Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1133: Conditions and protons

Konoha Hokage Office!

Under the leadership of Lujiu, Huangxing smoothly came to where Tsunade was!

And when he came in, Tsunade was already sitting behind his desk, waiting for him with a serious look!

Well, even though Tsunade is usually a little uncomfortable, once it's time for business, she will still be serious!

"Prince Emperor Star, please sit down!" Tsunade said with a smile.

For this player who came to give money, Tsunade naturally greeted him with a smile!


After Huang Xing nodded, he was not too polite, and he pulled the chair in front of the desk and sat down!

"Prince King Star, the purpose of your coming has been mentioned on the phone before, and we probably know it too!" Tsunade entered the subject directly and said, "And I personally have no objection to the asylum you applied for! "

Hearing these words, Huang Xing's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face!

No objection?

Doesn't that mean you have agreed?

But when he was happy, Tsunade's voice changed, and he hesitated to continue, "But..."

"But what?" Huang Xing frowned subconsciously!

As soon as he could not hear two words, he felt a bad feeling in his heart!

"However, we have a few small requests I hope you can agree to!" Tsunade continued smilingly.

And Huang Xing looked at him, and the bad feeling in his heart grew stronger!

"What's the request? Let's hear it!" Huang Xing asked calmly.

Although I tried my best to feel that it was not so good, what else could Huang Xing do?

Of course, ask first!

"In addition to your usual offerings to the Whitebeard Pirates, we have two more requirements! First, we Konoha have to garrison on Murloc Island and put some people on Murloc Island to protect your Murloc Island. Your safety..." Tsunade said with a smile.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Huangxing!

"No, you can't station troops on Fishman Island!" Huang Xing suddenly shook his head and refused!

What does the garrison represent?

Although it represents the safety improvement of the stationed place, it also represents the conquest of the stationed place!

In other words, if the fisherman island agrees to garrison, it means that the fisherman island has been conquered by Konoha!

And this is a treatment that even the White Beard Pirates do not have!

Although White Beard blessed Murloc Island, he just planted the flag and did not send anyone to station on Murloc Island.

"Prince King Star, you can think about it, or you can make a phone call and ask, and then answer!" Tsunade said, with a leisurely expression on his face, without showing any emotion!

As if for this request, she is not afraid that Murloc Island will refuse!

In fact...

She is really not afraid!

Before the imperial star arrived, Tsunade received a call from Murloc Island!

The other party explained the cause of the matter over the phone, and applied to Tsunade for blessing.

In this regard, when Tsunade felt the surprise from heaven, he did not forget to hold Lujiu to discuss this matter!

In the end, under Lujiu's wisdom, Tsunade basically understood the reason for the surprise this day-the white beard is dead, and the fisherman island has no blessing!

She also basically came to a conclusion based on Lu Jiu's analysis. If the fisherman island wants to seek protection, Konoha is basically the right candidate!

In this case, even if the request for garrison is made, it is not impossible for the other party to agree!

Although garrisoning sounds a bit humiliating, in fact, for Fishman Island, the advantages of garrisoning are more than disadvantages!

As long as Konoha stationed troops on the fisherman island, not only can the chaos on the fisherman island be stopped by Konoha’s name, but also the security of the fisherman island can be quickly restored, and under the threat of the garrison, fish Human Island will become safer in the future!

Compared with the benefits of this kind, based on the current status of the fisherman island, the side effects of the garrison such as damage to the reputation of the Dragon Palace and threat to the safety of the Dragon Palace can be completely omitted!

Well, if the fisherman island continues to be so messy, does the Dragon Palace Kingdom still have a reputation?

As for threats to the safety of the Dragon Palace Kingdom...Is the Dragon Palace Kingdom currently safe?

Not at all!

Otherwise, Huang Xing would not come to seek refuge!

Therefore, Tsunade is quite confident that the fisherman island will agree to this request!

Of course, Tsunade’s request was not for the sake of Murloc Island!

It has its own strategic intentions!

Fishman Island is at the junction of the new world and the first half of the Great Channel, and it is also a transit point between the two. Needless to say, its strategic position is almost a place that must be controlled!

That's why Tsunade made such a condition!

On the surface, the garrison is to protect Murloc Island. In fact, it is similar to the role of St. Martin’s embassy on Murloc Island. It controls Murloc Island when necessary, and controls the junction between the first half of this great channel and the New World. Transfer station!

Closer to home!

What happened next was exactly as Tsunade expected... Murloc Island agreed!

Huang Xing finally agreed to the first condition after a series of his own thoughts and a call back to discuss with Neptune!

no way!

It sounds a bit embarrassing to be stationed by someone else, but compared to the safety of Fishman Island... ashamed of it!

Neptune is not the kind of king who wants his face instead of his people's lives!

"Then Naruto-sama...what's the second condition?" Huang Xing asked cautiously.

The first condition is agreed, but the specifics still depend on the second condition!

If the second condition is too harsh, then even if the first condition is agreed, it is useless, and in the end this negotiation will only end in failure!

Therefore, Huangxing also prayed in his heart that Tsunade's second condition would not be too difficult!

"The second condition is very simple! We want White Star, the princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, White Star!" Tsunade said solemnly.

This condition is actually Arthur mentioning!

As one of the three ancient weapons of the Pirate World, although Saint Martin has a similarly functioning creature-Gaioka.

But who would think there are too many things?

Among the three ancient weapons, Uranus Arthur can basically be sure that it is in the hands of the world government. Although Pluto Arthur has a design drawing, the whereabouts of the first built Pluto is unknown. Needless to say, Neptune is the White Star!

Under this circumstance, although the role of the White Star overlapped with Gaioka, Arthur didn't want to just let it go, so he asked Konoha to bring the White Star over!

In this way, regardless of whether he needs a white star or not, Neptune will not fall into the hands of the world government anyway!

"No way!"

As soon as he heard that he wanted his most beloved sister, Huang Xing denied it without thinking about it!

If the garrison can still be discussed, then Bai Xing definitely can't negotiate!

"Don't worry, we don't want you to sell people to us, she is still her, but we want her to live in Konoha...it is equivalent to a proton!" Tsunade said with a serious face.

On the bright side, Tsunade naturally found an excuse!

"Proton!?" Huang Xing frowned and asked.

"Yes, Proton!"

Tsunade said, "Although the garrison is to protect your safety, the safety of those who go to the garrison is also very important. If you don't have protons, what if you attack the garrison?"

"In your territory, it is too easy for you to start, so we need a proton to increase mutual trust!"

"Of course, we don't usually do anything to her with this proton. She can move freely in Konoha, and we will ensure her safety. If she is interested... we can also hand her ninjutsu!"

"Really?" Huang Xing raised his brow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ obviously a little excited.

According to Tsunade, Proton's life seems...not bad?

Although the movement is restricted, there is a chance to learn Konoha's magical ninjutsu!


Tsunade nodded.

There is no need for her to lie at this point!

She can't wait for Bai Xing to become a ninja!

In that way, Chakra seeds can be planted in the white star!

"This... let me discuss it!"

In the end, Huangxing decided to call to discuss with Neptune!

After a phone call, Huang Xing gritted his teeth and finally gave the answer...

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