Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 930: I still have brothers


   Listening to the crisp metal collision, Iskandall was taken aback, did not land safely, but fell directly to the ground!


   While feeling the pain coming from his back, Iskandar sucked in a cold breath while showing a dazed face!

  ? ? ?

   What the hell?

   Metal collision sound?

   Is it...

  The legendary iron pants! ?

  Kaido fucking, wearing iron pants?

  Why wear iron pants?

   Could it be...

   The people of the Hundred Beast Pirates, are even the boss so dangerous?

   Do you want to defend against the spurs of your subordinates at all times?

   After Iskander thought about it, there was a possibility in his mind that made him tremble all over after a little thought.

   Soon, he looked at Kaido with three-point surprise and seven-point pity!

  The foundation of a ship...

  Kaido is not easy!

the other side!

   I don’t know the Kaido that Iskandall thinks, looking at Iskandall’s eyes, I mistakenly thought he was surprised by his iron pants!

   "Hahaha...want to attack there? No way!"

   So, after sweeping away the enemies in front of him with the big stick in his hand, Kaido turned around, looked condescendingly at the suspicious Iskandar in his eyes, and laughed triumphantly!

But with a smile, he seemed to recall some unbearable past, his face suddenly turned black, and gritted his teeth and said, "Since that time, I have been guarding against someone attacking there again, so I asked someone to make a special iron. Pants!"

"Originally, I thought this iron pants would be useless, after all... the enemy who fought with me would not attack there! But I didn't expect it to work eventually, and it is also in your St. Martins The role played by the hands!"

As he said, Kaido's eyes were red, staring at Iskandar firmly, and said, "Sure enough...you people in St. Martin, all have bird virtues, all shameless villains, like to attack there. !"



   Listening to Kaido's words, Iskander also gradually reacted!

   Originally, the iron pants were not made to guard against the people on the boat, but because of what happened in the past, and I had a lingering heart!

   Immediately, Iskandar rubbed his nose in embarrassment!

   However, after another thought, he was a little dumb again!

   Back then...

   How much shadow does Arudiba leave on Kaido?

   It’s been a **** for more than ten years, but Kaido still remembers?

   But, I can’t wait for Iskandar to come up with an answer!

at this time!

   Kaido is getting more and more thinking about it, no matter what Iskander is thinking about!

   "Thunder and gossip!"

   A big stick hit Iskandall on the ground!

   Simply, Iskandall’s reaction is not slow.

   Although he did not hide directly, he responded quickly and blocked his sword in front of his chest!


   Immediately, a metal collision sounded!


   Then, the great strength of the big stick was transmitted to the ground through Iskandall, and the ground centered on Iskandall was sunken, forming a deep pit!


   At the same time, even though Iskandall, as a transmitter, did not suffer any serious damage due to his timely response, he was still shocked by a surge of energy and blood, and some could not speak!

   Seeing this, Kaido didn't say much, picked up the big stick, and was ready to hit it again!



   Simply, the fighters summoned by Iskander at this time also rushed up frantically.

   "It's annoying!"

Feeling the painless attack on his body, Kaido angered from his heart. After a roar, he gave up Iskandar on the ground, took the big stick, turned around and flicked it, and rushed up all over his body. Soldiers, all knocked out!


  Iskandall on the ground watched this scene, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, he saw the opportunity, supported the ground with his hands, endured the pain, and flew directly from the ground with one force.

   "Boom, boom!"

   After stepping on Kaido's body twice, Iskandall jumped up with this force and came to Kaido's head!

   "I don't believe you have iron eyes!"

   roared, Iskandar above Kaido's head held the sword of Cyprus upside down with both hands, and directly pierced Kaido's eyes!


   There is another metal collision!

   Iskandar’s sword pierced Kaido’s domineering eyelids that were covered in armed colors!

   "Jie Jie Jie... I really don't have iron eyes, but you can't pierce my eyelids!" Kaido grinned, and slapped Iskandar on his head with a backhand!

   "Bang, bang, bang!"


   After rolling hundreds of meters on the ground, Iskandar barely stopped, couldn't help but spout a bit of blood!

   "Is the gap... so big?" Iskandar thought in his heart, but there was a trace of confusion in his eyes!

  He also played against a general-level powerhouse in Saint Martin!

   But because they are all relatives, brothers, partners, subordinates, and so on, no one will kill him, so he once thought that the general level and the lieutenant level are not much different!

   But now such a one-piece meeting, the gap is too big!

   Of course, what he didn't know was that Kaido was different from other generals!

   If it is an ordinary general-level powerhouse, Lieutenant General Iskander's peak strength can indeed be played against, and even if luck is good, relying on abilities that are very different from this world, there may be a chance to tie or win!

   But if the opponent is Kaido, it's a different matter!

   The title of the world's strongest singled out is not for nothing!

   Whether it is recovery ability, anti-strike ability, or attack power, Kaido has long surpassed the general general level!

   That's why ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Iskander would lose so badly!

"Boy, at this age, your strength is pretty good! When I was my age, you were about the same as you!" Kaido cleaned up the soldiers who kept coming up around him, and slowly moved towards Isth. Kandal came over!

  Walking, Kaido swept the surrounding area, and after clearing the surrounding soldiers, he kicked his legs and suddenly disappeared in place!

next moment!

  He appeared in front of Iskandar, holding the big stick in his hand high.

   "But... now you are going to die here!!!"

   roared, Kaido's face showed a fierce color, and the big stick in his hand smashed towards Iskandar without hesitation!

   "I won't die...because...I still have brothers!!!"

   Looking at this scene, Iskandar did not despair on his face, instead he smiled and responded loudly.

   And just when the big stick was about to fall down.


   Accompanied by a sound like glass shattering, this piece of the small world filled with the vicious sun, yellow sand in the sky, and the violent wind that blows the pain of life, is like a mirror, completely broken!

   Two people, return to reality!

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