Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 954: Distressed warring states

   great waterway!

   Navy Headquarters!

   "These **** fish!" Looking at the information sent by his subordinates, the Warring States could not help but curse!

   Weak Dingyu’s attack is irrelevant!

   These days, even the navy side has sunk because of the existence of weak ding fish, dozens of warships, not long after they left the port!

   Although there were no casualties in the end because of the navy's water quality, the losses alone were enough for him to be angry!

   strongly suppressed the anger in his heart, Zeng Guo turned his head to the crane on the side and asked, "What do you think?"

   "It's not easy this time!" After the crane said a word, he said with a frown, "The original birthplace of the wild fish disaster is the West Sea! But this time it is also the West Sea that has the lowest damage!"

"When other places were affected by weak ten-fish, the West Sea suffered a little loss from the initial fish tide, and when the weak ten-fish became a mad fish disaster, there were very few weak ten-fish in the West Sea. Did not suffer any loss!"

   "Furthermore, the weak tench species originally appeared more than ten years ago, nearly twenty years ago, and it just so happened that the place where it appeared was also in the West Sea, or within the scope of the Kingdom of Saint Martin at that time!"

   "A combination of all this is enough to show that this incident is definitely not related to Saint Martin's side!"

   After the Warring States period was silent for a while, he said, "Then what do you think is the relationship between this incident and Saint Martin? Why did Saint Martin do this?"

   "I don't know, there is too little information now! I can't figure out the reason for Saint Martin's practice!" He said helplessly.

  Without the help of information and intelligence, even if she is the Chief of Naval Staff, it is impossible to get any results!

   After all, she is not a fortune teller!

   As for her answer, Warring States was not too surprised!

   When he got the news, he himself had thought about it.

   and the result is similar to crane!

   He couldn’t figure out the reason for Saint Martin’s actions!

   However, when I got the news, there was something that made the Warring States feel lucky!

   That is, during this period of time, pirate crime, something that usually occurs every day, has decreased a lot.

   There are even villages that had received news that pirates were about to attack, but in these days they have not encountered any pirates, as if the pirates were all on vacation!

   Of course, the Warring States also quickly understood what caused such an abnormal phenomenon!


   The pirate’s ship is the same as the navy ship. They can’t get out of the port!

   Well, the pirates, like the navy, have been blocked by weak ten-fish in the harbor!

   If you can’t get out of the port, there is no way to robbery. If there is no way to robbery, there is naturally no crime. Therefore, the crime rate of pirates in the sea has dropped a lot!

   "Well, I'll talk about Saint Martin later!"

   Zhan asked with some distress, "Now, how should the matter of going to sea be solved? Although the crime rate of pirates has been lower recently, we are always stuck in the port like this, it is not a solution!"

   In the past two days, he has almost grayed out his hair to get out of the port!

   He has tried all kinds of ideas, but they are not ideal, and he can't let them out of the port!

   Whether it is rushing out violently, or sneaking out when a weak ten-fish is not there, the Navy’s ships cannot be allowed to leave the port!

no way!

   There are too many weak ding fishes!

   rush out violently, and will be forced back by the endless tide of fish!

   Find a weak ten-fish and sneak out quietly...the weak ten-fish is not there at all!

   Whether it is day or night, there are always dense numbers of weak ten-fish near the headquarters of the navy, as if weak ten-fish were specifically to deal with them.

"Let's ask for help from above! If this continues, obviously it won't work!" Crane thought for a while and said, "Although the crime rate of pirates has dropped a lot, it's not uncommon! I can't get to the sea, I can only stay on the shore, and there is no income, so many cases are created on the shore!"

   "Because our navy has no way to go to sea, these cases can not be suppressed except for the strong local navy, and we urgently need our support!"


   The Warring States period is not a particularly face-saving person, since now it’s a point where you can’t ask for help, of course it’s for help!

   Then, Warring States soon reported the news!


   Holy Land Mary Joa!

   In a luxurious office!

   The five old stars each sat in their chairs to discuss matters!

   "Can't get out of the sea? Need support?" Listening to the news sent by the Warring States, the five old stars looked at each other, and they all saw a headache in the eyes of the other party!

   To be honest, this time the pressure on the world government is much greater than the navy!

The main responsibility of the navy is to fight against pirates. Although they can’t tell the sea, the crime rate is much lower than usual because the pirates can’t get out of the sea either. Therefore, there is no urgency and nothing too much pressure!

   But the world government is different here, the pressure is really great!

  The damage caused by the weak dingyu has caused many franchise countries to suffer losses, and many civilians in the franchise countries have lost their livelihoods. Therefore, many franchise countries are clamoring for the world government to quickly solve the weak dingyu!

   "What should I do?" After the eight-character Hu Wuxing glanced at several people present, he frowned and asked the question first.

   But no one responded for a long time!


   New world!

   Among the red-haired pirates who stopped on an island!

   Looking at the school of weak tench fish swimming by outside the island, if it is not the truth, it will be placed in front of him. If Shanks is killed, he will not believe that one day he will let a school of fish make him unable to go out to sea!

   "Captain, what should I do?" Laki Lu asked while chewing on the chicken legs.

   "Wait!" Shanks said helplessly.

   This is the first time in his life that he has had such a great sense of frustration!

   In the past few days, it's not that he didn't try to take the ship out to sea, but the end result is the same... but it's helpless to return!

   Groups of weak ten-fishes, as soon as their ship went out to sea, they turned into giant fish and came out to stop him!

   Of course, he wouldn’t be helpless if it were just like this!

   After all, the knife in his hand is not vegetarian!

   But the problem is, there are too many fish!

   When he defeated a giant fish made up of weak ten-fish~www.wuxiaspot.com~ another giant fish appeared again!

   Then, one after another giant fish appeared one after another, and they had to return to the voyage when they hit it!


   When the navy was in distress, the world government had a headache, and even pirates like the Four Emperors felt helpless, Arthur, the initiator of this incident, was a little happy and a little surprised!

  I am happy that his idea of ​​diverting the attention of the world government has been achieved!

   Surprisingly, the weak ten-fish has such a great power, it is beyond his expectation!

   Although he knows that the weak tench has developed very fast in recent years, the whole world and even the great waterway, the new world.

   But he never thought that there were so many weak ten-fishes!

   This made him, the initiator, couldn't help being surprised!

   "But... this is great!"

   Surprise is a surprise, but Arthur still gladly accepted the surprising result!

   Well, my own strength has increased, what else is unhappy! ?

   After being happy, Arthur calmed down quickly!

   "Then... Then it's time to start transferring animal resources to Beihai, manpower!" Arthur said quietly.

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