Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1090: Ninja power, the navy's precarious line of defense!

"Above the King of Pirates (

If the first huge wave caused by the white beard was unexpected and unexpected, then the wave caused by the six Konoha ninjas at the moment is really unexpected and unexpected!

"Is this a ninja?"

At this moment, Doflamingo, who has always been rebellious, had to marvel at the power of the ninja in the face of such a huge wave!

He knows ninjas, but he hasn't really fought against each other, and the ninjas who live in the white beard territory rarely shoot, so he has no idea about the ninja, which is known as the natural type!

But at this moment, seeing this scene, he has a concept in his mind!

Powerful, sharp, unstoppable...

Doflamingo came up with the word tolerance.

At the same time, in the face of such a huge wave, even though they had seen the scene of the blue pheasant freezing the sea before, the navy still couldn't help getting nervous!

"It's the waves again!"

"If this is true, I am afraid it will be dead!"

"It's terrible!"

"Wait, what is that?"

"Is that a ninja above the waves?"

"How did they get up?"


When they were nervous, the navy suddenly discovered a scene that they could not believe. These ninjas made an attacking posture, stepping on the top of a huge wave as if stepping on a flat ground, and with the impact of the huge wave, they were about to rush in. In their navy camp!

Suddenly, the navy became even more nervous!

If this were rushed in, they would not dare to imagine the consequences!

But at this increasingly tense moment, a burst of melodious and exciting pure music suddenly sounded!


? ? ?

Suddenly, the tense atmosphere on the scene dissipated seven to eight points!

Everyone looked at the source of the sound--Moonlight Moriah with a dazed expression!

"What the **** are you doing?" Doflamingo, who was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the music, jumped out first and questioned the moonlight Moria next to him loudly.

"Ah, haha! I think the atmosphere is a bit nervous, so I will release the new music Narutomaintheme from Xihai to ease the tension for everyone!" Moonlight Moria held the sound shell in one hand and responded with a smile while scratching his head. Tao.

But that's how it is said!

Moonlight. Moriah did not mean to stop singing!

And now the people are back to God immediately after being stunned!

What is the situation now?

The two sides are in fierce battle!

How can I care about these?

So, with the singing, the navy's attention was once again focused on the opponent!

And in the short period of time that they were stunned, the huge waves that the ninjas stepped on were about to be photographed in the naval position!


After all, a general is a general, and he is reliable at a critical time!

At the moment of the moment, a burst of chill came from the direction of the green pheasant, infecting the huge wave, and instantly frozen the huge wave into an iceberg!

And just when the navy thought it would be as safe as before, things changed again!

Two ninjas with long black hair and a quiet aura, who looked like gentle women, stood on the huge ice-bound wave and quickly made a few marks!

"Bing Dun. Bailong roars!"

In an instant, hundreds of ice dragons made of ice roared, broke free from the iceberg formed by the huge ice-bound waves, and attacked the navy!

In this scene, it came too quickly, it came too fast, and it was too unexpected!

Everyone, including the green pheasant, did not expect that anyone besides the green pheasant could use ice!

Therefore, the navy has no time to react, except for a "thump" in their hearts!

Fortunately, the red dog among the three navy generals reacted in time!

"Meteor Volcano!"

A group of lava fists, under the frantic fists of the red dog, shot out, and headed towards the hundreds of ice dragons!





Soon, the ice dragon and lava fists collided in midair, causing a burst of violent explosions!

All the ice dragons were stopped by lava fists for the first time!


But when he saw it, Tsunade, who was still on the Mobile, was not surprised and rejoiced, and his face showed a successful conspiracy smile!

next moment!


Accompanied by a dissolving sound, after the explosion, the scattered lava dissolved and evaporated the original frozen sea and the broken pieces of the ice dragon after the explosion!

In the process of dissolving and evaporating, bursts of water vapor began to emerge!

Only five seconds!

The entire battlefield was covered by this steam!

first timing!

"Water escape. The technique of mist hiding!"

The physique of the Senshou family who are good at water escape, used this technique while tacitly understanding!

In an instant!

The navy headquarters, which had been covered by steam, was completely invisible!

"Eight Door Dunjia---Open the door!"

"Mist blinks!"

"Lei Dun Chakra Mode!"


In this case, the hundred ninjas used their own instantaneous technique one after another, and through the cover of the fog, they surpassed the navy’s defense line and rushed directly in. In the navy!

"Transformation technique!"

"Transformation technique!"

"Transformation technique!"


Immediately afterwards, in the transformation technique, all the ninjas became the navy, directly mixed into the navy, and then used shuriken, steel wire, kunai and other equipment to quietly execute their most What I'm good at --- assassination!



"Come on, there is an enemy here!"

"Someone attacked, be careful!"

"Those ninjas who pretended to be us are killing people, everyone news!"


Amidst a mixture of screams and calls for help, the navy's camp was in the disguise of a ninja, sneaked in, and assassinated, completely plunged into chaos!

"Seeing and hearing color, use it!"

"All those who know how to see and smell use the colors!"

"Quickly, see and hear color!"


The navy, which also had a police officer, reacted quickly and immediately shouted loudly, trying to catch these ninjas with sight, hearing and color!

But the effect is not good!

There is a gate for seeing and hearing color!

Among the 100,000 navies at the scene, only a small part can reach this threshold!

So most of the navy will not see or hear!

Moreover, seeing and hearing the color may not necessarily be able to see the disguise of the ninja!

Without a shot, the transformed ninja is no different from a real navy!

Seeing, hearing and color can’t tell at all!

In the end, these alert navies are the first targets of ninjas!

Anyone who dared to shout, was killed by the ninjas the first time!

Because of this, the navy's chaos is still unstoppable!

At this moment, what made the Navy even worse was that seeing such a good opportunity, the people of the White Beard Pirates group decisively chose to seize it!

"Go, brothers! Don't let Konoha's brothers fight alone!"

"This is a good opportunity, let's go together!"

"Konoha's brother has created such a great opportunity for us. If we can't catch it, will it still be the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Come on!!!"


In the excitement of shouting and killing, the members of the White Beard Pirate Group, which had been stopped by the ninjas, started again, shouting and killing directly into the navy headquarters and joined the melee!


The navy line of defense that was already chaotic has become precarious and is in danger of being breached at any time.


the other side!

Just when the navy's defense line suffered a strong impact~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a big battle was about to unfold!

And the two sides of the war are the Hawkeye Joe Lacol Mihawk, known as the world's greatest swordsman, and Edward Newgate, the white beard, known as the world's strongest man!

"Da da da!"

Mihawk walked out of Qiwuhai's team without any haste and stood at the forefront!

Facing the white beard standing on the deck not far away, an awe-inspiring fighting spirit rose from Mihawk!

"Jorakl Mihawk!?"

"Is Qi Wuhai finally going to make a move?"

"With Qiwuhai joining, the situation may be changed!"


The surrounding navy looked at this scene, their eyes lit up!

With the addition of Qi Wuhai, the situation in front of you will not be reversed, but it will be much better!

"This is really rare!" Huang Yuan said with interest.

"That eagle eye, who does his own way, wants to participate in the war?" The red dog looked at the back of eagle eye, and his firm face also showed a rare hint of surprise!

In the eyes of high-level navy, the eagle eye is just doing its own way!

Although I will not refuse the mandatory enlistment of the Navy, I will not participate too actively.

Today, Hawkeye actually took the initiative, which surprised them somewhat!

"Why, are you going to do it?" Doflamingo raised his mouth and asked with a smile.

"Just try it, how far is the man in front of us from us!" After Mihawk responded faintly, the expression on his face became more solemn!



Mihawk drew out the black knife behind him, and without hesitation, he cut it in the direction of the white beard!

"call out!"

Suddenly, a fierce sword gas shot out!

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