Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 973: Potato Imp

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The ultimate freshness!

Beautiful tuna plus the craftsmanship of the super chef, that umami...tsk!

Arthur, who ate, walked for three days in a row!

Had it not been for this fish to be only this big, and there were many people eating in the palace, Arthur would have floated for a few more days!

"Oh, wait! I remember that I seem to have some time to be burdened, right?" Arthur patted his head and said suddenly.

Arthur, who surrendered to this unforgettable umami taste, suddenly got a sense of wit after seeing the things being eaten up, and remembered the things that would allow him to eat this umami repeatedly!

But after thinking about it, he couldn't help sighing again, "Unfortunately, the cooling of the furoshiki of time is too long, and there are many scientific experiments in line. If you want to use the furoshiki of time to restore this extreme It's delicious, I'm afraid it will take several months to get on the top of the list!"

While speaking, Arthur couldn't help sticking out his tongue, licking his lips, aftertaste the deliciousness of the fish!

When he thought of eating this thing for a few months, his painful tears almost flowed from the corner of his mouth!

"Da da da!"

And just as Arthur was greedy, a rush of footsteps reached his ears from far to near!

Arthur, who was walking towards the study, glanced back subconsciously.

But I saw Devin hurriedly running towards him!

"See Your Majesty!"

Devin, who was running, looked at Arthur who appeared in front of him, stopped quickly, and bowed a respectful salute!

"What is so urgent?" Arthur asked curiously.


Devin sighed deeply, after calming down his breath, he said with a serious face, "Your Majesty, the Nohara family you mentioned has been found!"

Because the Nohara family did not directly appear in front of Arthur, he specifically ordered people to look for it yesterday!

Well, don't say what to control, but as a system producer, he at least needs to know the location, right?

"I understand!" Arthur nodded, then said again, "Take me to see it!"


Devon nodded, and made a please gesture sideways, saying, "Your Majesty please!"

After speaking, he took the lead and left here!

When Arthur saw this, he followed closely!


Saint Martin

In a corner of the civilian area in the east of the city!

"Big sister, do you like to eat green peppers?" A potato-headed kid squinted and asked, lying on the fence of one house after another, facing the young and beautiful girl walking outside.


And the girl looked at this cute little devil, but she didn't show any disgusting expression, instead she covered her mouth and smiled.

Upon seeing this, the potato-headed little ghost raised his brows and his eyes lit up. When he was about to say something with a smile, a young woman in his thirties appeared behind the little ghost with a gloomy face!


After giving the little ghost a violent shudder, the young woman grabbed the little ghost's clothes, lifted it up, and then bowed to the girl and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay!" The girl looked at this scene, she could only smile and wave her hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

After the girl left, the young woman carried the little ghost viciously and walked towards the house, and said as she walked, "Xiaoxin, how many times have I said this? Don't lie on the fence, just pick up the strange **** the road! "

"Let go of me, beautiful girl, you three-tiered belly witch! Let go of me, big **** Obasan!" Xiaoxin listened to beautiful girl's words, but did not answer directly, but struggling to get away from the beautiful girl. Escape in your hands!

"Three-layer belly old witch? Big **** Obasan?" Meiya listened, her face darkened.

Immediately, she didn't care about other things, she lifted Xiaoxin in her hand under her arm, clamped him, and then took off his pants, revealing his ass!


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In a series of rhythmic beatings, Mei Ya cursed while beating, "I will make you a three-tiered belly witch... I will make you **** Obasan..."

"Mom, mom, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Feeling the pain coming from his butt, Xiaoxin didn't care about other things, and immediately shouted very sincerely.

But even if Xiaoxin had taken care of her heart, Meiya was still a little puzzled, and after a few minutes of fierce fighting, she let go of Xiaoxin!

"I'm going to cook, if you do something again, see if I'm not good to teach you a lesson!" After leaving such a ruthless word, Mei Ya turned and walked towards the house!

"Obasan, then I'll go play for a while!" Xiaoxin didn't have a long memory, and just re-sent after playing!

However, this time he was smarter, and when Mei Ya didn't turn around to catch him, she trot and ran out of the house in a hurry!

Seeing this, Meiya could only shout helplessly behind her back, "Hurry back before eating!"

"Understood, Meiya!" Xiaoxin's voice came from a distance!


My name is Edla!

A certain relationship, unfortunately home...Assassin!

At this moment, Edla, who was leaning on a lamp post and drinking the canned beer he had just bought, recalled what happened in the past, and tears were almost left behind!

"What kind of things are this?"

After groaning and complaining in his heart, Edla also had to lift up his spirits, scanned the surroundings, looking for the next target to pit!

Well, people have to bow their heads under the eaves!

"Uncle...Uncle...Are you the legendary old **** critic?" At this moment, a naive voice suddenly came from Edla!

When Edla followed the voice and looked over, he found a child with a potato head, pulling his trousers, asking innocently.

Upon seeing this, Edla could only smile and said, "No! Uncle is just an ordinary person!"

What else can he do?

Is it possible to care about with a child?

"But Dad said, someone who looks very old, likes to hide in a corner, and looks at the beautiful young lady on the street with wicked eyes, is an old-fashioned person!" The potato head kid continued to look naive. Said.

Looks very old?

A thief look?

Listening to this innocent speech, Edla was in a bad mood and almost didn't suppress his temper.

What does it mean to look old?

I'm only in his 30s this year, OK?

It's the time of the prime of life!

A thief look?

Is that thief look in Laozi's eyes?

That is clearly the look in the eyes of scrutiny!


After taking a deep breath ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, suppressing the anger in her heart, Edla continued with a strong smile, "Uncle is really not, uncle is really just an ordinary person!"

"I do not believe!"

After the Potato Imp looked up and down at Edla with suspicious eyes, he embraced his hands and pretended to be mature, and shook his head in response.

"Where did this irritating kid come from? Where did he come from? Don't let Lao Tzu know where he came from, or Lao Tzu would definitely kill his parents!"

In this way, I don't believe this sentence. Edla was almost angry when the first Buddha was born and the second Buddha ascended to heaven.

Simply, at the last moment he suppressed his temper.

At this time, the potato head kid spoke up again...

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