Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1084: 7 Wuhai Conference

"Above the King of Pirates (

Navy Headquarters!

Marshal's office!


There was a knock on the door!

"Come in!"

The Warring States replied casually.


With the sound of pushing the door, a navy soldier walked in, and after a respectful salute, he said in a deep voice, "Report to the marshal, there are already six in the Qiwu Sea!"

The Warring States Period listened, raised his head, frowned and asked, "The Empress hasn't come yet?"

"The Empress refused our invitation!" The navy soldier reported in a deep voice.

After thinking about it for a while, the Warring States period said seriously, "I remember that Mole was supposed to perform a mission there recently. When you inform him, I will invite the Empress to Daughter Island in person!"

As he said, Sengoku increased his tone a little, and said, "By the way, let Mole tell the Empress that this time is very important. It doesn't matter if we usually refuse our orders, but if we refuse this time... there is no shortage of one in this world. Qiwuhai!"

"Yes!" The navy nodded respectfully!

"Well, you go down first!" After the Warring States waved his hand, he stood up!

After the navy saluted again, he turned and left!

The Warring States also chose to leave after the naval soldiers left.


In a conference hall in the navy headquarters!

This conference hall is very large, with a height of more than ten meters and an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. The decoration is magnificent, but there is a round conference table occupying half of the room!

At this time, there were all kinds of delicacies on the conference table, and people were almost sitting there. Several lieutenants accompanied a few Qiwuhai, only a few empty stools were left!


At this moment, with the sound of the door banging, a huge figure walked in!

"Jie Jie Jie...all there!" Titch said with a grin after a glance around the room.

"Blackbeard? I remember you shouldn't be Qiwuhai, right?" Jinping said in a slightly hostile tone.

The relationship between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Murloc Island is good, and has always protected the Murloc Island, so the relationship between Jinping and the Whitebeard Pirates is also good.

Therefore, facing the traitor of the White Beard Pirates, Black Beard, he didn't have a good tone!

"It was not before, but it will be in the future! Don't you know that the bear has retired?" Titch grinned, revealing a rotten tooth that fits the identity of a pirate.

Listening, Jinping subconsciously glanced at the several lieutenants present.

After discovering that they were embracing their hands, watching their noses and noses, revealing a seemingly irrelevant appearance, Shen Ping had already understood it!

What Titch said is probably true!


After a cold snort, he didn't say anything!

The relationship between him and the White Beard Pirates is okay, but the current situation is obviously not suitable for him to say anything!

In the navy's territory, we must give the navy some face!

Jinping is not arrogant enough to think that he can deal with the navy!

Seeing that Jinping was not talking, he still had plans in his heart. He felt that Blackbeard, who was not yet able to fall out with the Navy, smiled, didn't chase, and sat straight on Doflamingo’s. Around!

In response, Doflamingo glanced at him, his expression indifferent and he didn't care much!

But the next moment!

As a figure walked in, Doflamingo was not calm!

"Krokdal, you bastard!!!" Doflamingo shouted furiously.

this moment!

His anger hit his forehead and he almost lost his mind on the spot!

It was the **** in front of him who said a few things in the adventure king that he was embarrassed during this time!

If it weren't for his subordinates, he would be able to fight back all enemies during this period.

Had it not been for him to have some connections in the world government and still have the secrets of the Tianlongren in his hands, then he would not even have the qualifications to sit here today!

Thinking about it, Doflamingo became more and more angry and roared directly, "What are you talking nonsense among the Adventure King? You can't understand Laozi and hit me. What kind of man is behind you? You know how blind you are. Ba said, how much loss did TM bring to Laozi?"

"Billions! I lost billions of Bailey in this time!!!"

With that, the veins on Doflamingo's neck were exposed!

Klockdal didn't seem to feel the anger in Doflamingo's tone, smiled and greeted naturally, and said, "Hey, it's Doflamingo!"

"Asshole!!! Did you listen to me? That's billions! You can explain to me!!! Why did you do this?" Doflamingo slapped the table and roared.

At the same time, countless thin threads on his body began to beat!

If it were not for the wrong occasion, the current Doflamingo might be about to do it!

At this time, the other people present, whether they were from Qiwuhai or the Navy, showed an expression of interest, looking at them as if they were watching a play!

"What's the explanation?"

There was also an expression of interest on Klockdal’s face and said, "If I have to explain to you, it is... I want to see if the grandson of the naval hero can defeat you. Thief!"

Nima! ! !

Doflamingo was blown up!

At this time, he didn't care about occasions and occasions. He raised his fist and launched an attack on Krokdal!


At this time, the Warring States period just came in.

"I don't care about any hatred between you, but you will sit down for me today!" Warring States said lightly.

Doflamingo listened, his eyes flickering for a while.

Finally, after a fierce look at Krokdal, he sat down angrily!

Upon seeing this, Krokdal shrugged, did not say much, and also pulled a chair away and sat down!

After watching the two men calm down, the Warring States came to the main seat and sat down!

"You should know what it is to call you here today!"

Warring States went directly to the subject ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "In a few days, we will publicly execute Ace, the captain of the third team of the Whitebeard Pirates in the navy headquarters, and the Whitebeard Pirates will attack without accident. Navy headquarters!"

"As Qiwuhai, I don't care what you usually do, but I need you all to be there at this time!"

"Hehehehe, the Marshal of the Warring States Period said so, of course we have no problem!" Moonlight Moria grinned and said with a smile.

"I have no problem!" Mihawk said lightly.

Although his private identity is the worship of Saint Martin, this does not affect his participation in Qiwuhai's activities. As long as it is not against Saint Martin, he does not refuse to perform Qiwuhai's duties!

Of course, the most important thing is that he also wants to participate in this big scene!

As for whether to do anything at that time, that is another matter!

"I'm fine too!" Krokdal gave a vague look at Moonlight Moria, and then nodded.



Qiwuhai all agreed!

And at this moment!


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The Warring States brow raised and responded.


A navy soldier opened the door and walked in anxiously!

After looking at everyone present, the navy soldier walked straight to the Warring States side, attached to his ear, and said a few words in a voice that was almost inaudible!


Listening to the Warring States period, he stood up abruptly, with a frightened expression on his face!

Something big happened!

The others present squinted their eyes subconsciously!

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