Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 953: Frenzy

   After the fish entered the four seas, the fish tide spread rapidly like a plague!



   South China Sea!

   great waterway!

  Four places, in just a few days, there have been fish tides one after another!

But this time, apart from the fish tide of the Great Channel, most of the weak ten-fish are rushing towards the new world, but the fish tides in other places did not swim towards the upside down mountain, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. Gather in a group, wandering around in the sea, plundering food everywhere!

   "The fish tide is coming! "---Le Monde!

   "Weak Dingyu's Counterattack? "---Chambord Islands Daily News!

   "Scalp tingling! Densely densely horrified predators---weak dick! "--- Nanhai Weekly!

   "The Terrifying Weak Dingfish! Is it conspiracy or habit? "---Donghai Weekly!


   In response, various newspapers in various sea areas have reported this phenomenon one after another!

   While looking at the newspaper and feeling the recent changes in the ocean, people began to talk about it!

   "Isn't the weak tench a very ordinary fish? How could it become like this?"

   "Yes! I heard that it was the West China Sea at first, but then I don’t know what happened. The fish in the West China Sea began to move towards the upside-down mountain, and then they reached the South China Sea, the North Sea, the East China Sea and the Great Channel!"

   "Fortunately! These fish did not attack the ship, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be tens of thousands of people, or even hundreds of thousands of people died!"

"It's not getting better now! These **** weak ten-fishes, although they didn't attack ships and didn't eat people, they kept devouring all kinds of food in the sea. If this continues, fishermen still have those who rely on Those who survive in the sea will suffer losses due to this, and even survival is a problem!"

   "That's right! And weak ten-fish are all over the world! The number of people who are damaged this time may reach tens or even hundreds of millions!"

   "Not only that, but the economic loss may also be very serious! The damage caused this time is estimated to be not hundreds of billions or tens of billions of Baileys, and may even reach trillions! After all, there are really many people who depend on the sea for food!"

   "Hey~ I am afraid that many people will be unemployed because of this, and even have no money to eat!"

   "When the fish tide comes, I don't know how to live this year!


   During the heated discussion, although people feel fortunate that the weak ten-fish did not attack humans, they also feel sad and painful for the damage caused by the weak ten-fish!

   Because in this water-filled world, almost 30% of people are engaged in industries related to fisheries.

   But the weak Dingyu will affect the work, life, etc. of this part of people to some extent!

   "Or... let's go hunting for the weak tench? Now those **** fish have eaten everything. If we don't eat them, I'm afraid we won't be able to live this year!"

And among the affected people, because they panic about future life problems, the evil grows on the guts, and fishes that can't live with these scourges are born in their minds to make up for their losses. Guarantee your own survival problem!


   "Together! These **** fish should die!"

   "Now is a good opportunity! Weak ding fish are all gathered together, we can catch thousands, tens of thousands at least!"

   "As long as you catch a few more times at that time, you may not only make up for the loss, but you may even make a small amount of money!"


As for this person’s ideas, some people hesitated, some people agreed without hesitation, and some even gave birth to the opportunity to use the weak ten-fish to gather together to earn him a fortune. idea!

   But soon, these people's ideas fell through!


   Weak Dingyu began to really play their horror!


   great waterway!

   Water City!

   At this time, countless weak ten-fish gathered together and passed by the sea outside the water capital!

   After a glance, the people in the Water City didn't care about it!

   In the past few days, they watched too much of this scene!

   Almost every few moments, a group of weak ten-fishes pass by the water capital!


   At this time, a long and loud chirping sound attracted their attention!

When they followed the sound and looked over, they found an island-eating monster the size of an island appeared outside the water capital, screaming, opened their mouths, and aimed at this group of weak tenchs. Eat them as food!

   "These weak ding fishes are a curse for us, but they make this island eater cheap!" A fisherman couldn't help sighing as he watched this scene.

   Because of the fish tide, the fisherman hasn't caught fish for many days, so he had to go to the port to work as a porter in order to make a living.

   But what he didn't expect was that he saw it on his first day as a porter!

   However, the next scene was far beyond the fishermen's cognition!

   I saw this group of weak ten-fishes suddenly gathered together when they were about to be swallowed by the island eaters!

next moment!


   Accompanied by the sound of a rolling ocean wave, the weak ten-fish clustered together, transformed into a giant fish larger than the island eating monster and exaggerated!

  Eater Island Monster is like a son and a father in front of the giant fish that the weak ten-fish transforms into!

   Seeing this, the eyes of the Island Eater showed even more horror!

   Where is my food?

   Is that food full of happiness after my bite?

How did    suddenly become like this?

and many more!


   The food has become like this, after that, is it food or...

  The island food monster's eyes are getting more and more frightened!

   However, without waiting for it to be panicked, the giant fish that the weak ten-fish incarnate suddenly opened their mouths and swallowed the island-eating monster like a snack in its stomach!

the other side.

   The fishermen who watched this scene, as well as the porters, merchants, tourists, etc. of the water capital surrounding the fishermen, all opened their mouths and were shocked that their jaws were about to fall!

   And from this day on, the weak ten-fishes began to have new changes!

  Before, although weak tenkins also caught Neptune species, most of them were relatively small Neptune species~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and because the Neptune species also run fast, weak tenkins rarely caught!

   Now, as soon as the weak fish see the Neptunes, they transform into giant fish and start to hunt the Neptunes!

   Almost every Neptune that encounters weak ten-fishes cannot escape under the giant fish composed of weak ten-fish, and can only hate the giant fish composed of weak ten-fish!

   In addition to starting to catch the sea kings, the weak tench also did something that frightened everyone!

   Attack the ship!

Before   , the weak tines did not attack ships!

   But now, the weak tench are attacking ships!

   Although the weak tench still did not eat people, any ship going out to sea during this period will be attacked by a giant fish composed of weak tench as long as it leaves the port!

   Therefore, people have a new understanding of this incident!

  Among them, some people even named this incident---Frenzy Fish Disaster!

   And this naming will soon appear in the newspaper!

   "The tide of fish is upgraded, the disaster of wild fish is coming! "---Le Monde!

   Le Monde was the first to officially recognize the name of this incident in the newspaper!

   And since then, the name Frenzy Fish Disaster began to spread on a large scale, and it was quickly recognized by everyone...

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