Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 931: An impossible battle

   After the barrier of the king's army shattered, Gilgamesh noticed it for the first time!

   "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

But when he swept away Quinn in front of him with a sword, and took this opportunity to get a little distance from Quinn, and when he turned and looked back at Iskandar, he couldn't help but frowned and shouted nervously. Came out.

  He saw Iskandall's embarrassment and the blood on the corners of his mouth!

the other side!


   After coming out of the enchantment of the king's army, Iskander quickly stepped on the air with his feet, and with this reaction force, he returned to the only three remaining ships on the scene, the ship of Saint Martin.

Immediately, after wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he waved his hand to Gilgamesh, who cared about him, reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said, "I'm fine... just overestimating my own strength. !"


   Listening to his words, Gilgamesh was secretly relieved!

   He knows that Iskandar is a relatively straightforward person.

At the same time, they were fighting fiercely with their opponents, but after Iskandar came out, Altria and Skaha, who consciously or unconsciously looked at him, also secretly heard Iskandar’s words. Relieved!

   Just fine!

   However, when the people on Saint Martin's side were secretly relieved, after Kaido came out, his mood immediately changed!


   Where is my army?

   From those thousands of fierce subordinates, hundreds of demon fruit capable people, and 20 warships?

   Why are there so many people left?

   Why are there two ships left?

   Thinking, Kaido turned his puzzled gaze to his men and allies in the fierce battle.

But what I saw was that Jack, who was in contact with Skaha, was almost rubbed against the ground by Gilgamesh, and Quinn was barely supported by the powerful recovery and defense capabilities of the animal system. , I have played with Altria, but I can clearly see the inferior Hathaway and her subordinates, the five major-general's pinnacle animal powers!

  What did I miss?

   How can the situation on the court change like this in just a few minutes?

   Kaido is even more puzzled!

  At this time, because Gilgamesh cared about Iskandal, Quinn got a little bit of respite because Gilgamesh cared about Iskandal, and saw Kaidone's doubts!

   So, taking advantage of this breathing opportunity, he quickly explained to Kaido!

"Boss! Just when you left, the other party used a powerful and wide-ranging move to directly destroy all of our subordinates. Only these two ships are left because of our presence. And it was barely destroyed!"

   After Quinn briefly explained, Gilgamesh quickly alerted Gilgamesh, for fear that Gilgamesh would take advantage of his explanation to attack!


  Kaido couldn't believe his ears!

   The opponent's move is very powerful and has a wide range of moves, will he get all his men?

   With a hint of surprise, Kaido asked incredulously, "The other party, one move, will he solve all of them?"

   "Really!" Quinn nodded while carefully alerting Gilgamesh!

   Looking at Quinn's confirming expression, Kaido's anger can no longer be suppressed!

Immediately, he furiously said, "What are you doing to eat? The other party has solved all of our subordinates with one move? That is the elite of our Pirate Group! Four thousand people, twenty battleships!! !"

   Quinn listened to Kaido's words and opened her mouth to say something to refute Kaido, but he couldn't say anything when the words came to her lips!

   To be honest, he doesn't want to be in this situation!

   At first, he thought he would be able to settle the battle easily!

   But there is no way!

   Who the **** can know, Gilgamesh, these little ghosts in his eyes, are so powerful.

   Every one is like a monster!

   hit and hit, in addition to letting him experience the power, even making him famous in this new world, known as the plague-stricken sea pirate, gave birth to the feeling of in vain from the bottom of my heart!


   These young people have this kind of strength at a young age. Does this make us seniors survive?

   If there are more such monsters in the world, will he retire?

the other side!

   Seeing Quinn did not refute, Kaido became more angry!

  He has a feeling of anger!

   However, even so, he did not do the kind of silly thing that vented his anger to his own person, but after a glance at the scene, he fixed his gaze on Gilgamesh!

   Well, from the performance just now, Gilgamesh is more like the leader of Saint Martin!

   "Asshole, it was you who dealt with my men just now?" Kaido asked angrily.

   As he wanted to come, Gilgamesh, as the leader, should be the strongest, so the move Quinn just said solved everyone, and it should be Gilgamesh!


   While listening to Kaido's angry voice, Gilgamesh was full of question marks.

   What the hell?

   Why did I do it?

   I didn’t do anything, why did I do it?

   Gilgamesh, who was a little confused about the brain circuit of Kaido, shook his head and said faintly, "It wasn't me...but, your opponent should be me next!"

Right now, Iskandar is like this, Gilgamesh naturally did not let him continue to deal with Kaido, so he was prepared to deal with Kaido by himself, and Iskandar was asked to deal with the weaker Quinn. !

"You? No matter who it is, I will crush him!" Kaido listened to Gilgamesh's words, and his anger continued to surge to his head. He was already a little impatient, and there was no nonsense. After an angry word, Very simply disappeared in place.

next moment!

  He appeared in front of Gilgamesh, raised the big stick, smashed it down fiercely, and shouted at the same time, "Take my anger, kid!!!"


   Upon seeing this, Gilgamesh, who was wary of Kaido himself, gave a sneer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quickly put the Sword of Oath of Victory on top of his head!

   Next second!


   The two collided, and a long metal collision sounded first!


   Immediately afterwards, an invisible shock wave swiftly emerged from the center point of the collision between the two, with boundless power, swept toward the surroundings and swept away.


   Soon, because of this shock wave, the sea area with a radius of 100 miles rolled outwards in a round and huge wave.


at the same time.

   At the bottom of the sea not far from where Gilgamesh's group was fighting!

Looking at the turbulent scene on the sea projected in front of him, Abrodi, who was drinking coffee in the hidden skybreaker, took a sip of the hot coffee in front of him, and asked curiously, "Oh. , Camu, you say... Several princes and princesses, is there any possibility of victory?"


After listening to Abrodi’s words, Camou thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "Impossible! Kaido's title of the strongest singles in the world was not given to him by someone else, but he typed it out completely. of!"

   "Although the strength of several princes and princesses is also very strong, they can be regarded as rare in the world at their age, but the real actual combat and the experience of fighting for life are still a little less!"

   "Facing players like Kaido, they can fight, but it is impossible to win if they want to!"

   Listening to Camu’s analysis, after thinking about it, Abrody nodded in agreement, and said indifferently, "Perhaps, just as you said!"

   Then, Abrody picked up the coffee again and tasted it slowly!

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