Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1097: Double agent! Battlefield 0 state!

"Above the King of Pirates (







Screams, wailing, charging, metal collision, bullets, artillery shells firing, all kinds of sounds rang densely on this battlefield!

And it was accompanied by gunpowder, blood, and corpses falling down and standing up inexplicably, joining the battle!

"It's too awful!"

"Look...Look...Looking at this scene...My heart trembled!"

"Wait, that's not right! Look at the person on the screen. Didn't he just get hacked to death? Why did he stand up again?"

"Yeah! I found it too! Many people stood up inexplicably after falling down!"

"How is this going?"

"Too weird, too scary!"


Those who are watching the live broadcast cannot bear to look directly at such a scene!

Although this world is very dangerous, most people usually have seen the appearance of a dead person to some extent, but the fierce battlefield now makes people who are watching the broadcast feel trembling!

While trembling all over, there were also people with sharp eyes who saw a different scene-the resurrection of the dead!

After the person who appeared in the projection in the last second was killed, the next second the person who was killed stood up and joined the battle!

This discovery makes people feel a horror!

No matter how you look at it, this is not like a normal situation!

"Perhaps... Devil Fruit?"

At this time, someone also put forward a guess that fits the mainstream of the world!

"Yes! It may be a devil fruit!"

"Except for Devil Fruit, I really can't think of anything that can do such a thing!"

"Have you noticed that after death, those people were resurrected after a shadow diamond entered?"

"Yeah, what you said is really true!"

"So in other words, is it really a devil fruit?"


For this, people can only agree with this answer when they can't find other reasons!


at the same time!

Navy Headquarters!

Looking at the battlefield below, the Warring States after a closer observation, found a very puzzled thing!

After playing for so long, it seems...it seems...is there no one less person on the entire battlefield?

While this discovery puzzled the Warring States period, it also made him observe the battlefield carefully!

In the end, after observing for a long time, he found the culprit... Moonlight Moria!

Whenever a person fell down, a shadow appeared under Moonlight Moriah's body, got into the body of this person, and then the body stood up again and joined the battle!

Of course, if only this is the case, the Warring States period can still accept it!

But the next scene made the Warring States hate a little bit itch---the standing body not only killed the pirates, but also the navy!

Well, to be precise, the corpses that stood up were dressed in navy costumes and killed the pirates, and those dressed in pirate costumes would kill the navy, and they were still killed by those who were not possessed by shadows!

Good guy, the Warring States period calls good guys!

How about your TM's acting as a double agent?

The Warring States was so angry that he almost couldn't help but kill Moonlight Moria in person!

However, in the end he held it back!

Ace is more important here, the execution platform still needs his guard!

Of course, not being off the court does not mean not doing it!

With the method of Moonlight Moriah, in the end, maybe the navy killed by the pirates did not kill as many as he did!

Therefore, the Warring States Period turned his head decisively and cast a look at the Huang Yuan who was aside!

Huang Yuan followed the look of the Warring States, and quickly discovered the wonderful work on the battlefield of Moonlight Moria!

Immediately, he nodded clearly!

next moment!

Without saying much, he turned into a light, gave up the white beard he had originally wanted to get, and rushed towards Moonlight Moria!


At the same time!

One of the pirates rushed towards Moonlight Moria!

Murloc is very flat!

As the former Qiwuhai, he was sent to the Great Undersea Prison by the Navy because he was unwilling to be an enemy of Baibeard. As Luffy escaped from the Great Undersea Prison, he also escaped and came to this battlefield together, joining To fight!

During the battle, Jinping also found the same problem as the Warring States period!

Moonlight Moria, who controls countless corpses, is killing wildly!

This made Jinping unable to sit still!

Moonlight Moriah almost killed more people than the navy!

If this continues, regardless of whether the final result is a loss or a loss, they must have suffered heavy losses!

So, with a kick of his legs, his whole figure was like a cannonball, and he flew directly towards Moonlight Moria!



Under the collision of two famous knives, Shanks and Mihawk were deadlocked together!

"I'm sorry!" Mihawk looked at the red hair on the opposite side, his hands did not decrease, but he said such a sentence!

The two are usually friends and foes!

Fight often, and often drink together!

Therefore, in this situation, he felt so guilty about what he had prevented Shanks from!

"It doesn't matter, everyone is the master!"

Shanks shook his head, and didn't mean to blame Mihawk!

He and Mihawk are close friends, and they won't hurt their feelings because of such trivial matters!

"It's good if you understand, I will use my full strength next!" Mihawk said in a deep voice.

The use of full strength is not because Mihawk and Shanks have an antagonism, but because he knows what Shanks is!

If he releases the water, it is disrespectful to Shanks!


Shanks smiled openly, his body burst out, and said, "Come on!!"


"White Beard... Give me death!!!"

A look of excitement appeared on Krokdal's face, which turned into a cloud of sand and swept toward the white beard.

He has never forgotten Baibeard's hatred!

It's just that St. Martin's matter is more important. He hasn't bothered with White Beard in these years!

"You kid again? What a headache~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it's time to find trouble again!" Baibeard said helplessly.

But then, the white beard did not mean to move!

"Shining. Crash!"

At this moment, a huge figure sprang out from the side and directly slammed into Krokdal!


Unreachable, Krokdal was hit and flew out directly!

However, Krokdal is fine!

After turning into a ball of sand in the air, he landed on the ground again intact!

"I will guard my father, Krokdal will never want to pass!" Diamond Joz roared and stood in front of White Beard!


"Bear, what's wrong with you bear?"

Seeing the bear who attacked him without hesitation in front of him, the ladyboy king couldn't help but become anxious!

Why did the bear become different after he came out of the Great Undersea Prison for a few years?

"Don't shout, he doesn't recognize you anymore!"

At this time, Doflamingo's voice came from the side faintly!

Subconsciously, the ladyboy king looked at Doflamingo with curious eyes!

"I don't know what is the relationship between you and the bear, but I can tell you that the original bear is dead, and the bear is no longer the bear you know! Now he is just a weapon in the hands of the world government!" Doflamingo shrugged and said with a smile.

How can it be?

As the ladyboy king listened, his face was unbelievable!

Only a few years have passed, how could bears become like this?

Shemale King does not believe it!

"call out!"

But at this moment, the bear attacked him without hesitation!

As a last resort, the Ladyboy King could only concentrate on dealing with the bear's attack!

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