Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1122: Huang Yuan Block Road


Without the slightest accident, with just one blow, the red dog was knocked out!

"Bang, bang, bang!"


After tumbling on the ground for five or six times, the red dog grabbed the ground with both hands and caught two long claw marks on the ground before reluctantly stopping the cast!


But at this moment, his throat was sweet, and after a muffled snort, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

"Ace, get out of here!!!"

However, Baibeard did not take the opportunity to catch up and kill the red dog, but turned his head to the Ace behind him and ordered.

"Yes, daddy!!!"

Ace looked at the stalwart figure of Baibeard, and responded loudly!

In fact, from the heart, Ace does not want to retreat!

He didn't want to face so many enemies alone after the white beard broke for him!

But he also knew that he could not live up to the kindness of Baibeard, he could not live up to the kindness of his brothers!

Now that he can get out of trouble, it is all white beard, it is the result of the brothers desperately. If he insists on staying, then all the efforts of the white beard and the brothers and sisters of the white beard pirate group will be Come to nothing!

So he can't do this, can't be so selfish!

Thinking about it, Ace took a deep look at the back of the white beard, gritted his teeth, helped Luffy who was severely injured, and rushed to the pirates' position!

"Cover Ace, cover Ace!"

"Hold it up, don't let the navy come near!"

"Everyone go together!"


Upon seeing this, the nearby pirates also hurriedly stepped forward to cover!

"Grab Ace and don't let him run away!"

"Ace is there, catch him!"

"Follow me and beat those **** pirates back!"


Naturally, the navy was not to be outdone, and rushed to meet the pirates!

Soon, Ace's surroundings became a piece!

"Ace is going to run away? Okay, it's almost there!" Arthur looked at the already messy battlefield, silently forgot it!

At this moment, the navy pirates joined together, and the casualties were almost halfway...a large part of it was caused by his ghost army!

At this point, both the navy and the pirates are almost at their limit!

Generally speaking, a normal army can collapse with a casualty rate of 5 to 30 percent, but the pirates and navy are elites, so the casualty rate is almost reached There is still no collapse even after fifty!

But that's it!

Except for special circumstances, no matter how elite the army is, once the casualty rate reaches a certain level, it will definitely collapse!

This has nothing to do with experience, quality, and personal strength. It is because after reaching a certain level of casualties, the command system in the army has completely collapsed. Soldiers cannot find generals, and soldiers cannot be found. When no one is in command. , Everyone fights separately, the army will naturally collapse with it!

"But... White Beard can't let him run!" Arthur muttered while looking at the white beard who had passed on the battlefield, his eyes flickering!

Arthur gave White Beard the rejuvenation potion before, because he wanted him to be lethal and to be able to play a greater role on the battlefield, but there was absolutely no desire to let White Beard or go back!

no way!

Once Whitebeard returns, Aiden's plan to take over the power of the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely be blocked!

After all, Baibeard's favorite object is Ace!

With White Beard, the White Beard Pirates must eventually fall into the white beard’s favorite object, that is, Ace’s hands. Even if Ace dies, it will eventually fall into Marco’s hands. It may be Aiden's turn!

This has nothing to do with strength, it is just a matter of closeness!

Ace is the son of an old opponent and a man who Baibeard is optimistic about. It is normal for Baibeard to give him white beard!

And Marco has been with White Beard since he was a child. He has gone through decades of ups and downs. Although he is not his own, it is better than his own. The White Beard Pirates will also have no problem with him!

But what is Aiden?

Although his strength is good, he has only followed Baibeard for more than ten years. In terms of intimacy with Baibeard, he is not even as close as some old crew members!

And more importantly, Aiden has a good relationship with the people in Konoha Village!

Well, this may seem like nothing, but it's actually very important!

What is the strength of the people in Konoha Village?

Even Tsunade makes Whitebeard afraid, and the ninjas in the village, Konoha's overall strength is not worse than the Whitebeard Pirates. If Aiden inherits the Whitebeard Pirates, then Whitebeard will Is the Pirate Group the Whitebeard Pirate Group, or is it an affiliate of Konoha Village?

So unless White Beard has no choice, it is basically impossible for him to inherit the White Beard Pirates!

Therefore, Arthur must not let White Beard go back!

Only when White Beard died here, Aiden could take over the White Beard Pirates!

But...how to make White Beard die is a problem!

The peak state of the white beard can last at least half an hour!

At his peak, the people present, even the Navy, and all the cP members could not defeat White Beard, unable to kill White Beard, and even if he wanted to leave, there was no possibility to stop him!

In other words, if you don't quickly find a way, even if the white beard wants to be broken for the pirates, he can leave!

"It's a bit difficult..." Arthur frowned, touching his chin and thinking!

Thinking about it, his eyes began to drift away from the scene!

When he saw Ace who was holding Luffy and was about to leave, a flash of light flashed in his mind!


Arthur showed a gloomy smile and said quietly, "It seems...there is a way!"


the other side!

Seeing that Ace was about to leave, the red dog was hit by the white beard again, and the yellow ape who was fiercely fighting with Marko narrowed his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in the depths of his eyes!

next moment!

"Kick at the speed of light!"

A laser was kicked out by Huang Yuan!



After a loud noise, the phoenix in the incarnation of Marco screamed and rushed towards the yellow ape with the laser abruptly!

But when he rushed out of the laser, he found that Huang Yuan was gone!


Marco raised his brows, and looked around subconsciously, and the whole audience searched for the figure of Huang Yuan!

Next second!

He saw the yellow ape appearing in front of Ace!

"not good!!!"

Marko's heart throbbed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I feel bad!

Just when Ace was about to run away, Huang Yuan forced him back, and then suddenly appeared in front of Ace. What did that mean?

Huang Yuan doesn't want Ace to go!

And does Ace have the power to leave?


Marco is very clear about Ace's strength, and against Huang Yuan, Ace has no chance of victory. It is very easy for Huang Yuan to stop him!

"Stop it, bastard!!!"

So after Marco roared, he suddenly flapped his wings and rushed towards the yellow ape!

At this level, he can't stop Ace from the yellow ape!

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