Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1125: No right or wrong, only position


In the end, after not knowing how many hits, his face was covered with blood, and the alive and dead red dog was thrown to the ground by the white beard!

"Admiral Red Dog!!!"

"General Sakaski!!!"



Upon seeing this, the navy screamed.

Who is Akinu?

Among the three major factions of the Navy, the leader of the hawks!

It is also the belief of many hawks in the navy!

Faced with the fact that their beliefs have now become like this, how can the hawks naval soldiers not feel sad?

In addition to the hawkish navy soldiers, the dovish navy headed by the blue pheasant and the neutral navy headed by the yellow ape also showed unacceptable expressions!

They were not unacceptable because of the red dog being beaten like this, but because the dignified admiral was beaten like this by a pirate like Whitebeard and it was unacceptable!

What is the navy?

Justice organization!

Although there is a lot of darkness inside, but more is still light, more is still order!

If there is no navy on the sea to maintain order and catch the pirates at the cost of the lives of many naval soldiers, then the entire sea will fall into a state of chaos!

But now, they have done many things for the security of the sea, and even sacrificed a lot of people every moment. The result is that the dignified admiral is beaten like this by the pirates who represent disorder. How can they accept?

At this moment, no matter if they are hawks, doves, or neutrals, everyone remembers their common name, navy!



The navy is completely gone!

"Kill these **** pirates, and avenge the red dog general!"


"We are the navy!!!"


At this moment, the navies who had gone violently had forgotten the division of factions, and they rushed to the pirates with grief and indignation!

The Warring States, Karp, and even the Yellow Ape with a wretched face and other navy, all showed seriousness at this moment, and then... rushed to the white beard!

At this moment, the white beard completely angered the navy!

at the same time!

While the navy ran away, the pirates also ran away!

Because of the death of Ace!

To be honest, the White Beard Pirates, and the forty-three pirates under the White Beard Pirates, were willing to risk their lives to save people, partly because of Whitebeard, and partly because of Ace!

Aisi is usually bold and generous, and he can talk to anyone. In the White Beard Pirates, it can be said that there are friends everywhere, regardless of the White Beard Pirates group or the sea that the White Beard Pirates group has swung down. The thieves are full of praise for him!

Therefore, they will come to participate in this war!

And this is one of the reasons why he is regarded as the heir by White Beard!

A person who can make everyone obey is the best heir!

But today, Ace died here, which also made these people who had made friends with Ace completely angry!


The pirates have also entered a runaway state!

"Vengeance for Ace!!!"

"Kill the navy!"



The pirates shouted angrily, raised their weapons, and rushed to the navy!



Arthur sighed faintly as he looked at the two violent parties.

Was the navy wrong in this war?


In order to kill the pirates, for the security of the sea, and for the interests of the civilians not to be harmed, they did nothing wrong in doing such a thing!

Are the pirates wrong?

There is nothing wrong!

For the white beard, for Ace, for the brothers, they risked their lives and rushed into this navy headquarters at all costs, but in fact everyone knew it was a trap. What's wrong?

Was Arthur, who intensified the conflict between the two sides and caused more deaths, wrong?

There is nothing wrong!

For profit, for Saint Martin, and for himself, he controlled the entire war and guided the direction of the battlefield, so that the enemy, the navy, and the pirates would have greater losses. What's wrong with him?

"It has nothing to do with right or wrong, only stand!" Arthur murmured, waved his hand, and decisively let the ninjas of the Ghost Legion control the corpses of both sides, and joined the two sides of the runaway!


Soon, the corpses controlled by the two sides and the ninjas of the Ghost Legion sent by Arthur were officially handed over!






Accompanied by a scream of killing and screaming, countless people fell down at the first moment the two sides met each other!

However, neither of the two sides who had run away at this time cared about this!

They were so full of anger that they could no longer care about other things, the only remaining thought was to kill each other!

"Die together!!!"

A navy smiled miserably after a sharp blade was inserted into his stomach. One hand stubbornly grasped the sharp blade, making it impossible for the other party to pull it out, while the other hand made a knife with a backhand and inserted it into the opponent's head!

And this scene was staged among the navy and the pirates almost simultaneously.

Both sides are full of anger in their minds, even if they die, they have to pull each other up!

that's it!

The huge gully that Whitebeard had shaken out before and split this part of the navy in half was also the center of the war between the two sides at this moment!

The two sides use the gully as the dividing line. The pirates are in the south of the gully, and the navy is in the north of the gully. Through the gully, while clearing the enemy on their own territory, they cross the gully and try to rush into the enemy's territory and kill the enemy!

For a while, blood, residual limbs, corpses, etc., were densely covered around this huge gully!

the other side!

Those who were watching the live broadcast looked at this tragic scene, and they were all silent!

In the previous live broadcast, various secret experiences and powerful characters appeared on the stage, making them amazed, amazed, awed, and fearful.

But at this moment, they are all silent!

After a long time, someone hoarse throat and said in confusion, "Why are they fighting like this?"


Why! ?

This person's voice not only wakes up the silent people, but also plunges them into thinking!

"Because it is justified for the navy to fight pirates!"

Some people say so!

"Fart! Why is it right for the navy to hit pirates? Did the pirates make any mistakes? They are just a bunch of poor people! If you can live safely~www.wuxiaspot.com~Who wants to be a pirate?"

Some people refuted this!

"Hehe, what you are talking about is the pirate before and now... which one didn’t come for the treasure of One Piece?"

Facing the rebuttal, the people on the side also retorted his rebuttal!

"In this war, no one is right or wrong. The navy has the reason for the navy, and the pirates have the reason for the pirates. They are not wrong. What is wrong is that their positions are different. What is wrong is this difficult world!"

In the end, in the sigh of an old man who seemed to see through the world, the dispute soon came to an end!


No one is wrong!

What is wrong is that their positions are different, what is wrong is that the world is difficult!

So everyone was silent again!

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