Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 967: Force and skill

  The Tower of Trial!





   Accompanied by a fierce collision, two invisible figures fought fiercely in a desert with a blazing sun.

  The aftermath of the battle swept out from the meeting point of the two silhouettes wave after wave with the sound of collision, causing yellow sand in the sky!


Suddenly, one of the two figures seemed to have seized the opportunity and blasted the other figure from the air into the desert, causing a huge pit 100 meters deep to appear in the desert that was already full of mess. !

   At this time, a clear and sweet voice also rang in due course, "Congratulations, master for clearing the level!"


The tired and temperless Arthur panted violently, wiped off the sweat on his forehead that could almost fill a cup, and replied weakly, "Don't... congratulations..., send me. .. get out... now!"

   "Good host!" The crisp and sweet voice sounded again!


   Arthur's consciousness returned to his body.

   "Huh huh!"

   After subconsciously gasping for two times, he realized that his state had returned to the best Arthur, and his breathing eased!

   "The eighth level of the general level is finally cleared!" Arthur sighed, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

   When he got the Sun Lion form, Arthur still somewhat overestimated his strength!

   He originally thought that with the blessing of the sun lion form, he could get through the eight or nine levels of the general level of the tower of trial, but in fact it was a bit difficult to fight on the eighth level!

   However, he is quite satisfied with his own strength!

   Whether the strength of the eighth-level general of the Tower of Trial can make him invincible in this world, he doesn't know, but at least it is certain that those with names and surnames in the world, who have collected information, cannot beat him!

   Of course, this refers to heads-up, if it is a group fight, then forget it!

"Now my strength has reached a bottleneck again! There is basically no room for upgrading in physical skills, and the potential of the body has been completely released! In other words, the next thing to be developed is the fruit ability!" Ya Se murmured, and began to figure it out!

   Among his fruit abilities, the Thunder Fruit is in the third stage, and the Mumu Fruit is at the peak of the second stage, just a bit short of reaching the third stage!

   It stands to reason that what he wants to develop next should be Mumu Fruit, because Mumu Fruit is the closest to the third stage!

   However, after thinking about it, Arthur gave up the idea!

no way!

   No thoughts!

   If it is the fruit of thunder and lightning, it would be nice to say that as a person who travels from a place full of electricity in the world, he knows some knowledge about thunder and lightning, so it is relatively simple to develop.

   But what about wood... As long as you are not studying agriculture, who would know this?

   "Wait, that's not right! You don't have to develop fruit to improve your strength! It's okay to develop fruit moves!" Arthur patted his head and suddenly felt that he had entered a misunderstanding!

   It is not necessary to develop the fruit to enhance the strength, the development of the move is the same!

   This is like a boxer!

  Improving physical fitness can certainly enhance the strength of a boxer, but boxing skills can also enhance the strength of a boxer!

   The two are just in different directions, the result is the same, both can improve the boxer's strength!

   To put it plainly, one is power and the other is skill!

   "It's just...what new move should I develop?" Arthur murmured hesitantly.

   So far, he has developed all the moves that have memories in his mind, whether it is anime, manga, or TV or movie, he has developed it!

   can't be developed, basically can't be developed!

   So, if he wants to develop new moves, he must think about it this time!

   "Go back first, I think the new move is definitely not something that can be done in a day or two. Go back and talk about it!" Arthur thought for a long time and still had no clue, so he asked Celia to send him out of the tower of trial!

   New moves are not meant to be developed as you want, nor is it to say that you can get some devil fruit abilities with different shapes, even if you develop new moves.

   However, after careful consideration and many tests to prove that it has practical value, it can be regarded as the real development of new moves!

   And all of this undoubtedly takes a long time, so Arthur decided to leave the tower of trial first, and then think about it slowly!


   study room!

   "See Your Majesty!"

   After returning to the study, Dewen, the head of the intelligence department, received the news and came to the study.

   "What's the matter?" Arthur looked at him and asked curiously.

   "It's like this..." German said briefly about Edera!


   After listening, Arthur couldn't help but laughed, and said, "I didn't expect this assassin to be so unlucky! Last time I went to explore the terrain, I was caught by the security team before I found it!"

   "This time it's even more amazing! I actually pit myself, and even sent the three killers of the world government to hell. What a **** talent!"

   As he spoke, Arthur changed his voice and smiled, "Okay, I know, so be it! Do what you want!"

   "In addition, I have something to report!" Devin said, and began to talk about the current situation of Luffy and his party!

  After finishing the Dragon Pirates group, and successfully recruiting a new crew member...that is, after Nami, Luffy and his party rushed from Cocosia Village to Rogge Town!

   Well, actually, much slower than the original!

The original work of    arrived in just a few days, and now at least ten days have passed!

   The main reason for this is the hat on Luffy's head!

  Good things collectors, after knowing that the hat is Roger’s straw hat, the bounty for the hat has risen all the way, from the original several million to the price of 30 million!

  30 million!

   This is not a small amount. For ordinary people, they may not be able to earn so much money in a lifetime, so Luffy and his team are not unexpectedly blocked!

  Bounty hunters, pirates, gangsters, farmers, fishermen, etc., as long as there are people along the way, as long as they meet them, almost no one will not reach out, try to stop them or steal that hat!

   And this, Luffy and his party are also very helpless!

The bounty of the straw hat is different from the bounty of the pirates. It can't deter people at all. In addition, Luffy itself is the kind of kind people. For ordinary people such as farmers and fishermen who try to steal and **** the straw hat, because of the road Fei couldn't bear to make cruel hands, so he let them go!

   And because of his actions, more people are conceived with different thoughts!

   can't die anyway, why not try to steal or steal it?

   There is no punishment for failure, and you will not worry about success for a lifetime!

   With this thought, more and more people came to rob Luffy and his party!

   Because of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Luffy and his group are also slower and slower along the way!

   Besides, they also have big problems now... They dare not stop the ship for supplies!

   The ship that wanted to **** Luffy’s hat because of a slip of smoke behind his ass!

  Among them, some ship owners saw the opportunity and started to use this to make money. After charging a certain ship fee, they drove the ship, pulled the people in the ship, and followed Luffy's group!

"Okay! I can only say that it is indeed Luffy!" After listening to German's return, Arthur saw the German handed it over. The intelligence personnel filmed on the spot about Luffy and his party following the smokeboat. The scene showed a dumbfounding expression!

   He never expected that after he changed the plot, Luffy had no rewards, and as a result, his hat had a reward.

   and it's exactly the same as his rewards during this period in the original book!

   is thirty million!

   "Okay, I see, you can go down first!" After a while, Arthur waved his hand and told Devon to leave!

   And shortly after Devon left, Arthur fell into thought again!

   "Well, continue to want to develop new moves..."

   As he said, Arthur muttered to himself and said, "How to develop new moves... Or try the ability to fuse two devil fruits!?"

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