Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1121: Last time, 5 minutes!

(I didn’t pay attention, I set the wrong time, sorry!)

"Ace, are you awake!?" Luffy asked in surprise.

"How did your handcuffs get untied!?" Akagi's doubts were also asked almost at the same time!

Facing the problem between the two, Ace first faced Luffy with a strong smile on his face, saying, "Yes!"

After that, he turned his head and said coldly at the red dog, "What's your business?"

In fact, Ace didn't know how the handcuffs on his body were untied!

After Ace woke up, the ninjas of the Ghost Shadow Legion sank into his shadow again. No one discovered his existence during the whole process, not even Ace!

Therefore, for the sudden release of the handcuffs, Ace himself is a bit inexplicable!

However, I don’t know, I don’t know, but Ace knows that he is not concerned about these things at the moment!

As far as the current situation is concerned, the most important thing is... retreat!

That's right!

Just retreat!

What is the purpose of this war?

Save him!

And his handcuffs are now untied, and people are free. Doesn't it mean being saved?

The rest is naturally retreat!


If you don't retreat, you can't stay here and die with the navy, right?

Regardless of the fact that the White Beard Pirates and the forces that came to support them currently seem to have an advantage, in fact, if the fight continues, the White Beard Pirates and the forces that come to support them will definitely lose!

after all...

The navy headquarters is not far from the world government!

It is impossible for the world government to watch the navy headquarters being captured by pirates!

That would not only damage the reputation of the Navy, but also the interests of the world government!

"It's none of my business! But... I'll catch you again!" said the red dog gritted his teeth.

"Then give it a try!" Ace replied stiffly without being afraid.


After listening to Ace's words so hard, the red dog snorted coldly, without any ambiguity, and struck Ace directly!

"Heaven Dog!"

The lavaged arms stretched out quickly and bombarded Ace!

"Yang Yan!"

Ace didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his arm, a pillar of fire shot out from his palm, facing the lava arm of the red dog with endless heat!


The two collided, the attack was still deadlocked, but the hot air wave had already rolled out!

Flames and magma splashed around at the first moment of the collision between the two of them.

There was a stalemate for a while!

After all, the general was a general, and soon Ace's pillar of fire was gradually suppressed by the extended lava arm of the red dog.

Seeing that the attack of the red dog was about to completely suppress his attack, Ace didn't dare to stay anymore, and quickly grabbed Luffy on the side, kicked his legs, and quickly dodged toward the side!


the other side!

Whitebeard, who was fighting with Karp, Warring States, and cP members, also saw the liberated Ace!

"Goo la la la ~ Ace is liberated!" White Beard laughed boldly!

"He can't go!" The Warring States said coldly.

And listening to the words of the two, Karp was excited, but didn't say anything on the surface!

Ace was liberated, of course he was happy!

However, his identity is the navy right now, so naturally it is hard to say anything!

Could it be that he was also happy with the white beard?

After that, the Warring States Period might have killed him alive!

"Goo la la la~" Bai Huo smiled and took a deep look at the Warring States period, then turned his head and yelled at everyone present, saying, "Ace is liberated, everyone will cover him and leave, and together Leaving, the old man will give you a break!!!"

The voice just fell!

"Yes! Father!"

"Cover Ace to leave!"

"Attention everyone, cover Ace!"

"Leave together!"


A group of pirates raised their weapons, shouted in excitement, and agreed with the slightest hesitation!

Ace is liberated, then as long as the next retreat is over!

"All the navy, cP members obey orders, give us stop the pirates, stop Ace, there are only five minutes left before the execution time, catch Ace and execute him, we will win!!!" Zhan Guo listened to white Beard's words, not to be outdone, gave orders!

"Stop Ace!"

"Stop the pirate!"

"There are only five minutes left in the execution time. Be sure to catch Ace before the execution time comes!"


The navy's faces showed firmness and shouted!

Compared with the pirates who only need to cover Ace to leave, the navy’s task is obviously heavier...not only to catch Ace, but also to catch Ace within five minutes, otherwise, the time will be longer than before and Raleigh. The bet is about!

At that time, if you insist on catching Ace, it would be a violation of the gambling contract!

Although gambling is not something that cannot be violated in the eyes of the Warring States period, it is live broadcast right now!

If you insist on breaking it, it will be a bit ugly!

of course...

If it's time to violate, Zeng Guo doesn't mind the violation, as long as the live broadcast is turned off!

I didn't directly see the navy breaching the gambling contract. Afterwards, I just need to control the newspapers and newspapers' speeches, and then dump the charges of the live broadcast to the temporary workers!

Of course, it would be best if you could catch the opponent within five minutes!

That would neither damage the reputation of the Navy nor violate the gambling contract!

"Fortunately, there is a red dog!" After taking a look at the person who was blocking Ace, the Warring States period also put aside a snack!

With the strength of the red dog, as long as no one stopped him, it was easy to deal with Ace, and he could catch it in a minute or two at most.

And just as the Warring States period was thinking about it, White Beard went crazy again!

In order to allow Ace, the White Beard Pirate Group, and the White Beard Pirate Group's pirates, and the supporting forces to leave safely, White Beard decisively turned on the most powerful shock fruit!

"Gum la la la la ~" White Beard smiled boldly, a vibrating force swept out with the sound wave!



Along with the sound of glass shattering, a huge crack in tearing the sky appeared out of nowhere. At the same time as the crack appeared, the navy headquarters began to shake the mountains!

In a short while, a huge ravine with a width of more than ten meters suddenly appeared in the navy headquarters at this time, dividing the entire navy headquarters in two from east to west!

But it's not over yet!


Silver light flashed!

The naginata in Baibeard's hand swept out with endless shaking power!


A slash with endless vibrating power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under the sweep of the white beard naginata, it was locked on the three people in the Warring States period in a crescent shape, and slashed towards the three!

"Be careful!!!"

Warring States shivered all over, and while making a defensive posture, he reminded in surprise!

White beard clearly used 120% of his power!

However, the combat experience of the two is not lower than that of the Warring States. Without the Warring States reminder, the cP members and Karp have already made a defensive posture in an instant!


When the slashing bombardment of endless vibrating power hits the three of them, even though the three of them have used armed domineering, iron blocks, and the strength of the whole body, they are still pushed back by this slashing!

And taking advantage of this gap, Baibeard suddenly shouted, "My children, cover Ace will withdraw me to the other side of the gully!"

While speaking, White Beard's legs slammed on his legs, and the whole person jumped up and rushed in the direction of the red dog...

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