Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 959: Stinger

   St. Martin’s publicity is very powerful!

   Especially after occupying the entire West Sea, St. Martin’s propaganda is unique in the West Sea!

   Well, no one dared to be the second!

   The entire West China Sea is now Saint Martin’s territory, so I still go to do the second, isn’t that the real second?

   And in this case, St. Martin’s propaganda is also ranked top in the world!

   St. Martin, which has an entire Xihai base as its base, is invincible in terms of propaganda.

   No matter what, there is also a whole Xihai for publicity!

   However, with such a strong Saint Martin, there is no power in the world that can compete with Saint Martin in propaganda!

   such as...

  World Government!

  As the world's largest organization, although the world government does not have any propaganda channels that belong to its own family, as long as they give orders, will anyone not listen?


   Even a Le Monde, which looks to the money, has to give the world government face!

   Therefore, after the next few days, the whole world became lively!

   "Spy? That is slander---the world government announcement! "---Le Monde!

   "Shirou Katori is just a temporary worker sent out by the government of our world to gather things, not a spy! "---Le Monde!

   "Shirou Katori was bought! "---Le Monde!

   "The Unpredictable Saint Martin! The injustice of the world government! "---Chambord Islands Daily News!

   "Count the Sins of Saint Martin!" "---A place in the Great Waterway!


   For several days, Le Monde and newspapers around the world, as long as they are not in the West Sea, all gave the world government "face" and began to report on St. Martin!

   Among them, some are true and some are false, but in short, these black materials are overwhelming, wave after wave!

   However, Saint Martin did not show weakness either!

   "Crimes of the World Government! "---St. Martin Daily!

   "Under sin, that ugly face! "---Western poster!

   "Deny? useless! Here is the evidence! "---A local newspaper in Xihai!


   Driven by Saint Martin, the newspapers located in Xihai also started to hack the world government!

   That's it, today you black me out, tomorrow I will go back black again, the world government and Saint Martin both had a fight in the newspapers in the air!

   But after a few days of fighting, this war of words did not tell a winner or a higher one!

   St. Martin occupies the geographical advantage of the West China Sea. There is a whole West China Sea behind it, and the world government has the prestige advantage. Except for the newspapers of West China Overseas, almost all listen to them!

   One has a strong publicity effect, and the other has a wide range of publicity!

   Each has advantages and disadvantages!

   However, it can be said that after the smearing of the world government has formed the impression that the two sides smear each other, Saint Martin's previous smear effect on the world government has gone by 90%!

   There was a tie!

   But Arthur didn't care too much about this!

   To promote this kind of thing, it is not necessary to distinguish the winner or loser, anyway, the goal is achieved!

   Although the publicity of this time, with the timely response of the world government, the effect of smearing is somewhat unsatisfactory, but the effect of covering the vest plan and shaking the spies to make those spies panic!

   Whether Katori Shiro is a spy, outsiders can’t see it and don’t know, but spies who are also spies can’t see it or don’t know?

   They are very clear!

   Also, some people are moved by it!

   So in the past few days, while St. Martin has been fighting fiercely with the world government, several courageous world government spies have directly rebelled because they did not want to live that fearful life!

   As for this, Arthur also readily accepted this, and also helped them settle down, give settlement allowances, arrange work, and so on.

   can be said to be the spies who have turned the betrayal in all directions without dead ends. Arrangements are made properly and clearly!

   Although Arthur didn’t know if there was any fake mutiny in it, he treated them the same regardless of whether there was a fake mutiny and gave the best treatment!

   Well, this group of people, as the first group of rebels, if Arthur did not give them good treatment, how could more spies betrayed? How could they be panicked by spies who could make the world government?

  Under this premise, it is not a big deal that there may be false mutinous people in it. After the big deal, send more people to monitor it. Now it is better to use good treatment to shake the spies first!

  "Yes, the spies sent by the world government in the kingdom now don’t have the intention of watching the kingdom’s material mobilization! At most, I care about the so-called "big move!" "Arthur looked at the newspaper and thought with satisfaction.

   But then, he changed his mind and cared about one more thing.

   Katori Shiro's safety!

   Although things are going smoothly right now, once Katori Shiro dies, it will not fall short, but the effect of the panic of the world government spies must be greatly reduced!

  At the same time, the world government spies who want to defect later will also think about it!

   "Now Yousuke Inoue is in charge of the vest plan, so let's leave the safety of Katori Shiro to Devon!" Arthur thought for a while, and made a decision in his heart!


   Edera is an assassin!

   Well, in the current parlance, it’s a killer!

   But whether assassin or assassin, the nature of the job is the same anyway, that is, to kill, to kill the designated person!

   However, Edla is not the kind of traditional assassin who kills at close quarters with short swords and short swords!

   Not only that, he also sneered at the so-called traditional assassins!

He believes that this kind of ancient assassin is out of the times, and the risk of killing is too high, and it is easy to fail, causing the alert and defense of the target to rise, and even if it succeeds, it may not be able to escape. Inferior assassin!

   In his opinion, the real assassin should kill invisible, and his own safety is still very guaranteed!

   Like him, a stinger!

   As for what a stinger is...

   To put it simply, it is an assassin who uses a variety of medicines and chemicals to make the target die inadvertently!

   I watched it in Edla~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not to mention his assassin's risk is small, and the success rate is quite high!

   As long as the opponent touches a little poison, even if it is accidentally, it can make the opponent die, and when the opponent dies, it can appear anywhere far away from the opponent, and there is enough alibi!

   It can be said that the risk is small and the return is large!

   Of course, in addition to the stinger, there is no assassin in his heart who can stand up to the stinger!

   For example, an assassin who is also following the trend, sniper stabbing!

   is an assassin who uses advanced firearms to harvest the enemy's life from hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters away!

   Well, he himself is considered half a sniper stabbing!

   In addition to poisoning people, he occasionally uses a sniper rifle when he kills people!

   However, instead of using a bullet to head head like a normal sniper sting, a special bullet is used to inject poison into the opponent's body, causing the opponent to die!

   "This time the target is a spy..." Edella murmured while looking at the photos sent by his agent.

   Then, he picked up the lighter on the side and lit the photo!

   Looking at the photo gradually turning into ashes, after a murderous intent flashed in Edla’s eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and he murmured, "Since it has become my target, then go to death!

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