Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 960: What about cheating?

  The goal has been set, and of course it's time to go to the target location!

   And about this, Edla is lucky!


  He is on holiday in Saint Martin now!

   Well, yes, vacation!

   After the Great Unification, the West China Sea has become the safest sea area among the four seas, and it has attracted a large number of tourists from other sea areas to come and play, and gradually become the best tourist and holiday destination among the four seas!

  No one wants to go out for a trip, just take a vacation, right?

  Under this premise, there are no less safe and fun places like the West Sea than other places, so it has naturally become the best travel choice!

   As an assassin who likes to combine work and rest, Edela usually not only researches poisons and kills targets, but also travels and vacations the most, relax!

   In terms of travel and vacation, Edera, like ordinary tourists, don’t want to have an accident during their vacation!

   Although he is not afraid of things, if something happens during a vacation, how bad is it?

  He doesn't want these messy things to affect his good mood when he travels on vacation!


  Because he was vacationing in San Martin, after receiving the task, Edla quickly rushed to the destination-the city of San Martin on the island of San Martin in the Kingdom of San Martin!

   And the first thing he did when he arrived in town was to find his agent!

  In the world of assassins and killers, there are generally two types!

   One is a lone assassin, a killer!

   An organized assassin, killer!

   When completing the task in the former way, whether it is the information of the goal, how to complete the task, or the current location of the goal, you need to find it yourself and calculate it yourself!

  The latter, the organization will complete all the assassinations for you, including collecting intelligence, inquiring about the location of the target and other trivial things!

   Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and there is no saying which one is the best!

   The first type is more troublesome, time-consuming, and dangerous. It is possible that the information you have collected has errors or omissions, but you get a lot of bounties and you are free to accept tasks.

The second type is less troublesome, less time-consuming, and less dangerous. Generally speaking, the organization will be responsible for receiving and repairing leaks, but the bounty is small, and the organization has to pay a lot of money. At the same time, the task is not free, and the organization has basically no tasks The method refuses, and when necessary, the organization may betray you!

   And Edla is the first one!

  Lone assassin!

   However, he is different from ordinary assassins!

  He has an agent!

  The agent is the top character among the first type of assassins. After becoming a top character, he complements his own weaknesses.

   is mainly responsible for assessing the danger of the mission for the assassin, receiving the most reasonable mission, and collecting intelligence, responsible for the subsequent response and so on!

  It can be said that with an agent, the disadvantage of being a lone assassin is made up for!

  Of course, the brokers do not do so many things for charity---they want to make a rake!

   Generally speaking, the agent will collect about 10% to 30% of the reward for each task!

Compared with the second type of assassin, the percentage of the rake is quite low. Generally speaking, the second type of assassin requires 50 to 70% of the organization. The more black-hearted organization does not even draw more than 90%. impossible!

   However, not every assassin will have an agent!

   The agent's energy is limited, and there are so many things to do. Naturally, it is impossible to say that an agent has many assassins. Under this premise, the level of the assassin is very important!

   Low-level assassins, a mission doesn’t have much money at all. If the agent has such assassins under his hands, then even 30% of the assassins will not be worth the loss. Maybe the revenge from the mission is not enough to eat!

   Therefore, generally only top assassins have agents!

   "Are everything ready?"

   After a while, Edla found the agent who was eating wontons in front of a small stall!

  His agent is a middle-aged man, obese, dressed in sloppy, a pair of slippers and shorts, his face is fleshy, he looks very kind and a bit unreliable!

   However, Edla knows that although this agent is not very good on the outside, he is very powerful on the inside!

   After so many years of cooperation, the agent never made a mistake!

   It can be said that part of his reputation as a top killer is partly due to the backing of this agent!


  The agent did not answer Edera's words, but while inhaling a cold breath, eating hot wontons, he picked up a document from the chair next to him and handed it to Edera!

   Edla saw this, took the information, and after looking through it roughly, he stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go first, you eat slowly!"

Hearing that, the middle-aged agent put down the spoon in his hand, wiped his mouth, and then said with a serious face, "The difficulty of this task is different from before. It can be said that it is unprecedented. You'd better be careful. a little!"

   "I know, just because it is more difficult than ever, I let you pick it up!" Edla smiled and said, "As long as this list is finished, I can basically retire!"

   The manager opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he shook his head and said, "Forget it, as long as you know it!"

"So be it!"

   Edla smiled, turned and left!

   But the agent couldn’t help but said, “Remember... come back alive!”

   Edla's body first stopped, and then returned to normal. He opened his legs and continued to leave. At the same time, he also stretched out his left hand, raised it on his shoulder, and swayed behind him, indicating that he heard it!


   came the afternoon in a blink of an eye!

   After reading the information given by the agent, Edla decisively left the city of Saint Martin and headed to the outskirts!

   Well, according to information, Shiro Katori's family now lives in the suburbs!

   And Edla is going to check the terrain first!

   Terrain is the most important part of assassinating a target for an assassin~www.wuxiaspot.com~!

  Only by exploring the terrain, can you move forward and retreat freely, and then you can know how to make a good plan. Otherwise, you will not even run well!

   However, when Edla came to the destination and checked the terrain for the first time, he was dumbfounded on the spot!

   Oh, I wipe it!

   What about cheating?

   Although some of the Katori's family live in the suburbs, but you and he didn't say that they lived in such a ghost place!

   Looking at the plains in front of them, the dense patrol soldiers on the plains, and the lonely houses in the middle of the plains, Edela felt that the agent was unreliable for the first time in his life!

   In this kind of terrain, let alone people, even if a dog ran over, the soldiers on patrol would be able to spot it immediately.

   "No, go back and discuss the long-term plan first!"

   After taking a deep look at the lonely house, Edla had no choice but to give up without hesitation for three seconds!

   But just when he was about to turn around and leave.


   With a crisp sound, Edla looked at the silver bracelet that suddenly appeared in his hand, completely dumbfounded!

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