Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 968: Everything has electromagnetic waves

   Fusion Devil Fruit Ability!

   Arthur has never seen this kind of thing in this world, never even heard it!

   And he has never done it himself!

   When he used the power of the Devil Fruit, one item was the wooden fruit, and the thunder fruit returned to the thunder fruit. The two have been used together, and the two have been combined, but they have never been combined!

   In other words, the ability to integrate Devil Fruit is a blank area in history.

   However, Arthur can be sure that this is a difficult thing!

   Especially Mumu Fruit and Thunder Fruit!

   These two fruits themselves are a bit restrained-the wood is insulated!

   With a little restraint, if you want to combine the wood fruits and the thunder fruits, it can even be said to be a fantasy.

   But I don’t know why, but from the bottom of his heart, Arthur has a voice telling him that these two fruits can be combined, but he has not found the key point!

trust yourself!

   This is Arthur's subconscious decision!

   Although it seemed difficult, he decided to try it!

   Well, anyway, he doesn't have any direction to develop fruit moves, and he doesn't have any direction to develop fruit, so it's not bad to try, the big deal is to fail!

   "But where do you start?" This was Arthur's first thought after making the decision!

   And after this problem appeared, Arthur also quickly had an idea---common ground!

   Before, Arthur used the combination of thunder fruit and seeing and hearing domineering to create something like the heart net, and in this process, the reason why Arthur was able to succeed was largely due to the fact that he was always looking for common ground!

   And in the end, it was precisely because he found the common ground of seeing and hearing the domineering and thunderous fruits that he succeeded!

   Take this as a lesson, if you want to combine the thunder fruit and the wood fruit, you must first find their common ground

   "Just... what do they have in common?" Arthur murmured, lost in thought!

   After thinking about it for a long time, Arthur still did not think of the common ground between Mumu Fruit and Devil Fruit!

   Regardless of the form, quality, manner of expression or anything else, as far as Arthur currently understands, there is nothing in common, or even any similarities!

   Of course, if you insist, the only thing they have in common is that they are all devil fruits. The other types of devil fruits are different!

   "Wait... it's all devil fruits!?"

   As he said, there was a flash of inspiration in Arthur's mind, and it seemed that he had caught a trace of inspiration, but when he was going to get to the bottom and find out what the inspiration was, he couldn't remember what inspiration it was!

   "It's all devil fruits... all demons... all... all..." Arthur murmured repeatedly, closing his eyes and thinking deeply.

   At the same time, his face is tangled!

   After thinking about it for about a long time, Arthur, who had still found nothing, opened his eyes, rubbed his temples a little irritably, and said in a low voice, "What the **** is it? My head is about to explode!"

and many more!

  Explosion...nuclear bomb...radiation!



   is radiation!

   Thinking about it, Arthur's eyes brightened up!

   He remembers that he once saw such a piece of content that talked about radiation.

  All objects in nature, as long as the temperature is above the absolute temperature of zero degrees, that is, above -273.15 degrees Celsius, they will constantly transmit heat outward in the form of electromagnetic waves and particles. This way of transmitting energy is called radiation.

  In other words, everything in this world is radiated, that is, electromagnetic waves!

   Mumu Fruit and Xianglei Fruit are no exception. They both carry radiation and electromagnetic waves!

   Of course, this kind of radiation is different from nuclear radiation, it is harmless!

   However, the point of this sentence is not here, but the root of radiation, that is, electromagnetic waves!

   The thunder fruit has radiation and electromagnetic waves!

   There are electromagnetic waves... well, electromagnetic waves are electromagnetic waves!

   Round up, that is, the fruit of thunder is equal to electromagnetic waves!

   Well, this seems a little joke, but Arthur can do it now!

  Before, Arthur had used electromagnetic attack skills---super electromagnetic gun!

   Although the use of electromagnetism in this move is a bit rude, but you know from the name, it also involves electromagnetism!

   After the Thunder Fruit entered the third stage, Arthur's ability to control the Thunder Fruit went to a higher level. Not only could he use the Super Electromagnetic Cannon, he could also use the Thunder Fruit to perform some extremely detailed operations.

   Like the thunder and lightning released from the fruit of the thunder, it is converted into electromagnetic waves!

   Of course, this process takes a long time and Arthur's concentration is needed, but in general it can be done!

   Based on this, Arthur felt that the electromagnetic waves produced by the Thunder Fruit could be used as the common ground between the Wood Fruit and the Thunder Fruit!

   "Now I have found the common ground. They all transmit heat outward in the form of electromagnetic waves, and they are all radiation, but how do they fuse?" Arthur frowned, and another question arose!

   The common ground is found, but the problem is that I can’t figure out how to integrate it!

  The only thing Arthur is sure is that electromagnetic waves must be present during this process!

   "Why don't you find a place to try? If you think so, I can't seem to think of it!" After Arthur said to himself, he made a decision soon in his heart!

   Find a place to try!

   Guang himself is thinking about it here. Obviously it is not a way. After all, there is no experiment, no matter what he thinks up, it is impossible to determine whether it will succeed.

   What if it succeeds?

   With this mentality, Arthur finally took someone to a school in the suburbs!

   Although experiments can be done in the city or in the palace, Arthur habitually places the experiment site on a school in the suburbs.

   Well, there is a saying that is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

  Although Arthur is certain that his experiment should not go wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but what if?

   So he came to the schoolyard in the suburbs!

   Here, no matter what you encounter, what damage it causes, or what loss it causes, how much forest is destroyed, don’t worry, because there is no one around!


   Feeling the fresh air brought by the surrounding trees, Arthur first took a deep breath, then spit it out, adjusting his mentality.


   Then, there was a burst of electricity from Arthur.

   "Let’s experiment!"

   thought to himself, Arthur began to carefully control the lightning on his body.


   Slightly bright!


   eventually disappeared into nothing!

   This is the process by which Arthur controls the Thunder Fruit to convert lightning into electromagnetic waves!

   At this moment, although the lightning on his body has disappeared, but he feels an invisible force that can be controlled by him!

  Electromagnetic waves!

   After such a word flashed in his mind, Arthur waved his hand, summoned a piece of wood, and then began to experiment...

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