Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 925: Caught up

   Whirlpool area!

be quiet!

   This is Gilgamesh's first feeling when he comes to this sea area!

   The whole sea area, the whole world, it was as if the mute button had been pressed, and there was no sound at all.

   There is not even the normal sound of waves on the sea. There is only a sea that is so calm that there are no waves and the sea that can see the bottom of the sea through the sea!

   If it weren’t for the breathing, talking, and roaring machinery of their ship, he might have thought he was hell!

   "Strange, why is it different from what Iskander described? There seems to be no danger!" After such a doubt flashed in his mind, Gilgamesh looked at the sea again!

   Immediately, he discovered an even stranger thing!

   There are no living things in this sea area, nor any plants, not even the submarine silt found in the ordinary seabed!

   In addition to the sea water, there are some pieces of different sizes, spread on the bottom of the sea, and there are finger-sized holes on them, and there are constantly blood-red stones with bubbles coming out of the holes!

   "What the **** is going on? Isn't it called the Dead Sea?" Gilgamesh had such a thought in his mind, and immediately wanted to ask Iskandar on the side.

   But just now!

   The ordinary fish have been swimming by their boat and entered the whirlpool sea!

next moment!

   The crisis is coming!


   The sea that doesn't seem to be dangerous at all. At the same time the small fish entered, there were several vortexes visible to the naked eye!

And these ocean current vortices are like full-powered meat grinders. It took less than a second to directly pull and tear the body of the fish into pieces. of!

   But, things did not end like this!

   Then, after the corpse of the little fish was torn into lumps, it seemed to have been caught by some undercurrent, directly following the sea, being wiped out while being swept away and left here!

  Finally, the entire sea area was calm again!


   But watching this scene, Gilgamesh took a breath, but his heart couldn't calm down!

   This sea area is terrifying!

   Although it looks extremely calm, it hides boundless murderous intent!

   If a ship accidentally enters here, I am afraid it will be torn to pieces at the first time. According to the performance of the previous fish, the people on the ship will not be spared, and I am afraid they will be torn into pieces!

"No wonder it's called the Dead Sea again! This whirlpool sea is really...really..." Gilgamesh said, trying to find an adjective to describe the danger of the whirlpool sea, but the words came. On the lips, I can't say a proper adjective!

   In the end, he could only give up the description and exclaimed, "It's terrible!"

   But, anyway!

   The more terrifying the whirlpool area, the better it is for him!

  The purpose of his coming here is to cheat people, not to save people, so the horror of the whirlpool sea has nothing to do with him!


   Although the vortex sea area is terrible, the terrible thing is more for ships, not for ordinary people, for someone like him, even if the whole person enters the sea, nothing will happen!

   The power of the undercurrents and whirlpools in the sea is not enough to tear him apart!

   "But here comes the question...how can I pit it?" Gilgamesh thought, thinking that he had a headache again!

   The plan he and several brothers and sisters made before was to introduce the enemy into the whirlpool sea area, and then clashed with each other!

   Only in this way can we have an advantage!

   But looking like this now, I'm afraid they can't even get in the boat!

   The currents in this whirlpool area are enough to make their ships shred them when they just approached!

   And once their ships can't get in, the enemy will naturally not get in.

   When the time comes, there will be no geographical advantage!

   "Ask your second brother!" After a headache, Gilgamesh decided to ask Iskandar again!

   He said this place after all, maybe he has a way?

   "Brother, don't you think I was talking nonsense before?"

   Soon, under Gilgamesh’s inquiry, Iskandar gave such an answer!


   Gilgamesh asked curiously, "What nonsense?"

   "This is the secret channel my second uncle told me!" Iskandar said sternly.

   "You mean? That secret channel is your real?" Gilgamesh's eyes lit up and said in surprise.

  If the hidden channel is true, then their previous calculations can be successful!

   As long as you put the opponent's ship in the secret channel, attack them halfway and destroy their ship, you will be able to gain a great advantage!

"Of course it's true!" Iskandar said carelessly. "This is what my second uncle told me when he called the other day. He said that if our ship is good enough, we can go to the secret one. channel!"

   "Although the hidden channel is not as good as I said before, it is already very good compared to other places in the whirlpool area. Not only is the undercurrent not as strong as other places, but as long as the ship is good enough, it can be forced to pass!"

   "Of course, if you force it over, it will have some impact on the ship, and it will damage the ship! However, my second uncle said that the damage is not large, and it will be over if you can repair it in their territory!"

   "Well, let's take this route!" Gilgamesh decided without hesitation.

   There is no other good choice at the moment, so naturally I have to take this channel 1


at the same time!

   Not far from the Saint Martin fleet, a huge fleet is also heading towards the Saint Martin fleet!

   Among them, one of the biggest ships!

   "Is there really a secret channel in the whirlpool area?" Hathaway asked with a frown.

"I don't know... but it should be!" Kaido said with some uncertainty~www.wuxiaspot.com~. On intelligence, the Charlotte family can indeed be called the strongest in the industry, in this case , They know some things we don’t know are normal! "

   "What if it is fake?" Hathaway frowned suspiciously, "What if they deliberately led us over there?"

   The undercover is Kaido's, Hathaway doesn't believe it from the heart!

"Intentionally lead us over there..." Kaido looked at Hathaway, grinned, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said, "That's not right? We have to intercept them anyway. If they did it on purpose, then Just use this opportunity to kill them!"

"Otherwise, at the speed of their ship, if we run hard, we might really have some trouble by then... After all, although the Saint Martin's ship is not as good as those specially made, it is also good in terms of performance. It's the top batch in the world!"

  Kaido has never worried about defeating Gilgamesh and his party!

   In his eyes, what kind of combat power can a 17-year-old, a 19-year-old, that is, a Maotou boy?

   "That's right!" After Hathaway nodded, she was secretly relieved.

   And just in the conversation between the two, a ship appeared in front of their fleet!

   "Catch up!"

   The two looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes!

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