Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 952: Fish tide

   Weak Ding Fish!

   This was drawn by Arthur a long time ago, a creature from Pokémon!

   But since they were drawn out, Arthur, except for someone to train them at first, allowed them to move freely in the sea, survive and reproduce, without interfering any more!

However, under the strong adaptability, strong survivability, and strong reproduction ability of the weak tench, even though Arthur did not take special care of it, after more than ten years, in the past twenty years, the weak tench still Flooded!

   As for how flooded...

   Say so!

  The whole world, including the first half of the Great Channel, the commoners of the new world, when eating, there is such a dish on the table!


   sounds a bit miserable inexplicably!

   But it doesn’t matter!

   This also explains from the side how high the prevalence of weak tench is!

   If these places are not available, where would they appear on the tables of civilians?

   And in this case, Arthur has always regarded the weak tench as one of his hole cards!

Well, although on the surface it looks weak and pitiful, any person or creature can get it and eat it, but this is largely due to the fact that no one can control it. Caused!

   Under the premise of acting instinctively, the weak ten-fish use the characteristics of "fish school" to form hundreds of "weak ten-fish" composed of several thousand at most.

   In front of the sea kings, in front of the stronger fishermen, it is nothing at all!

   But once someone controls it, it's different!

   Weak Dingyu will move towards outsiders, showing their horror!

When tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of weak ten-fish use the characteristics of weak ten-fish together, it is enough to form a weak ten-fish that is several thousand, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of meters in size. !

  Think about it, how strong is a weak ten-fish that is several hundred thousand meters in size?

   Not to mention ordinary sea kings, even those thousands of thousands, or even tens of thousands of meters in the windless zone, will kneel in front of such a big weak ten-fish!

   And Arthur, it is precisely the person who has the ability to control these weak tenfish!

   The weak tench is produced systematically. When it was first produced, there was a setting. Any weak tench and the offspring of the weak tench will obey Arthur's orders!

"Because you are weak, everyone in the world thinks that you are just a delicious dish!" In the study, Arthur walked to the fish tank and muttered to himself, looking at the weak tench in the fish tank. Give you a chance to show your horror to the world! Let the world know that you are not just a dish!!!"

   As he said, Arthur folded his hands and slowly dived into the water, scooping up the weak ten-fish in the fish tank with the water!

next moment!

   Arthur's body disappeared in place!


   On the east side of St. Martin, a hidden beach surrounded by cliffs on three sides and facing the sea on the other!

   Arthur's figure suddenly appeared here!

   Immediately, he stepped on the sand, slowly walked into the sea, and then gently put the weak ten-fish still in his hand into the water!

   "Let's go...turn the sea except the West Sea upside down and make the world government a headache!" Arthur said sternly at the weak tench.

   If an outsider sees this scene at this time, he will think Arthur is crazy!

   However, this weak ten-fish seemed to understand it. After wagging its tail and banging Arthur's trousers a few times, it flicked its tail and turned and swam toward the depths of the sea.

   In a while!

   The weak ten-fish disappeared into Arthur's sight!


   And Arthur exhaled deeply, then took a deep look at the direction the weak ten-fish was leaving, then turned and left here!


   words are divided into two ends!

   Arthur went back, but the weak tench that Arthur put into the sea kept swimming!

   But it didn't take long for the weak ten-fish to meet its companions---a group of weak ten-fish that was looking for food!

   Seeing this, the weak ten-fish waved its tail and leaned directly on it!


Then, after the weak ten-fish opened its mouth and made an unexplained sound, the group of weak ten-fish seemed to have received some sacred instruction and spread out in an orderly manner, moving in all directions. Swim from the depths of the sea!

After that, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a hundred pass a thousand, a thousand pass a ten thousand, ten thousand pass a hundred thousand, a hundred thousand pass a million, a million pass a tens of thousands, a tens of millions pass a billion, and so on, these will travel everywhere. After meeting their companions, the weak ten-fishes, like the first weak ten-fish, made an unidentified sound, causing the school of fish to spread out!

   Then as the school of fish dispersed, more and more weak tenchs joined the action one after another!

  Finally, after almost the entire West Sea’s weak ten-fishes received the information, the weak ten-fishes all turned away and swam towards the upside-down mountain.

   Because of this, a wonder was born on the sea!

   fish tide!

   The boundless weak ten-fishes, like a tide, swept towards the upside-down mountain!

Along the way, whether it is seaweed kelp, or whales, sharks, octopus, or even a variety of tens of meters, hundreds of meters in size, all kinds of sea kings, everything that can be eaten, is being submerged in this weak tenfish In the tide of formation!

   And when the fish tide passed, these submerged creatures, in the best case, only left a thick bone!

   "This...this...what is going on?"

   "It's weird, isn't this a weak tench?"

   "Yes! But how could a weak tench become like this?"


   On the route of the weak ten-fishes, merchants, fishermen, and tourists, after seeing this scene and hearing the slight clash of fish from under their own boats, their hairs started to shudder, and they all showed horror!

   They are afraid that they will be swallowed up by the weak ten-fishes just like that!


   Soon they discovered that, apart from eating all the creatures on their way, these weak ten-fish did not attack the fishing boat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ merchant ships.

   In other words, they are safe!

   Therefore, they secretly relieved!

   However, while relieved, these merchants, fishermen, and tourists couldn't help but become curious!

   How did the weak ten-fish, which was originally regarded as a delicacy, become like this?

   But obviously, no one will explain this to them!


   A few days passed in a flash!

   After the weak ding fish formed a tide of fish, the gods blocked and killed the gods, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha. They looked all the way along the way, and soon came to Dianpao Mountain!

   Then, the weak ten-fish did not hesitate, one by one, rushing into the ocean current of the upside-down mountain one after another, they went upstream!

During the    period, although the weak tenchs lost a lot due to the turbulent currents, under the huge numbers, the weak tenchs soon came to the top of the upside-down mountain!

   However, they are not like ordinary ships. They all enter the great waterway through the upside-down mountain!

   Instead, it is divided into four here, and one part goes upstream to the East China Sea, the North Sea, and the South China Sea, while the other part goes downstream and enters the great waterway!

that's it!

   An artificial fish tide that can be called a disaster level is about to form...

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