Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 972: 1 wave

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After Ace left, Arthur was not idle either!

In addition to continuing to study the fusion of the two devil fruits, Arthur is also preparing to make a wave!

Arthur, who hadn't drawn a lottery for a long time, looked at the prestige of more than 40 million on the panel, and felt a little itchy!

"Don't draw separately, forty million will come directly to four ten consecutive draws, and keep a fraction!" Arthur thought in his heart, summoning the panel!


Then, after taking a deep breath, Arthur, who had burned incense and worshiped the gods and Buddhas, directly pressed the million-level ten-draw four times!

[Congratulations on obtaining the Life Extension Potion]

[Congratulations on getting a dozen of giant potions]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Life Extension Potion]


[Congratulations on getting the Nohara family]


[Congratulations on getting the frozen bird (egg)]


[Congratulations on getting the solar fixed-point portal (group)]


[Congratulations on getting a dozen of potions for life extension]


[Congratulations on getting a solar notebook]


[Congratulations on getting a beautiful tuna]


so so!

Looking at the things in this row, Arthur started to figure it out in his heart!

The life extension medicine didn't say it!

Just need!

It was also the most drawn. In addition to fifteen bottles, there were a dozen or twelve bottles, for a total of 27 bottles!

Just alleviated San Martine's demand for life extension medicine!

The giant's potion did not say!

Chicken ribs!

Draw nine times, one dozen at a time, a total of 108 bottles!

But Arthur threw the thing next to him without even looking!

"Go to Huyou Huyou mother-in-law again when you have time, and sell everything to her, otherwise it will take up a bit of space!" Arthur thought, after qualifying the giant's potion, he looked at another thing!

The Nohara family!

This is the thing that Arthur doesn't understand the most!

And it's not directly summoned like other things, but stored in the panel!

"The Nohara family... always feel that this name is a bit familiar!" Arthur murmured, opening the attributes and looking at it!

【Nohara Family】

[Introduction: After using it, you can summon four people and one beast including Nohara Shinnosuke, Nohara Hiroshi, Nohara Miya, Nohara sunflower, and Xiaobai! Can inadvertently solve some troubles for the host! 】

[Note: After being summoned, it will not appear directly in front of the host, but will quietly merge into the city of Saint Martin and become a family in the city! 】

"It turned out to be him!" Looking at this introduction, Arthur couldn't help but think of the image of a colorful potato imp, and finally remembered who the Nohara family is!

The Nohara family comes from a bad children's anime---crayon Shin-Chan!

And the protagonist of this anime is not someone else, it is Nohara Shinnosuke from the Nohara family!

A perverted five-year-old kid!

Not only likes to read bad magazines, but also often makes some perverted actions, such as showing his ass, walking the birds in the street, etc., but besides that, he also often saves the kingdom, saves the world, defeats monsters, travels to aliens, travels through time and space. Wait, it can be described as an out-and-out abnormality!

And it is worth mentioning that he is just like Momanosuke!

However, unlike Momanosuke, Nohara Shinnosuke is a polite color, a cute color, and he will not deliberately take advantage of my lady!

And Momanosuke is taking advantage of his age to take advantage of the look openly, the look that makes people want to kill him!

"But... inadvertently solve some trouble for the host?" Looking at this, Arthur recalled the affairs of the Nohara family, and suddenly felt a burst of dumbfounding!

Let the Nohara family solve the trouble?

Do not make jokes! Love books

Although it will be resolved in the end, the process is definitely a whirlwind!

However, after thinking about it, Arthur used it directly!

Don't care if you don't know how to jump. Anyway, the trouble is solved in the end, right?

"It doesn't feel anything!" After Arthur used the things, he didn't feel anything strange about Arthur. After such a thought flashed through his mind, he didn't care, so he continued to look down!

【Frozen Bird (Egg)】

As soon as this Arthur saw, he didn't even open the attributes, he understood what it was!

Among the Pokémon, the egg of a frozen bird, one of the three holy birds!

And when he opened the attributes, it was exactly the frozen bird's egg as he thought!

Among them, the incubation conditions are also quite simple, as long as it is placed in an environment below ten degrees, it can be incubated in just one month!

Nothing to say!

As a divine beast, the combat power after maturity is still considerable, and Arthur put it aside directly, ready to wait for someone to hatch in the cold storage of the palace!

[Solar fixed-point portal (group)]

This is often drawn, and you can understand what it is at a glance!

And when Arthur opened the attributes, it was the same as before, it was an ordinary solar fixed-point portal, but not one, but ten!

it works!

Arthur put the thing directly in the portable space, and then continued to look at it!

【A dozen of Life Extension Potion】

No, it's twelve bottles of life-prolonging potions!

[One solar notebook]

This makes Arthur's eyes bright!


It’s a computer, not a paper notebook!

Thinking, Arthur opened the attributes and looked at it!

[One solar notebook]

[Introduction: A laptop with a 17.3-inch screen! It can be charged by solar energy for four hours, and it can be used for forty-eight hours! Contains 10,000 kinds of stand-alone games! 】

Seeing Arthur's eyes lit up again!

He doesn't care how big the laptop is, or whether the laptop can be charged or not, but in the end it contains 10,000 stand-alone games, so he cares!

"Unexpectedly, I can still play computer games at night in my lifetime!" Arthur couldn't help sighing.

and many more!

What seems to be wrong?


Thinking, Arthur didn't care too much, but quickly looked at the last thing!

Well, he is ready to play the game after watching it!

【Beauty Tuna】

[Introduction: Fish, catch level 20, also known as Deep Sea Princess, this fish is beautiful and rare, just like a mermaid, it is a legendary fish! 】

[Note: 7 days after it was caught, it tasted the most delicious, and after another 7 days, it would become inedible like a mermaid in a fairy tale. 】

[Note: The fish that just died! 】

? ? ?



Why is there such a thing as capture level?

Looking at the very beautiful fish in front of him, Arthur was full of doubts for a while!

But soon, the memory that emerged from the depths of his mind reminded him of what this thing was!

Creatures from captives of gourmet food!

"The creatures among the captives of gourmet food are delicious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can even be said that they are creatures specially used for cooking. Before, I could only look at them, but I did not expect to experience it in person today! After stroking the fish, he couldn't help but sigh.

and many more!

Seven days?

Looking at the seven days in the panel, Arthur suddenly reacted.

Eat this stuff quickly!

Immediately, he didn't care about the other things. After tidying up everything present, he quickly grabbed the fish and ran into the palace kitchen!

With the notebook in hand, you can play the game anytime, but the shelf life of the fish is only seven days. If you don’t eat it first, it’s a pity that it breaks!

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