted while running, showing a look of anxiety!

"whats the matter?"

When Marco saw this, he stepped forward to stop him, frowned and asked.

At the same time, the white beard next to Marco also looked at the pirate with a curious look at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com!

The young man said anxiously, "The news from our pirate regiment undercover in the navy just now, Ace... Ace..."

Hearing this, Marco couldn't help but interrupt, "What happened to Ace?"

"I was arrested, Ace was arrested!!!" The youth hurriedly said.


The white beard patted the armrest and said angrily, "What the **** is going on?"

"It is said that the traitor Blackbeard, for the sake of Qiwuhai's position, captured Ace and handed it to the navy!" The young man quickly explained.


The anger hit White Beard's head directly, and he said more and more angrily, "How dare he? How dare he!!!"

"Wait, that's not right! Isn't Qiwuhai already full? Even if Blackbeard is handed over to Ace, it is impossible to sit in it?"

At this moment, Aiden on the side questioned.

"It is said that Basolomi. Xiong has withdrawn from Qiwu Sea!" said the young man.

Aiden showed a stunned look, and then it became clear!

"Father, what do you do now?" Marco asked, frowning.

"What else can I do? Of course it was saved!" After saying that, Baibeard stood up abruptly, showing a trace of domineering, and buzzed, "How can my son fall into the hands of the navy? "

After Marco nodded, he said again, "Then father? How do we save it?"

After thinking about it for a moment, White Beard said, "Order to go down, let someone explore it first, determine Ace's current location, and then find a way to save the person!"

Although he wanted to save people, Baibeard would not make jokes about the lives of the entire pirate group.

If he is not prepared, he will definitely not save people casually, unless... Ace is about to die!

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