Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 904: The arms trade in the new world

   "What? You want to sell so many things?"

   Listening to the other end of the phone, Dorag was about to sell a lot of gold and silver jewelry in exchange for Pele’s news. Arthur said in a surprised tone, but there was a weird smile on his face!

  What is the reason why Dorag wants to sell a lot of gold and silver jewelry? Of course he knows it!

   But what he didn't expect was that Dorag would find himself!

   Of course, thinking about it is normal!

  180 billion is not a small sum. It is definitely not enough to ask the revolutionary army to draw such a lot of money at once!

   Not to mention hurting the muscles and bones, it will also affect the operation of the revolutionary army!

   In this case, it is normal for Dorag to bring some gold and silver jewelry out to cash out!

   And the reason why Arthur was exchanged is even more normal!

   180 billion!

   This is not a small number!

   There are only a handful of forces in the world that can spend so much money at once!

Among them, there are even fewer people who have connections with the revolutionary army, and the relations with the revolutionary army are fairly good, that is, there are very few, and those who can not cheat them even when the revolutionary army is eager to spend money are very few Very few!

  After all considerations, only Arthur can be found for Dorag!


   From the other end of the phone, Dorrag nodded helplessly.

   Hearing this sound, Arthur almost laughed out loud.

Simply, at the last minute, he resisted a smile, pretended to be unaware, frowned and asked, "Do you have any big moves for the revolutionary army next? Or why do you need so much money? "

   "Just leave it alone!" Dorag said in a deep voice.

   Just kidding, can he let Arthur know about the money to redeem people?

   "Okay, okay!" Arthur smiled knowingly, and agreed, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

As he said, Arthur's voice changed and kindly reminded, "However, I have to tell you something first! Such a large amount of gold and silver jewelry will flood the market at once, and the price of gold and silver jewelry on the market will definitely be affected. Therefore, this batch of gold and silver jewellery will definitely not be given to you at the market price! At most 10% off the market price will be recycled!

   This is true, not Arthur Pit Dorag!

   And in fact, Arthur didn't need to pit Dorag!

   After all, he knew exactly what this batch of gold and silver jewels were used for. He didn't need to pit his left hand to the right!

   "Understand!" Dorag agreed without hesitation!

   He also knew what Arthur said in his heart, and the 10% discount given by Arthur was very kind!

   If it’s something else, it’s a little bit more tricky. After knowing that he is eager to use the money, it is possible to get 20% off, 30% off, or even 40% off!

"In that case, I told you to get the money ready! You can let someone exchange it for gold and silver jewelry!" Arthur said, thinking of something again, and added, "Of course, if you need money in a hurry , You can get someone to get it first, or you can give it back after the gold and silver jewelry!"

   The two parties have traded for so many years, there is still this trust!

Moreover, 180 billion Baileys are nothing more than 180 billion. This may be a huge sum in the eyes of other forces in the world, but in the eyes of Arthur, who controls the entire West Sea and owns the largest bank and the only kingdom in the West Sea, this is only It's a small meaning... uh... it seems a bit crazy to say a small meaning, so let's mean it!

   is only medium meaning!

   Even if he loses, he will feel a heartache at best!

   "I'll let someone get it, and someone will give you the gold and silver jewelry!" Dorage on the other end of the phone agreed without hesitation!

   "Okay, so be it!" Arthur said, and hung up the phone!


   "Beep toot!"

   Listening to the sound of the phone hanging up, Dorag suddenly remembered that there was one more thing he had not asked!

  About Arthur let his son be the protagonist of Adventure King!

   Originally, Dorag wanted to pick up the phone again and call to ask.

   But after another thought, he gave up!

   It is still important for the captured revolutionary army. The King of Adventure is just a trivial matter and can be released later!

   "But, anyway! Speaking of Arthur...how do I feel that the masked man seems to be more familiar? I must have seen him somewhere!" Dorrag frowned and murmured.


the other side!

   "Another 180 billion yuan!"

   After hanging up the phone, Arthur took a deep breath, smiled and shook his head!

  Although he was smiling, his vigilance towards Dorag did not relax!

This time it seemed that he had easily pitted Dorag with 180 billion yuan, but Arthur knew that the reason why Dorag would compromise and readily agreed to Fina’s request was that there was a big reason. The existence of Shaka!

   The existence of Shaka makes Dorag feel dangerous. He is not sure to catch Fina in the presence of Shaka, otherwise Dorag would not be so easy to talk about!

   It's like catching Fina and threatening her to cooperate with this seemingly despicable thing, and it is not impossible for Dorag to do it!

   And just when Arthur was about to continue handling government affairs!


   Suddenly, the phone bug rang again!


   Arthur answered the phone subconsciously.

   "It's me!" A familiar voice on the other end of the phone came into Arthur's ears!

   "It's your second uncle!" Arthur responded with a smile, "What's the matter?"

   "Are those munitions ready?" Kata Kuri said sternly.

   Upon hearing this, Arthur immediately responded with a smile, "Of course I'm ready!"

   A few months ago, the Charlotte family placed an order with Arthur and ordered a large amount of arms!

   Arthur is very concerned about this!

   Although St. Martin has always been selling out arms, it used to be sold in the West Sea, and when the West Sea was occupied, it was sold in the East China Sea, the North Sea, the South China Sea, and even the first half of the Great Channel!

   And the New World has always been a place that Saint Martin has not touched!

   Although St. Martin has brought some goods to the New World through no wind, they are all daily necessities, fabrics and clothes, etc. The arms have never been sold, and no buyers have been found!

  Well, people in the New World have more confidence in the old arms sellers, such as the Beast Pirates, the Doflamingo family, and no one wants to buy from the new seller of Saint Martin, the new world!

   Therefore, Arthur is very concerned about this arms deal!

   In his opinion, as long as the transaction is completed this time, it is also considered that Saint Martin has opened the door to the new world of arms trading!

   "When will it be delivered?" Kata Kuri asked concerned.

"You know how far Xihai is from you. It will take a month at the earliest!" Arthur thought for a while, then added, "I will let Iskandall and some of my children then. Let's send it together!"

   "My nephew is coming? That's great! Mom misses him so much!" Kata Kuli immediately ignored the delivery time, and immediately responded with a smile.

   Charlotte Lingling, who is keen on marriage, likes the powerful Arthur very much, and she likes the monster-like, powerful grandson Iskandar even more!

   Because in her opinion, these are all her help!

   Charlotte Lingling likes it. As an uncle, Kata Kuri, who attaches great importance to love, likes it even more!

   After laughing for a while, Kata Kuri asked mysteriously, "By the way, is there still that giant potion?"

   Charlotte Lingling has never given up on giants!

   Even with the support of Arthur's powerful son-in-law, she did not give up studying the giant!

   Therefore, the Charlotte family has always been interested in the Giant Potion in Arthur's hands!

  Don't say it!

   After so many years of research, Arthur thought it was impossible for them to study the giant's potion produced by the system. The Charlotte family has also developed something!

   Of course, it's not that they developed the Giant's Potion!

   Instead, they researched the spinal fluid of the giant beast contained in the two different giant potions and giant potions from Arthur and the giant corpses purchased by their pirate group, and they developed a mutant giant potion!

   The efficacy of this medicine can really turn a person of normal height into a fat giant over ten meters tall and covered in fat.

   But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ side effects are great!

   This obese giant has the highest survival time at present, which is only three years!

   After three years, the half-giant seemed to have drunk sulfuric acid, and his whole body melted and disintegrated!

   Moreover, the fat giant's actions are slow, the combat effectiveness is low, and the IQ is almost no. It can't compare with the normal giant at all. Even if they cooperate well, ordinary people can easily kill them!


   Arthur shook his head and said, "You don't know, I haven't found the remains of Tike Kingdom, naturally, there is no such kind of medicine!"

   "That's it!" Kata Kuri said a little disappointedly, and soon he didn't care about it!

   Although Charlotte Lingling values ​​giants very much, Kata Kuri doesn’t care much about giants, but because his mother cares, he pays attention to it!

   "Let's do this! Let alone, I have something to deal with!" Kata Kuri said, and hung up the phone!

   "Beep toot!"

   Listening to the hang-up sound from the phone bug, Arthur smiled and hung up the phone.

   Immediately, he thought about it, but instead of dealing with government affairs, he walked towards the tower of trial!

   Well, he is going to move his body!

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