Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1126: Retreat, the power of the white beard!

In the fight, most of the time passed!

The blood has dyed the earth red!

Numerous residual limbs, corpses, and gun smoke filled this battlefield!

At this time, the sound of fighting has gradually become smaller!

But not because the two sides stopped fighting, but because people... almost died!

A large number of navy soldiers, a large number of elite pirates, and a large number of cP members have fallen on this battlefield!

There is still fighting on the battlefield, and only the top leaders of both sides can fight, the bosses and the like!

The others either fell on the battlefield and became a corpse, or they had broken hands and feet, weeping and weeping, they had no power to fight anymore, only a small part was intact, and they were sitting on the ground loudly because they were fighting too much. Panting hard, even lacking the strength to stand up!

"Everyone listens, leave me, leave me... retreat!!!" Baibeard took the time to look back at the battlefield situation, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and shouted in a deep voice.

Although Ace's death made Baibeard very sad, he knew that he couldn't fight anymore, let alone him if he continued the fight, even the Whitebeard Pirates would be here!

He can't be so selfish and let other children die here for the sake of one child!


"No, I want to fight with Dad!"

"Father White Beard!!!"


The pirates looked at the white beard in the fierce battle with some excitement!

At this time, the white beard is the most uncomfortable person in the entire battlefield!

The people who besieged him, whether it was the Warring States Period, or Karp, or Huang Ape, or cP members, were all general-level combat power, and because of the death of the red dog, the anger in their hearts seemed to be aroused, and they all entered In desperate mode!

So far, even the white beard who has recovered to his peak state, has been beaten all over his body under the hard work of these few!

If they leave at this time, there is no doubt that White Beard will fight even harder, and may not even leave the Navy headquarters in the end!


After resisting Karp's iron fist again, the white beard snorted, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and then roared at the pirates, and said, "I said...go away!!!"

Facing this scene, the pirates opened their mouths with grief and anger, wanting to say something!

But at this time, after wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Marco said decisively, "Needless to say, follow the father's order, go!!!"


What else does a pirate want to say!

"No, but, listen to Dad's orders, don't let Dad's hope become despair!!!" Marco interrupted his words, his eyes were round, a little trembling, a little agitated, and some hysterical said.

He knew that the white beard would be more violent and lucky when they left!

But he had to leave, because he also knew that once they did not leave, then the final outcome might not be so beautiful, and even the entire army would be wiped out!

After all, in terms of time, if the world government wants to support it, it should be there within a few minutes!


At this moment, Aiden also stood up and greeted loudly.

In the White Beard Pirates, Aiden does not have the prestige of Ace and Marco, but it is not much different!

With the support of St. Martin's back, Aiden used the ability of money, and made many friends in the Pirates, and often took some people he felt capable and good personality to go out to eat and drink!

In the end, under the orders of the two highly respected captains, the pirates of the White Beard Pirate Group gritted their teeth and left with hatred!

"Tsunade, Shanks, Raleigh, Bucky, Straw Hat Boy, Kolokas...you all go, I'll break it for you!!!" Watching his pirate group leave, Bai After a little relief, the beard shouted at the others on the court.

The people from Tsunade and Konoha came to support the White Beard Pirates. Now that the White Beard Pirates are gone, they naturally need to go together. White Beard has nothing to help him to replace the White Beard. The evil habit after the break of the Pirates

Moreover, if the White Beard Pirates are gone, but Tsunade and Konoha cannot leave, what is the White Beard Pirates?

In the future, what credibility does the Whitebeard Pirate Group have?

Therefore, they must also go!

As for the others...

They all came for Ace, and now that Ace is dead, they should be let go because of reason!

Listening to the voice of the white beard, Tsunade did not hesitate. After pushing the blue pheasant back with a punch, she shouted directly to the battlefield, "All ninjas are ordered to use their own instantaneous skills to get out of the battlefield. Let's leave!!!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"


Under Tsunade's orders, the figures broke away from the navy and the pirates, surpassing the retreating pirates with a thunderous force, and rushed to the forefront of the retreating team!

In terms of vitality and physique, ninjas are no better than people in this world, but in terms of speed and way of escape, ninjas are absolutely world-class!

A variety of instantaneous techniques, not only fast, but also show your scalp tingling!

the other side!

Lei Li listened to White Beard's words, and after a moment of silence, he punched and kicked the two cP members in front of him directly, then turned sullenly and left!

As he walked, Raleigh didn't forget to greet the others and said, "Shanks, Bucky, and Kurokas, let's go together, and bring Ace's... corpse!"

At the end, Lei Li's eyes turned red involuntarily!

In the end, it failed!

Captain... I'm sorry!

Thinking like this in his heart, Raleigh left without hesitation!

However, his departure does not mean that he is afraid, but that he is ready to brew a bigger storm!

"Warring States, I will show you the fate of not complying with the gambling agreement!" Lei Li roared angrily in his heart, clenched his fists, but his face was calm, calm and alarming!

After hearing the words of the deputy captain, other people, although unwilling, finally chose to follow along!

After Shanks repelled the cP member in front of him with a sword, he turned and ran, taking Ace’s "corpse" and holding Ace’s body without knowing what he was thinking, like a demented Luffy. Grab it and take it away!

"Retreat!!!" The Monster King also issued an order at this time!

The army of prisoners he led originally followed because of Luffy's face. Now that Luffy has been taken away, there is nothing to say, they naturally followed him!

that's it!

Soon the other people in the battlefield, along with Robin, also left, and the entire battlefield was left with Qiwuhai, the Navy, and White Beard.


"Whitebeard should be dead, and I should go too!" Arthur mumbled while looking at the battlefield!

In this war ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he did nothing good. If he doesn't leave again, when the white beard is dead, it will be the time for the Navy to settle accounts after autumn!

Thinking about it, Arthur turned his body into a shadow, then controlled the shadow and headed towards the submarine that was made by collecting pacifists before!

In a while!

Arthur controls the navy headquarters where the submarine is gradually moving away!

And shortly after he left the navy headquarters!


With a loud noise, Arthur stood above the submarine and looked back, and saw that the entire navy headquarters began to shake violently, and not long after the shaking, the entire navy headquarters gradually began to sink!

Less than a minute!

Only about one-tenth of the land in the entire navy headquarters is still on the water, and all the others have disappeared!

"This is the power of White Beard!" Arthur sighed involuntarily.

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