Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1091: Fierce battle! Tsunade joins the battle!

"Above the King of Pirates (

Yingyan's sword spirit is very fierce!

Even if they didn't face it in person, whether it was the navy or the Qiwuhai who were present, they could feel the danger brought by this sword aura from a distance!

However, for this fierce sword spirit, White Beard was not moved at all!

He just took his naginata and stood on the deck of the Mobydike, smiling, facing the sword spirit indifferently!

And just when the sword spirit is about to reach the Moby Dick!

"Da da da da!"

A rush of footsteps sounded!

A sturdy man rushed from not far away and directly blocked the path of Jian Qi's advance!


A violent collision sounded, and the strong man leaned forward with his arms open, and suddenly exerted his force, blocking the path of the sword energy!


Along with the roar, the strong man and Jian Qi entered a stalemate.


But there was a stalemate for a few seconds. As the strong man’s legs were stamped out of a small pit on the ground by the pressure of the sword, the strong man roared, his veins exposed and his arms suddenly exerted force. , Lift up hard!


The sword energy was directly changed direction by the strong man, and he flew upwards for hundreds of meters before exploding directly in the air.

And at this moment, the brawny man also revealed his true colors-the captain of the fourth team of the White Beard Pirates, Diamond Joz! ! !

Devil Fruit Superman is a person with the ability of Shining Fruit, who can turn his body into a diamond, one of the strongest people in the world.


Watching this scene, Hawkeye's eyes moved slightly, and after a moment of silence, he put away the knife in his hand!

Although he didn't really have a fight with White Beard at the moment, and he couldn't even count as a fight, in fact, in Hawkeye's heart, the result has already come out!

Even the people under White Beard can block his slash, so what qualifications does he have to fight White Beard?


at the same time!

On the battlefield of the navy headquarters!

At this time, the navy's line of defense was on the verge of collapse!

The culprit of all this is not someone else, but Konoha's ninja!

To be honest, there are not many ninjas!

There are only a hundred people!

Compared to the 100,000 navy, the gap between the two sides is astonishing a thousand times.

However, the pressure on the naval line of defense caused by only a hundred ninjas is not just a hundred people, a thousand times as simple as it is, it can even be said to be fatal!

no way!

The transformation of the ninja is disgusting!

It makes you totally confused between friend and foe!

In the thick fog where you can't see your fingers, the pressure is already strong enough, and when you can't distinguish between the enemy and the friend, the navy has no way to fight together, and even the people next to it can't believe it!

So even if the line of defense is defeated step by step, they can only stay where they are, guarding, and protecting themselves!

Three exclusive seats!

"Really...These ninjas are really troublesome. They all transform in front of you and you don't know if they are true or not, making their heads bigger!" Huang Yuan said leisurely and stood up. stand up!

After walking two steps forward, Huang Yuan squinted at the foggy battlefield in front of him, with a weird smile on his face, and slowly said, "If you want to minimize the loss... Capture the thief first!"

As he said, Huang Yuan burst out with yellow light, covering his body!

Then, these lights gradually disappear!

At the same time, Huang Yuan's figure disappeared in place!

next moment!

At the top of the navy headquarters, a burst of dazzling light like the sun burst out, illuminating the fog-filled navy headquarters!

"what is that?"

"Too glaring!"

"Yellow Ape, it must be Yellow Ape!"


Even though the fog is filled, the dazzling light from the yellow ape still makes the people below feel extremely dazzling!

However, Huang Yuan himself didn't care about their feelings!

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!" After speaking softly, Huang Yuan folded his hands on his chest and pinched out two orchid fingers.


"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"


A yellow light began to bloom in the middle of the orchid finger, and light bullets were shot out from it, toward the white beard!

Baibeard watched this scene, unmoved at all, just watched it with a grin, and said, "Hey, why is it so dazzling!"

The voice just fell!


There was a sound of flapping wings!

A bird-like figure with blue flames inserted into the battlefield from the side, directly blocking the white beard's body!


In the next second, countless light bullets directly collided with this figure, and caused a series of violent explosions and extremely dazzling light over the navy headquarters!

During this process, the figure with the blue flame was holding on to it, and did not retreat at all.


Watching this scene, Huang Yuan who was launching an attack moved his eyes slightly, and he seemed to feel something in his heart, but he didn't say anything!

About three seconds later!


When the last explosion sounded through the headquarters of the navy, endless waves of air swept out, and this attack could be considered to have come to an end.

And the bird-shaped figure with blue flame appeared in front of everyone at this time!

The Captain of the First Division of the White Beard Pirates, Marco the Phoenix!

"How can I disturb our King as soon as you come?" Marco said with a slight raised mouth.

"It's terrible... The White Beard Pirates!" Huang Yuan said with a smile, but there was no fear on his face.

And between the two of them, Marko's little injury was completely restored under the influence of the blue flame!


Immediately, Marco did not hesitate, roared, and transformed into a phoenix with blue flames and glasses on his eyes!


Immediately afterwards, with the flapping of wings, the phoenix that Marco had transformed directly rushed to the yellow ape!

Upon seeing this, Huang Yuan showed a smile but a smile on his face, and joked, "I have never seen this kind of bird!"

With that said, Huang Yuan once again folded his hands on his chest, once again compared the appearance of an orchid finger, and launched an attack!

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"

Countless light bullets were launched from Huang Yuan's hands and swept towards the flying Marco!

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"


But Marco was unmoved by this, relying on the powerful resilience brought by the fruit ability, letting the light bullet hit him, and rushing to Huang Yuan's side with his strength!


Marco kicked it out, and Huang Yuan raised his left hand to block it!

"Well... this trick worked too!" Huang Yuan said with a strange expression on his face, as if he was playing!

"Don't deceive!!!" After Marco roared, he suddenly used his force.

"call out!"


In the next moment, Huang Yuan was kicked out, turned into a light, and bombarded the wall of the navy headquarters, blasting the wall out of a huge pit, and at the same time let a fierce air wave swept from the pit Out!

"Shoot Mr. Huang Yuan into the air?"

"No? Mr. Huang Yuan?"


When the navy was surprised by this, Huang Yuan appeared in front of everyone intact, still with that disdainful smile on his face!

"It doesn't seem that simple, let us go to Huanglong?" Huang Yuan said with interest.

Immediately, after taking a deep look at Marco flying in the sky, Huang Yuan turned around and looked at the incomparably large figures in the navy headquarters, saying, "The giant army, also pay attention. The sky!"


When the giants heard this voice, they raised the weapons in their hands, and their faces suddenly appeared excited!

They understand!

Huang Yuan meant to send them out!


the other side!

Along with the intense blast caused by Huang Yuan and Marco's fight, the dense fog in the navy headquarters was gradually blown away!

"It seems that it's time for me to play!" Tsunade muttered involuntarily as he watched this scene.

She knew in her heart that as the concentration of the mist decreased, the role of the ninjas would shrink a lot!

When everyone can see, the transformation of ninjas is easier to be found, and it is less likely to cause panic in the navy!

At this time, if you want to create the effect just now, unless the ninjas are fully fired, UU Read www. uukanshu.com uses a variety of ninjutsu to kill people around!

But that is obviously unnecessary!

If the ninjas are fully fired, the navy will certainly lose a lot, but as long as the navy is not stupid, the ninjas will definitely become the primary target of the navy!

In the end, no matter what the result is, the ninjas will definitely lose a lot in this battle!

But the problem is, they are the support from the Whitebeard Pirates, not from the Whitebeard Pirates!

There is really no need to do this!

However, Konoha and the White Beard Pirates are friendly forces after all. If they are obviously passive and sabotaged, that would not be very good, and I can't explain it!

So, Tsunade’s shot is just right at this time!

She doesn't appear to be passive and sabotaged by the ninjas, and even if she stops a navy admiral, it can also appear that their ninjas are loyal and can go to the fire for friends!

After all, the general is the highest combat power of the navy!

Tsunade thought in his heart and fixed his gaze on the corner of the battlefield!

"The goal is him!"

The green pheasant entered Tsunade's sight!

Tsunade is also a bit of a thief at this time!

She knows the abilities of several generals in the navy. The red dog has strong lethality and the yellow ape is fast. Although she can fight the two, she must be passive in the fight, because their fruit abilities do restrain her a bit!

But the green pheasant is different!

There is no direct restraint relationship with her, and Tsunade is not uncomfortable when the two sides fight!


After selecting the target, Tsunade is also unambiguous!

"Whitebeard, I'm on, let the green pheasant give it to my old lady!" Tsunade said, and before Whitebeard could answer anything, his body suddenly exerted strength and his body shape disappeared in place!

Tsunade has joined the battle! ! !

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