above the sky

Chapter 381 A Child Without A Face (23)

The streets in Le'anling are neatly built, but because they live deep in the dense forest, some roads that are not commonly used will inevitably be covered with a little moss and lichen. It's fine on weekdays, but now it's unexpectedly slippery when it rains heavily. But this is only for the common man.

The two sublimators were walking on the road leading to the castle at the top of the cliff. The ancient castle in the lacquer was covered by a rain curtain, and the building without silk room lights stood in the wind, silently like death.

Soon, Ian and Sister Yingguang came to the bottom of Raian Castle. Lala

The rain fell down the ditches and lines on the surface of the castle, hitting the rocky ground that was already deeply sunken, and the pitch-black tower seemed to have merged into the current night. "It's still hard to imagine that the Baron's actions were so decisive."

The white-haired dragon girl looked up at this castle. It was built by the imperial army to cut off the only mountain road between Lake Laian and the settlement of the mountain people. It was guarded on the edge of the agate stone plain.

Two hundred years later, the strong fortress built for the war has also become the residence of the baron's family. But now, there are no half strangers in this family.

The Baron and his "four children have all left, and Ian's eyes can't see their violet-blue season." So we have to look for clues as soon as possible to find where they are now. "

Ian didn't expect that the baron who was still seeing him and Sister Yingguang at noon disappeared at night. The other party must have sensed the danger from the Huaiguang Church's actions, so they decided to speed up their actions. No, not only that.

He was already only a short distance away from taking action, and he did not act just because he had not made up his mind.

"We are the determination." Ian whispered to himself, causing Yingguang to turn his head in confusion. He shook his head and responded: "Don't worry. There are no guards around. The city guard should be patrolling. It seems sour. Just be prepared, and even your own people will be taken away."

In other words, what he wants to do, I am afraid that his own people will not support.

This is good news. At least the other party won't call the entire city guard to cooperate with the siege. If she is fine, Sister Yingguang may not be able to hold it. One _ one speed is too fast.

The boy Ji Shi was a little annoyed. He also felt a strange sense of disobedience from the actions of the baron. In addition, the ability of the prophet to foresee was obscured by the skull of Xu Ming, so he chose the most stable action plan, which is to become the second energy level re-start investigation,

Unexpectedly, the baron's actions were so decisive. But he doesn't think this is a wrong sample selection, advanced to the second energy level. Only by ensuring his own safety can he better investigate the truth. The castle gate is tightly closed, even if the military siege lithium faces this outer layer of water. Iron's cold city gate will also be frustrated, but this time it is facing two sublimators. So they went in directly through the three-way window, banging on the door?

Ah, the movement is obviously too much.

The baron is gone, there are still many sublimators in the city,

Although Sister Yingguang was sure that the Baron had violated the laws of the country, and even called the National Army, the second-level egg hall executor of Nauman City, but the reinforcements had to wait until tomorrow morning at least, and it was not time to start a panic.

If they really hit the door, the guards in Cai'an City heard it. Although they certainly couldn't stop the two, they also voted to make it difficult.

Anyway, for the sublime, a dozen or twenty meters is just a slight leap. In a sense, this is more insulting to the existence of a door than kicking it open. coffee.

The glass windows were removed, and the two arrived inside the castle, which was dark at night.

The ancient castle, which was not a warm atmosphere in the daytime, is now only gloomy and gloomy. The damp rain rushed in, and quickly formed a white zero in the corridor. Yingguang raised his hand, and a gray-white flame ignited from his palm, illuminating the surrounding scene. "Next we go to the Baron's study? Or his bedroom?

The nun looked around the corridor. Her firelight was very clear, and even the lines on the walls could be seen clearly. The shadows of some hanging ornaments at the top were stretched and cast toward the sudden end not far away, sinking into the darkness.

"We... wait, there are still people alive in the castle?"

Ian wanted to go to the alchemy laboratory first, there must be clues left by Baron Ryan, and he had already scanned the fingerprint left on the laboratory by the silver chip, and he could easily open the fingerprint inscription Door.

But at this moment, the young man frowned, and his eyes turned to the underground of the castle: "There is someone alive there - the breath is weak, but it is still stable." We have to check the situation. ''"You lead the way. Yingguang chose to listen to the psionicist.

The road leading to the basement of the castle is not difficult to find. After the two arrived, they found a downward spiral corridor next to the kitchen. The psionic halo in Ian's eyes overflowed from the observation port, causing a word A cyan light scans the surrounding details.

The basement of Laian City Security is very high, and it is the structure of a large warehouse. Cast of steel and stone bricks with an inscription structure filled with silver threads, the effect is dry'' and strong''.

There are many things in the basement - wooden barrels, bottles and various boxes, but most of them are broken and empty, they are all recently destroyed, the contents are hastily taken out, then assembled in the center, and finally carried out. Walk.

Yingguang raised her hand, her gray fire was not a real flame, but a peculiar radiation phenomenon. Under the light of the gray fire, many jars, boxes, and bugs in the corners were expelled, emitting subtle light. The sound of crawling is heard.

And in a pile of scattered boxes and jars, the bald butler, whom both of them are quite familiar with, collapsed, unconscious. "It's Moda, who is in charge of the baron's castle." The nun clearly remembered the steward's name. "It was he who told me that the Viscount's children are still alive and even play with toys." Ian nodded slightly.

Squinting her eyes, Sister Yingguang didn't step forward to treat the other party immediately, but cautiously pulled out a folding shovel from behind her.... It's a folding staff.

This is a rather peculiar weapon, its handle part is a simple structure that can be folded, the top is a sharp gun head composed of four silver metal spirals, and the top of the tip is inlaid with a fiery red gem as the gun tip' '... There is no doubt that this is a staff that can be used in close quarters.

With the activation of the source substance, a white light shot out from the top of the ruby, sweeping across the whole body of Butler Moda, as well as the surrounding bottles. "No poison, no traps, and there are no abnormal biological bombs on the manager's body. People are still alive, but they are usually stunned because of fright." Sister Yingguang's tone was calm, and Ian saw her experience from the other's actions. Hundreds of battles. One-one is so cautious and cautious, must have suffered a lot of losses, right?

He walked over and helped the Moda steward to the side. Yingguang wanted to use his sublimation skills to wake the other party up, but Ian shook his head slightly. Sweep under the nose.

Immediately, the cool taste of the concentrating grass, which can be called the cold, wakes the other party up.

"Ah!!!" As soon as he woke up, the middle-aged old butler let out a terrified scream. Obviously in a coma, he was still immersed in the bag he saw before the coma: "Monster monster u "He was about to continue speaking, but Ian pressed his cheeks with his metal gauntlet hand.

The cold touch, the irresistible strength, and the pair of indifferent blue eyes made Director Moda wake up immediately, and gestured that he would not scream again. "Three questions."

Ian put down his hand and said directly: "Number one, why did you pass out here." Number one, where did Baron Ryan go. "Third, what's the matter with the monster in your mouth."

Ian's speech was slow, very clear, and Director Moda took a deep breath. He looked around and noticed that he had all hands and feet, but he was in the basement, and in front of him was the young white knight and Huaiguang. Nun Yingguang of the Church. One _ one is safe.

Thinking of this, he immediately took a deep breath, and then stammered: "Sir, I just want to send a cup of morning and afternoon tea for the master and the young ladies. But the scented tea just ran out, so I went to the basement to get one. share."

"But who knows, the basement is actually empty. The cabinets and compartments that were full are gone. Several large boxes of semi-finished saffron solution and an alchemy instrument that looks like a glass bath are placed in the center."

"I'm still thinking, it's only been a few days, how did you get your hands down like this? I was going to scold those servants for how to tidy up the storage room, but I immediately thought that this education must be the master's order, otherwise No one dares to do that,"

"And just when I was going to ask the master about the next arrangement of the basement, I found out from the light that there was another light source with a completely different color from the light behind me." "I didn't think much about it at that time, Just turned back." Speaking of which, Steward Moda showed a very frightened expression, he swallowed, and said shudderingly, "Then, I saw a blue shadow reaching out to me." "One without face child!"

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