Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 903: 180 billion


   Looking at Shaka who appeared, Fina was secretly relieved!

   With Shaka here, their safety must be no problem!

the other side!

  Looking at the sudden appearance of Shaka, Dorag narrowed his eyes, put away his domineering look, and said quietly, "You are the one who wounded...injured my brother?"

   Dorag originally wanted to talk about bears, but thought that the identity of the bear could not be revealed, so he immediately changed his mouth and became a brother!

"Injured?" Shaka said suspiciously, and said again, "You mean the dark and strong? That is indeed my injury. If it is not running fast, then he is not only caused by me. Wounded!"

  His voice just fell off!

   Dorag clenched his fists, staring at Shaka, and a huge murderous intent came out of him!

   Seeing this, Shaka smiled lightly but didn't express anything!

   a long time!


   Dorag loosened his clenched fists, took a deep breath, but withdrew his murderous aura!

At this time, he is still sensible, knowing what he is here for this time, and knowing that if there is a violent conflict with Shaka now, unless he can catch Shaka and others, he will save the captured later. The difficulty of the revolutionary army will definitely rise several times, and even be rejected directly!

   But can he catch Shaka and others?

   can't do it!

I felt the faint sense of crisis that Shaka brought to me, and recalled that when Shaka played just now, the speed was like teleportation. Dorag felt that he might be able to beat Shaka, but he wanted to stay. He must not do it!

   So, he still suppressed his anger and calmed himself down!

   As for Shaka, because she wants to protect Fina's mother and daughter, she didn't intend to take the initiative!

He hasn’t played against Dorag’s strength, but he is definitely not under his full play. If he has to fight Dorag at this time, he will win or not, but it is very likely to be injured in the process. To Fina mother and daughter, so he didn't want to do it either!

   Both sides have scruples, and both sides have reasons not to do anything, and the scene is so deadlocked!

   "Are you here to rescue those prisoners?" At this moment, Fina suddenly said.

   Before, she didn’t want to talk to Dorag, because the only ones present were their mother and daughter. There was no guarantee for their lives, so she didn’t want to talk.

   But now that there is Shaka, she feels safe and secure, so she can naturally talk about it!

   "Yes!" Dorag glanced at Shaka and nodded.

  He is indeed here to rescue the prisoners!

   There are two directions in Dorag's heart to save the prisoners.

   One is to go directly to the rescue.

  The other one is to negotiate like this!

   Originally, he had the idea of ​​directly rescuing the captives, and he could indeed do it with his strength, but after another thought, he gave up again!

   Because of that kind of movement!

  If that way, he might be able to rescue them from the Kakzi Kingdom, but he might not be able to take these people away in the end!

   After all, the world government does not eat dry food!

   After seeing the noise he made, how could the world government not send someone to intercept it?

   Once the world government intercepts it, it is almost impossible for 90,000 people to leave!

no way!

   This number is too big, and too conspicuous, there is no way to hide it!

   Therefore, he finally chose to come to the Kakzi Kingdom to talk to Fina, and let Fina cooperate, so that he can save these 90,000 people completely and concealed!

   "The price?" Fina thought for a while and asked again.

   To be honest, the 90,000 prisoners stayed in her hands. Apart from building roads and digging mines, it was not a good thing for her!

   can't kill!

  Neither is staying!

   If it is killed, let alone the revolutionary army, it will definitely continue to trouble the Kakzi Kingdom. Although the Kakzi Kingdom has the support of Saint Martin, I am not afraid of these small troubles, but it is also a trouble!

   So, I can’t kill!

   As for staying...

   also does not work!

  On the one hand, the revolutionary army will definitely find ways to rescue these people, after all, they are all revolutionary army!

  On the other hand, the world government will definitely be thinking about these 90,000 prisoners!

  Although the world government has not responded yet and has not given any orders, she feels that if the world government wants to engage in a revolutionary army, then it will definitely not let the 90,000 prisoners go!

   So, it must be impossible to stay!

   Sending these prisoners out as soon as possible is the right way!

   But having said that, although sending it is the right way, it is definitely not free!

   Otherwise, didn’t the soldiers of the Kakzi Kingdom who died on the land of the Kingdom of Ricius died in vain?


   Dorag listened to Fina's words, first he was taken aback, then he reacted, and said in a deep voice, "The price? What do you want?"

   "What can you give?"

   Fina didn't say what she wanted, but asked rhetorically.

   To be honest, she lacks nothing, neither does the Kakzi Kingdom lack anything!

   After all, with Saint Martin's backing, what can be missing?

   However, even if there is nothing missing, it is still impossible to send it for free!

   "What do you want, we will try our best to satisfy you!" After hesitating for a while, Dorag spoke again!

   Hearing this, Fina took a deep look at Dorag, and said, "The lowest price of a human being in the slave market is 500,000, but that's only those who have no ability to work!"

   "Those who are healthy, capable of working, or beautiful, the price is still higher! The 90,000 prisoners of your revolutionary army are all young people and capable of working. One million is not too much, right?"

  Dorager nodded irresponsibly, without any other actions!

   Although he was a little angry at Fina comparing those people to slaves, considering the lives of those 90,000 people, he still suppressed his anger!

   Feina said quietly when she saw this, "One counts one million, and ninety thousand is ninety billion. I won't let you forget about the fraction, just treat it as ninety billion!"

   "And this time, you also caused us a lot of losses, many people died, so the money has to be doubled, which is 180 billion! The more is considered as compensation for us!"

   180 billion Baileys?

   Hearing this number, Dorag was startled, but could not say anything!

   The number of 180 billion, their revolutionary army is not unable to come out, after all, they overthrew more than a hundred kingdoms.

   However, this number is indeed not small!

   If you want to take out more at once, it will definitely hurt the whole revolutionary army!

  For 90,000 people, is it worth it?

  Dorager wanted to refuse, but Fina said that it was justified and well-founded, and even compared the prices on the market, which made him somewhat unable to say rejection!

  After thinking about it for a moment, Dorag took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and agreed, "Yes!"

   180 billion is the number that has caused the revolutionary army's nerves and bones, but for the revolutionary army, these 90,000 people are also people who have to be saved!

   The reason why the Revolutionary Army develops so fast, apart from Dorag’s own abilities, a large part of it is because of people’s approval, because people agree with their ideas, so they get people’s support!

   If these 90,000 people are left alone without saving, then the revolutionary army will definitely lose a large part of its people!

  Compared to the wounds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the revolutionary army, it is even more unacceptable to lose people's hearts, so they seem to have no loss, but in fact they have lost their roots!

   So, after thinking about it for a long time, Dorag gritted his teeth and agreed!

   "But when the captives leave later, I need your cooperation, and I need some time to raise money!" At this time, Dorag added.

   "Yes!" Fina agreed without hesitation.

   This is just a small matter!

   Immediately, she immediately made a please gesture, and said lightly, "If there is nothing wrong, you can go! We will try our best to ensure the safety of their lives before you get the money!"


   Hearing this, Dorag took a deep look at Fina, then nodded without saying anything, turned around and left!

   And just when he had just walked without two steps, he halted, suddenly turned his head, squinted, and asked, "I think you have a familiar smell, where have I seen you!?"

   Hearing the words, Shaka's heart "cocked", but on the surface there was no movement and no words, just a gesture of please!

   Seeing this, a gleam of light flashed in Dorag's eyes, he took a deep look at Shaka, but didn't say anything, turned around and left!

   And this time, he didn't look back!

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