Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1132: Salted fish


After more than ten years of development, Konoha has become a famous commercial city in the New World by relying on a large amount of goods shipped from Saint Martin!

At every moment, there are countless merchants from all over the New World, risking their way to Konoha, in order to get high-quality and cheap goods from Konoha, and then ship them to all parts of the New World, and make a profit. A lot of money!

In addition to merchants, Konoha has the most tourists from all over the new world, especially the islands near Konoha!

As the residence of ninjas, Konoha is undoubtedly one of the safest cities in the new world. Coupled with the development of commerce, various facilities are also very convenient, so people are willing to come here!

Of course, one of the main reasons is that Konoha has the most unique scenery in the world-ninja!

That is to say, Konoha can attract so many tourists with the addition of these few!

Closer to home!

Konoha Port!

"Prince King Star, Konoha is here!" A sturdy body with a shark head and grinning teeth, looking very vicious, reported respectfully to the young man standing on the bow of the ship.

"Oh, this is Konoha, it's really prosperous!" Huangxing glanced at the port and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Konoha port in front of you is crowded with people, including not only well-dressed tourists, but also potbellied businessmen, short-sleeved porters, etc. Upon closer inspection, Huang Xing even found a few famous ones. Bounty hunters, pirates and the like!


The shark head guard nodded in agreement, then changed his voice and said, "However, as one of the six major forces in the new world... well, one of the five major forces, Konoha not only has a force that cannot be matched by ordinary forces, but is also new It is normal for a world-renowned commercial capital to have such a prosperous scene!"


Hearing this, Huang Xing sighed faintly and said, "As a transit point between the great waterway and the new world, our fisherman island should be so prosperous, it is a pity..."

After Huang Xing said it was a pity, he didn't say anything, just couldn't help but shook his head!

However, as a royal guard, the shark head guard who knows the character of the Emperor Star can probably also guess the words after the Emperor... It is nothing more than a sigh of the poor strength of the Merman Island!

"Prince King Star, one day our Murloc Island will be able to stand up, and it will be as prosperous as Konoha, safe!" The shark head guard advised.

"Definitely!" Huang Xing nodded and said firmly and forcefully, "Not only that, we must surpass Konoha!"

Listening to Huang Xing's words, the shark head guard felt a burst of encouragement for no reason, and immediately nodded in agreement, "Well, we must surpass Konoha!"

At this time, Huang Xing changed his voice, looked at the shark head guard, and said, "By the way, has Konoha notified?"


The shark head guard frowned and said strangely, "It stands to reason that they should send someone to greet you now, but I don't know why, they haven't seen anyone!"

The voice just fell!


A cough that sounded like a deliberate reminder sounded abruptly from beside the two!

The two subconsciously turned around!

next moment!

The pupils of the two shrank suddenly!


When did it appear?

Looking at the middle-aged man with a little laziness on his face, the two of them were full of doubts!

"Introduce myself, my name is Nara Lukuji to welcome you!" Nara Lukuji said leisurely.

"When did you arrive?" Huang Xing couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it was here just now, but seeing how emotional the two of you were talking, I didn't say anything, I just watched you perform quietly!" Nara Shikajiu shrugged and said indifferently.

and many more! ?

Bridge bean sacks! ?

Arrived just now?

Watching our performance quietly?

After Huang Xing and the Shark Head Guard looked at each other, their old faces blushed, and suddenly they wanted to bury their heads in the soil!

This guy was there from the beginning?

Then, what we said, didn't all he hear in his ears?

When I think of Konoha's people saying that he wants to surpass Konoha, Emperor Xing and the shark head guarding the whole person is not good!

There is a sense of embarrassment of being caught in person by saying bad things behind the back.

And seeming to see the embarrassment of the two, Nara Shikajiu smiled and said, "People always have to have dreams. If there is no dream, what is the difference with salted fish? Beyond Konoha? Well, this is a dream. What a nice dream!"


Listening to the other party not only did not ridicule, but the words of approval, Huang Xing and Shark Head Guard both felt a warm feeling from the bottom of their hearts after a while of surprise.

The feeling of being recognized by strangers is really great!

Thinking of this, Huang Xing's embarrassment was wiped out!

Immediately, he asked curiously, "What is the difference between a person without a dream and a salted fish? Who said this, it makes sense!"

"Ha ha!"

Nara Lukuji smiled slightly, and said with a little deep meaning, "This is the king of Saint Martin, Pendragon Arthur said!"


Huang Xing said in surprise, "He actually said it!?"

Huang Xing knows who Arthur is!

Speaking of the relationship between St. Martin and Fishman Island is pretty good, every year there are many murlocs, mermaids go to live in St. Martin, and St. Martin also has an embassy on Fishman Island!

Even Yu Huangxing personally visited Saint Martin several years ago and was received by Arthur!

For Arthur, Huangxing's personal impression is still very good!

"Yes!" Nara Lu nodded for a long time.

"You Konoha still have a relationship with Saint Martin?" Seeing Lujiu's confirmation, Huang Xing couldn't help asking.

Arthur has appeared in movies, TV series, and variety shows, but those king stars have seen it, he can be sure that there is no such sentence, and usually based on the distance, Konoha and Saint Martin seem to be impossible to overlap!

After excluding these, there is only one possibility left, that is, there is a relationship between Konoha and Saint Martin that outsiders don't know, so Lujiu was able to listen to Arthur's words!

"Ha ha!"

Deer Nara laughed for a long time without speaking!

He didn't answer this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just showed a meaningful expression and let Huangxing guess!


Looking at Lu Jiu's smiling and silent expression, Huang Xing scratched his head in a daze, and he didn't know what Lu Jiu meant!


He didn't feel confused for long, Lu Jiu said again, "Okay, let's go to Konoha now, our Hokage-sama is waiting for you in the office!"

Hearing Lu Jiu's voice, Huang Xing nodded, put the doubts in his heart first, and said sternly, "Alright, please lead the way!"

"This is what I should do!" Nara Lu said indifferently for a long time!

Immediately, under the leadership of Lu Jiu, the group got off the boat, left the port, and walked inside Konoha!

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