Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 924: Geographical advantage

   What should I do after knowing that I have an undercover on board?

   For normal people, it must be caught first before talking!

   But for Gilgamesh...

   Of course I used him!

   It's hard to find an undercover, how can it be wasted?

   Gilgamesh is going to use this undercover to do some articles, squeeze his final value, let him send some wrong news back, and then use this news to brutally hit the people behind the undercover!

   After this thought appeared, Gilgamesh called Altria and Skaha besides Iskandar beside him!

  He is going to discuss with a few people!

   If you follow the normal TV and movie plots, it is very dangerous to find someone to discuss without knowing who is undercover on the ship...

  Because there is a high probability that the person who consults is undercover!

   But Gilgamesh can be sure that none of the people he called to discuss right now were undercover!

   Uh, if these few are undercover, he will doubt whether his father, that is, Arthur, has done something irritating.

   "Now we don't know who the undercover is on the ship, but that doesn't matter, as long as we know that none of the four of us are undercover, we can use this to spread the news on the ship, let him know, and then use him!"

   After the four gathered, Gilgamesh took the lead.

   "Brother, what do we use him for?" Iskander raised his brows and asked.

"Based on the analysis of the current situation, this undercover agent is most likely to be a member of the Beasts Pirate Group, because..." Gilgamesh briefly explained why he guessed the undercover was from the Beast Pirate Group. After the human reason, he said again, "So, let's assume that this undercover is from the group of beasts and pirates!"

   "And based on the fact that the undercover is a member of the Beast Pirate Group... we can use false news to lead them to a place that is beneficial to us, and then ambush them!"

   Gilgamesh never thought of hiding, he knew the truth that he could avoid hiding after the first day of the first year but not the 15th!

  The New World is so big. After they open the market, they will definitely affect the business of the New World arms sellers. At that time, all arms sellers, including the Beast Pirate Group, will definitely find trouble...

   After all, with a fixed cake size, if you eat a piece of cake, others will definitely eat less, or even none!

   At that time, if you don’t hide, you will have trouble. Hide... You can’t avoid the Beast Pirates every time you do arms business, right?

   So, it's better to just just now, use powerful strength to announce their arrival to the forces of the new world, and use powerful strength to grab this piece of cake, so that the people of the new world dare not complain about it!

   Of course, it is unavoidable to use some means!

   Although Gilgamesh knew that the four of them had the strength to fight against the beasts and Pirates, the problem was that they did not have actual experience with people of the same level!

   To be on the safe side, of course, you have to choose a place that has your own advantages and maximize your advantages!

   Listening to Gilgamesh's words, Iskandar seemed to have thought of something. He slapped his head and suddenly said, "When it comes to advantages, I thought of a place!"

   "Where?" Gilgamesh raised his brows and asked quickly.

"The Whirlpool Sea!" After Iskander said a sentence, he added, "I knew that I was coming to the New World some time ago, so I checked the map of the New World specially! And at that time, I saw this place! "

"This place is famous for the weird ocean currents. The entire sea area is full of turbulence. Even the best warships involved in the turbulence of this sea area will destroy their ships and kill people, so they are called Dead Sea!"

   "And this sea area is also the most beneficial place for us! There are no reefs or islands around. Once the ship is destroyed, you can only enter the sea to fight!"

   "Where is this place?" Gilgamesh's eyes lit up and immediately asked.

   From Iskandar’s description, Gilgamesh felt that this place was the most beneficial place for them!

   None of them are capable of Devil Fruit, and they have not even studied the system of this world... Well, they all have heir templates, and they usually practice the Fate system brought by heir templates!

   Therefore, they will not affect their combat effectiveness because they are in the sea!

   and on the contrary are people from this world!

  Although this world is a pirate world, and everyone is mixing at sea, except for the murlocs and merfolks, other races in the sea will affect their combat effectiveness to some extent!

   Especially those with Devil Fruit ability, it can be said that entering the sea is waiting for death!

   And the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group happens to be a Pirate Group dominated by demon fruit abilities.

   It can be said that the sea has a huge negative impact on the Beast Pirates!

  That poison, my honey!

  The sea has an impact on the opponent, but it has no effect on us. Under the circumstances of one and the other, the advantages of Gilgamesh and others are naturally infinitely magnified!

   "It's right next to our route!" Iskandar said sternly, "I've seen the map. According to our current route, I can get there in about three days!"

   "Okay, let's fix the place there!" Gilgamesh made a decision!

   And listening to his words, the other two women did not object.

   To be more precise, I am too lazy to object!

   For them, as long as they know who the enemy is, the rest is left to the strength!

   Then, after several people discussed the specific details, they all dispersed!


   blinked, a few hours passed!

   The rain gradually stopped!

"Big brother, big brother! My second uncle just called and told me that he had discovered a secret waterway in the whirlpool sea area. He said that we can go over there and reach their site quickly and safely! No need to follow the original Go!" On the deck, Iskandar murmured loudly with a voice that others might not hear.

   "Uh... the first time we came to the new world, we don't understand this, let's do what your second uncle said!" Gilgamesh pretentiously hesitated for a while, nodded and agreed.

   And just as the two of them were discussing without any cover, their voice was heard by a nearby soldier!

   The soldier is called Tlerte!

   is a soldier of a country that was destroyed by the Kingdom of Saint Martin!

   After the fall of the kingdom~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because of its good strength, good water quality, and no bad traces, it was incorporated into the Saint Martin's navy!

   Just a while ago, he was obsessed with gambling and owed a lot of money. When he was upset, a middle-aged man came to him!

   The other party said that he could help him pay off all his debts.

   But, he needs to agree to a condition!

  Be an undercover!

   Originally, Tlealt was hesitant about this!

  Because he really had a good time in Saint Martin, at least quite well compared to the past.

   But then his mother's illness was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, so he had to agree to the other party's condition!

   Since then, he has become an undercover agent!

   "The whirlpool area!?"

   Listening to this word, Tlealt's ears moved slightly, and he silently noted the ground in his heart!

   "I'll go to the toilet!"

   After a while, he casually found an excuse and disappeared on the deck!

  While watching him disappear on the deck, Iskandall and Gilgamesh, who were discussing loudly, narrowed their eyes, and after subconsciously glanced at each other, they could see the light in the depths of each other's eyes!

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