Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1098: Take the head, besiege Arthur!

"Above the King of Pirates (





Seeing a man's head taken by himself and Moonlight Moriah controlled by Arthur, a happy smile appeared on his face!

what is this?

Is it a human head?


They are powerful souls!

Those who take part in this battle are not idlers, even small soldiers are dozens of times stronger than ordinary people!

In this case, every time a person is killed, it is equivalent to the income of a powerful soul in the Xuye Palace.

Moreover, this also means that the templates that come with the Xuye Palace are more likely to be inherited!

Well, Arthur has also discovered through observations over the years that, for things like template inheritance, in addition to a certain degree of identity for the heir, that is, a certain degree of similarity with the template himself, it also needs to be strong in his lifetime!

The stronger the person is, the more likely it is to inherit!

Although this is not a hard and fast rule, it is true!

So far, whether it is Xuye Palace or Seireitei, most of those who inherit the template are those who are strong or dominated by the souls of those who are strong in life!

Although there are some that were not strong in life, but only a small part!

So, Arthur is so excited now!

Up to the present position, neither the Xuye Palace nor the Seireitei are full of people. If this wave of soul income, Seireitei will not say, but the Xuye Palace can at least receive a template!

And just as Arthur was happy to accept the head, a flash of light suddenly appeared!

"Oh, shit!!!"

Arthur, who was taken aback, reacted in a timely manner, and directly turned into a shadow with Shadow Shadow Fruit to escape the attack!

But before he emerged from the shadows, he found a plump blue figure flying over him!

It's Shiping!

Upon seeing this, he quickly suppressed the movement that emerged, turned into a shadow and sank!

"Tsk tusk tusk... it really is Qiwuhai! It's so terrible! It was able to escape my blow!" Huang Yuan's words that revealed the wretched aura faintly sounded!

"Morya, come out for me!" Xinping's words rang almost at the same time!

At this time, Arthur emerged from the shadow!

"It's terrible! I was almost hit!" Arthur glanced at the two of them, then patted his chest, and said with a smile.


Hearing these words, Huang Yuan felt a sense of sight inexplicably!

How does it feel like...should I say it?

However, he didn't wait for him to think about it.

Arthur looked at the two with a grievance on his face, and then said, "Why are the two looking for me? I don't seem to have done anything angry and grieving? As for the navy pirates to deal with me together?"

"Brother Moria, you are a bit unkind...you don't know what you did yourself?" Huang Yuan looked at Moria's aggrieved appearance, but a strange expression appeared on his face. !

People like Moria still have this expression! ?

Huang Yuan expressed his surprise.

"Morya, don't pretend to be a fool, do you think no one can find out what you did?" Jinping said unceremoniously.

"Jie Jie Jie... I know what I did, but... what can you do with me? Hahaha!" Arthur controlled Moonlight Moria’s body, learning Moria’s daily tone, somewhat The sand sculpture laughed!

"Wow, it's terrible!" Huang Yuanxi said with a smile, and did not hesitate to do it...

"Kick at the speed of light!"

"The bottom of the shark muscle palm!"

At almost the same time, Jinping jumped up and kicked Arthur!

But the next moment, Arthur once again turned into a shadow and disappeared in place!


An extremely disgusting thing happened to Huang Yuan and Jinping!

"It's not good, General Huang Yuan rebelled, he killed himself!"

"It's not good, Jinping rebelled, he killed himself!"


At the same time when these two sentences appeared, countless navies killed Huang Yuan, and countless pirates killed Jinping!

Gan! ! !

Huang Yuan and Jinping suddenly felt 10,000 grass-mud horses running by in their hearts.

Arthur this operation...


Really vomit!

The two were directly disgusted and about to throw up!

They could almost see what was going on at a glance!

These navy and pirates are actually the corpses controlled by the **** Moonlight Moria!

But the problem now is not that they don't see what is going on, but they know that these are the corpses controlled by Moonlight Moriah, but others don't know! ! !

The number of naval pirates rushing towards them totaled one to two thousand!

And these two thousand people shouted that they had rebelled!

There is a saying, three people become tigers!

If one person tells a lie, others don't believe it, if two people tell a lie, others suspect it, and someone else believes a lie told by three people.

And now there are a total of one or two thousand people, all of whom are their own comrades in arms. Do you think the naval pirates on the field believe it or not?

Of course I believe it!


If it is normal, they can also explain!

But what is the situation now?


Everyone is in a fierce battle!

Who has the time to discern the lies of others?


As long as there are too many people to talk about, in this highly stressful situation, basically everyone else will believe it!

Because of this, the two of them must be temporarily unclear!

And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ temporarily unclear is still a trivial matter!

What's even more cheating is that the two of them really can't kill the navy and pirates that came to besie them!

Killed now, on the one hand, it further confirmed the words of these people!

Make people around who are in fierce fighting and unable to judge believe the words of the two, and attack them!

On the one hand, the explanation is not clear afterwards!

After all, these people were almost always pulled up by Moria at the moment they died!

In this case, their corpses are still fresh. Once the two fight back and kill these naval pirates, then after the war, people must not be able to tell whether they were killed before or afterwards. Or even killed!

"This bastard... really wants to kill him!!!"

At this moment, the Huang Yuan who usually looks very Buddhist, can't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart!

Damn it!

He was always the only one who disgusted others, when was it his turn to be disgusted by others?

Thinking about it, Huang Yuan also discovered something more fucking...

He really has no choice but to take this bastard!

In these countless situations of navy tangled hands and feet, it is not too difficult for him to find a Moonlight Moria hidden in the shadow!

Gan! ! !

In the end, after a helpless roar in his heart, Huang Yuan turned into a flash of light with the aura of the whole being bad, and returned to the navy's position!

Can't find, can't fight, what else can he do if he doesn't return?


the other side!

Jinping also made the same choice as Huang Yuan almost at the same time!


Protect our father!

no way!

He won't be able to retreat!

He could not find Moonlight Moria!

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