Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 971: A prelude to the war

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After a meal, it can be regarded as a host of joy!

Ace ate happily, and Arthur ate well too!

And after eating, Arthur also helped Ace arrange a hotel!

"This...isn't it?"

In response, Ace scratched his head, a bit embarrassed!

He thought Arthur was too enthusiastic!

"It's okay! It's just a small matter!" Arthur waved his hand and said indifferently.

"okay then!"

Listening to Arthur's words, Ace can only accept it!

After Ace stayed in, Arthur returned to the palace and called Devin non-stop.

"See your Majesty!" German bowed respectfully.

"It's like this..." After briefly talking about Ace, Arthur said solemnly, "Now let your people find Blackbeard, don't let him mess in the kingdom!"

"Understand!" Devin nodded without hesitation.

"Well, let's go down first!" Arthur waved his hand.


After giving another salute, Devin turned and left!


Within two days, there was news in German!

"What? Are you being tricked?" Arthur couldn't help but listened to the news reported by German.

"Yes!" After a serious nod, Devin explained, "According to the investigation of the intelligence personnel below, Blackbeard Titch did come to the West Sea, but he left after a short time and returned to the Great Channel!"

"Based on this analysis, the intelligence personnel below believe that Blackbeard Titch was to throw off Huoquan Ace, so he swung around in the West Sea and misled Huoquan Ace!"

To get rid of Ace?

Listening to this, Arthur couldn't help but frowned!

Why did Blackbeard Titch throw away Ace?

Afraid of him?


Titch was able to cause damage to Shanks back then, and after so many years, coupled with the dark fruit, now Titch has at least the top level of the lieutenant general, and may even have the strength of the general level!

And Ace?

Although the talent is also very strong, after all, the development time is too short. For now, at most the strength of the major general to the lieutenant general level!

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Tic to be afraid of Ace!

"So you are calculating Ace?" Arthur thought, took out the notebook with the original plot from the portable space, and looked at it!

Unfortunately, after reading it several times, Arthur did not see a detailed record of this incident!

Of course, this is also normal!

After all, the protagonist is Luffy!

Although Ace also has a role, as a supporting role, it is certainly not so detailed, and some details will not be explained!

However, Arthur also gained something different from what he had thought before!

"It turns out that during this time, Tic wanted the position of Qiwuhai, and it was not his original plan to capture Ace. His original plan was to invite Ace to join his pirate group!" Arthur murmured.

Arthur thought that Titch caught Ace for the sake of Qiwukai in the first place, but from what he recorded, Titch did not catch Ace for the sake of becoming Qiwukai, but for Qiwukai. Prepare to defeat the big pirates who bounties over 100 million dollars!

Ace was an accident to be precise!

He originally wanted to recruit Ace, but Ace was ignorant and refused his solicitation, so he handed Ace to the world government in exchange for Qiwuhai's qualifications!

And this has become the fuse of the top war!

Thinking about it, Arthur thought of a possibility, "Then now Titch has thrown away Ace, in order to free himself a little time, start the layout, prepare to hunt down the pirates over 100 million, and board the position of Qiwuhai. Huh?"

But after thinking about it, Arthur thought of something different again, "Wait, I remember that Titch also went to Push City Robber Prison next time, and found some partners, maybe he is now calculating Push City!" 168 Library

"But, anyway, Ace was tricked, for sure!"

As Arthur thought to himself, he waved his hand to Devin and said, "Okay, I see, you go down first!"


After German nodded. Turn around and drive!

And Arthur didn't stay in the study too much. After Devin left, he also left the study and went out of the palace directly to the hotel to find Ace!

"Ace, I have bad news for you!" Arthur looked at Ace and said sternly.

"bad news?"

Ace raised his brows and couldn't help asking, "What bad news? Is it about Titch?"

The news that can be related to him in St. Martin is only Titch's!


After Arthur nodded, he said solemnly, "You have been fooled!"

Been tricked?

Ace looked at Arthur in a daze, pointed at himself, and said, "Am I being tricked?"


Arthur nodded again and said, "According to our kingdom's intelligence personnel, Blackbeard Titch did come to St. Martin, but he just walked around and showed his face before leaving!"

As he said, Arthur changed his voice and said, "From this point of view, I think he did this to get rid of you!"

Ace listened, but didn't doubt Arthur's statement, because Arthur didn't have to lie to him, but he was still not angry!

Although he has a good temper, he is being played like this, especially by the enemy, even if he has a good temper, his mood will not get better!

"Asshole! Being caught by me, I will definitely teach him a lesson!"

Ace gritted his teeth and cursed, but he ignored the others and jumped directly from the hotel window!

"Uncle Arthur, thank you for your hospitality these days, I have to leave beforehand!"

In the middle of the air, Ace pressed her cowboy hat to avoid the hat flying, and did not forget to give Arthur an explanation.


Later, after landing on the street, he couldn't wait to rush to the port!

"This way, I'm afraid that the next meeting will be your death date!" Arthur looked at Ace's departure and couldn't help shook his head.

Arthur knew that once Ace went like this, the top war would happen!

However, he also has no heart to stop!

After all, this matter is good for Saint Martin!

Not only can it consume the strength of the navy, but it also allows Aiden, who has been lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates, to cooperate with Tsunade to swallow the Whitebeard Pirates without the white beard!

It can be said to be a good thing for nothing!

As for Ace calling him uncle...

These days, is it impossible to help him if he is more intimate?

He is not Ace's godfather. The two parties are just acquaintances, at best a little more familiar than strangers, not even friends, and he won't let Arthur do anything to harm his own interests!

"But... the matter of topping the war, you can get in! Well, although the navy used to top the war has lost, but there is not much loss, this is not good!"

Arthur murmured, "At that time, when Ace is arrested, I will announce Ace's identity! In this way, Roger's old subordinates will get news, but at least some will come!"

One of the main reasons why the Navy did not lose much in the war at the top was that the news that Ace was Roger's son came out too late!

It was announced during the live broadcast!

And just such a little time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let alone Roger's old subordinates, even Luffy almost missed it!

Of course, Arthur also understood why the news spread so late!

The purpose of the navy is to target the White Beard, not the Roger Remnant Party. If the news comes early... hehe!

Those Roger remnants were not easy to provoke back then, and many of them are still alive now at the general level!

If even the Roger Remnant Party joined the war, the Navy would really have a big deal!

But because of this, Arthur is going to reveal the news in advance, making things "interesting" and making the Navy lose a little bit more!

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