Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1083: Konoha joins the war

"Above the King of Pirates (

The captain of the third team of the White Beard Pirates, Ace was arrested, and the Navy announced a public execution! ! ! "---Le Monde!

"The waves are back, the annual war is about to start! "---Chambord Islands Daily News!

"Is a blessing or a curse? The White Beard Pirates are coming! "---A place in the Great Waterway!


Within a few days, Ace's affairs were exposed.

Well, to be precise, the Navy has publicly announced that Ace will be executed!

And this news is like a tornado. When the navy first announced it, it swept the entire sea with lightning speed, and most people on the sea knew it for the first time!

"The Navy is going to execute the captain of the third team of the White Beard Pirates? What a big news!"

"Yes! It seems that a war between the navy and the pirates is inevitable!"

"Well, the Navy has publicly announced it. It goes without saying that it is obviously provoking the Whitebeard Pirates. If the Whitebeard Pirates does not fight back, where will the face of the Whitebeard who is known as the world's strongest man be put? "

"Can't say that! Although Baibeard is known as the strongest man in the world, he is old after all, and his strength must have declined. In this case, he may not necessarily jump for such an obvious trap!"

"That's because you don't know Baibeard! As the world's strongest man, even if he is old, he has his own domineering, he will definitely go!"

"Yeah! Baibeard is very emotional. I heard that his subordinates call him father. In this case, how could he not be saved?"

"What's the matter with the name Father? It's not his own person. It's just a pirate group leader. Isn't that stupid to risk his life to rescue him for him?


Many people have seen some clues in the newspapers---the navy obviously set a trap and waited for the white beard to throw in the net!

On this, people's views are not consistent!

Some people think that white beard is white beard, even if they know it is a trap, they will definitely save people!

Some people think that Baibeard is getting older and not as strong as before, facing such an obvious trap, it is very likely that he will not save it!

But no matter what, everyone knows that the next storm is inevitable!

Whether White Beard goes or not, the sea can't be quiet these days!


the other side!

Great waterway!

A pirate ship with skulls is heading towards the navy headquarters!

"Luffy and his party are gone? Can't contact them?" Arthur, who controlled Moonlight Moriah's body, listened to Robin's call for help, lost in thought!

According to the original plot, at this time Luffy and his party were sent to practice all over the world by the bear!

But now everything is very different from the original plot, which has caused Arthur to be uncertain whether Luffy and his party were sent to the world by the bear, just like in the original book!

Therefore, Arthur couldn't answer Robin's questions for a while!

But it doesn't matter!

He has a way to be sure!

"Wait a minute, I'll call to ask!" Arthur said, hung up, and then dialed another call.


Amidst the ringing of the telephone, the call was soon connected!

Before the person on the other end of the phone could say anything, Arthur spoke directly, "It’s me, Arthur! Check if bears have been in the Chambord Islands recently... By the way, don’t think of his robots as him. , I want news from real people!"

"Is there a bear? Understood! Your Majesty, please wait a moment!" After the voice on the other end of the phone answered, he hung up!

But after a while, the phone rang again!


After Arthur readily pick up the phone, I heard the phone came a burst of rapid breathing with voices, "wheezes ~, Your Majesty, according to intelligence investigation, bear most recently appeared in the shampoo to the islands!"

As he said, the gasp in the voice on the other end of the phone gradually subsided, and said, "Well, we are sure that it is a real person! There is still a little difference between the robot and the real bear, and some places have always kept the characteristics of the robot, mine The subordinates have repeatedly confirmed that they are real people!"

"After he arrived in the Chambord Islands, he has been to the 12th area. As for what he is going to do... I don't know for the time being, my subordinates are investigating!"

Hearing this, Arthur immediately confirmed that Luffy and his party were sent away by don't bear!

According to Robin, the place where they stayed that day was in a small hotel in area 12!

"Okay, you don't need to keep checking, so be it!"

Arthur said, hung up the phone, then called Robin to explain where the group was going down, then put down the phone!

"Next, it's Ace's business!" Arthur murmured, picked up the newspaper on the side and read it!

a long time!


After reading all the contents of the newspaper in one breath, Arthur sighed deeply, put down the newspaper in his hand, with a deep smile on his face, and said softly, "It seems...the plan can begin! Ace's The identity can be exposed!"

With that said, Arthur couldn't help but look forward to it. After the war, the brain of the man who was in the war became like a dog's brain!

"At that time, if the navy, the world government lose too much...maybe you don't have to wait for two years, you can go directly to the world government!" Thinking, Arthur became more excited!

The reason for not going to war with the world government is that Saint Martin is not sure.

But if the world government and the navy lose too much in a certain period of time, it will invisibly increase Saint Martin's winning rate, and Arthur does not mind going to war directly with the world government!


New world!

Mobile number!

be quiet!

Very quiet!

At this time, the Mobi Dick had lost the excitement of the past, and only a piece of silence was left!

Baibeard was sitting on the chair in the center of the deck, looking at the latest newspaper, with endless anger in his eyes.

"Father, what should we do?"

At this moment, Marco broke the silence!


After Baibeard exhaled deeply, he gritted his teeth and said, "Save people!!!"

Originally, when Ace was arrested, he was going to find out where the people were first, and then lay out a complete plan to save the people, but from the current situation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ things cannot tolerate him hesitating Up!

"Understood, I will make arrangements to call all the fleet back!" Marco said directly without ambiguity at this time.

At the same time, Aiden, the second team leader next to Baibeard, also asked, "Father, do you need me to find someone from Konoha Village? Let them also help out?"

In the original plot, Ace was the captain of the second team, but with Aiden, Ace was naturally ranked in the third team, and the others were similar, pushing the number one back according to the number in the original plot!

Baibeard listened, hesitated!

If it was more than ten years ago, when his body was still at its peak, he would definitely reject it without hesitation!


As the strongest man in the world, does he need to be supported to save a person?

But now he hesitated!

no way!

He is old after all!

All kinds of medical equipment around him told him that he is no longer the white beard he used to be!

He also needs to consider these sons around him!

If Konoha's people join, this rescue operation will obviously be smoother and safer!

"Father, Konoha Village has been very happy with us over the years. There are also many brothers from below who go to learn the ninjutsu of Konoha Village. I believe they are also willing to help us!" Marco persuaded from the side.

And this sentence, like the last straw to crush the camel, made the hesitant white beard nodded solemnly.

Baibeard has his own pride in his heart!

But at this time, his age and desire for family affection also made him give up his pride. Compared with his sons, his pride is nothing!

At this time, after a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of Aiden's eyes, he quietly agreed on the surface, "Father, I will contact them!"

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