Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 966: Pit capacity




   Edera now has ten thousand negative emotions, but they are of no avail!

   Looking at the silver bracelet in his hand, thinking back to the words of the sturdy young man, Edla suddenly felt like he was being played, and he felt like he was humiliated!

   "Okay, stop this expression! Although you are an assassin, not only did you not commit any irreparable mistakes, but you also made meritorious service and knocked down the killers of the three world governments!"

"When the time comes, I will give you a merit, and give you a chance to get a probation or commutation! At your age, you can come out at most 60 or 70 years old. If you make good changes in it, behave better, and then reduce it. Punishment, fifty or sixty years old is not impossible!" The sturdy young man looked at Edla's expression, comforting.

   Make up the knife, right?

   Is this a make up?

   Hearing these words, Edla was embarrassed!

   What does it mean to have done something?

   Is that what he meows me to do?

   Is that what I did?

   I am an assassin!

  The kind of assassin who can kill!

  I came here to kill people, not to contribute to Saint Martin! ! !


   Just then, the door of the interrogation room was knocked!

"Come in!"

   The strong young man said subconsciously.


   The next moment, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man who also wore security clothes walked in.

"team leader!"

   After a salute, the middle-aged man walked to the strong young man, lowered his head, and whispered a few words!

   After listening to the strong young man taking a deep look at Edla, he waved his hand at the middle-aged man and said, "Okay, I understand!"

   The middle-aged man said nothing, he saluted again, then turned and left!


After he left, the strong young man sighed deeply, with a smile like a chrysanthemum on his face, and asked softly, "Brother Edla, are you interested in reducing your sentence, or even... Immunity?"

  ? ? ?

   Sentence reduction? Immunity?

   What demon is this doing?

   Edla frowned, and there was a trace of alert in my heart!

   There is a good saying, there must be a demon if something goes wrong!

   The attitude of the strong young man before is completely opposite to that of the present. If there is no problem in it, he must not believe it!

   However, before Edla could speak, the agent who was also handcuffed beside him seemed to have heard something good. As soon as his eyes lit up, he couldn't wait to agree, "Interested, interested!"

   Well, he just heard the words you two in the words of the strong young man!


   Edla looked at the agent irritably, seeming to blame him for agreeing to this kind of thing privately!

"I said, eldest brother! You don’t look at what we are doing now, do you have the conditions to make sense? And... you know, my baby was just born last month. We have worked together for so many years, and you don’t want to watch After my child is born, there is no company with my old father, right?"

The agent looked at Edla and said something with affection, then the voice changed and moved with reason, "I know you are actually tired of the assassin industry all these years, and have always wanted to find a place. Stay in seclusion, find a wife to live your life, have a child to inherit from your family! If you were arrested like this, wouldn't all of this be ruined?"

   Listening to the agent's words, Edla's face changed!


   Not long after, after a sigh, he nodded gently and agreed!

   As an orphan, a lone assassin, there is no organization behind him, and he is not threatened by anyone. He is not like those organized assassins, who are tightly bound by the organization by various means and cannot do things that betray the organization!

   In addition, he really cherishes his life very much, so... he agreed!

   "The two made a right choice!" The strong young man said with a smile.

   "What do you want me to do?"

   Edla asked with a calm face after thinking about it.

   He does not believe that the strong youth will reduce his sentence for no reason, or even exempt him!


After a compliment, the strong young man said seriously, "That's it... We are above, we value your ability and want you to continue in the city, just like before, looking for the cooperation of those who came to assassinate Shiro Katori !"

   value my ability?

   Are you laughing at me?

   Really, right?

  I was caught twice in St. Martin, and it was worse than the other, saying that I value my ability?

Ha ha!

   Who flicker?

   Edla looked at the sturdy young man and showed the look of you teasing me.

Upon seeing this, the strong young man touched his nose in embarrassment and smirked, and then honestly said, "Well, in fact, it is to value your ability to pit not only yourself, but also the powerful ability of your teammates! Want you to be The city continues to look for people like the people of the world government that you worked with before, and then pit them!"

   That's right!

   I'll just say how do you value my ability!

   Turns out to value my pit ability!

   Thinking, Edla, who was inexplicably proud of her heart, nodded in satisfaction, suddenly his face became stiff, and he reacted!

   Alas, no!

  What is pit ability?

   What does it mean to not only pit yourself, but also the powerful ability of teammates?

   This Nima is humiliating me, right?

   Really, right?

   Thinking about it, Edla didn't dare to say anything. He could only stare at the sturdy young man with wide eyes, trying to kill the irritating **** in front of him with his eyes.


   At this time, the strong young man raised his hand and patted twice!


   With the sound of chain collision, several security guards pressed the dead Augustines who were locked by special chains and walked in!


   When they saw Edera, the three of Augustus became excited. After shouting in unison, they tried to break free from the control of several security officers and rushed towards Edera!


   A few security officers pressed their tall people, and the iron chain that locked the three of them was also specially made, limiting the power of the three of them, so in the end the three of them still did not break free!

"Asshole, look what you did? You **** assassin, your hands tremble at a critical moment? My old lady XX you XX..." To Edla, Lainna lost her mind and couldn't help but burst. A series of foul language!

   She had thought about many experiences of being arrested or killed, but before doing this mission, she never thought that her assassin career would fall into this kind of thing, in this case!

   turned out to be shaken by the "owner" and fell down!

   Besides her, the other two people, Augustus and Hagens were not getting any better, they were all swearing at Edla!

   Well, they never thought that they would fall into this kind of cheating situation in their lives!

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com sturdy young man did not pay attention to the three people's yelling curses, but looked at Edla with a smile and said, "After all, there is no basis for mutual trust between us, so... .I hope you can kill these three!"

   "As long as the people of these three world governments die, you can get a trace of our trust. This time, even the chance of exemption is yours!"

   Talking, the strong young man stood up, took out a revolver from his waist, put it on the table, and then stepped forward again, opening the handcuffs in Edla's hand!

   "Now, the right to choose what to do is up to you!" After speaking, the strong young man greeted all the security officers in the room and walked out the door!

the other side!

   After Edra looked at the revolver on the table in front of him, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the strong young man, and asked hesitantly, "Wait, can you tell me... what is your name?"

"Jason! Pendragon Jason!" Jason did not stop or turn his head, and continued walking with all the security officers, but his voice faintly passed into Edla's ears. in!

   And shortly after Jason left, three gunshots suddenly sounded in the interrogation room!





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