above the sky

Chapter 382 Interlaced Memories (33)

When Director Moda said these words, his expression was very frightened, obviously frightened. But neither Ian nor Yingguang seemed to be interested, and there was no change in expression at all. One _ one this? The talking forest next door is not ten thousand times more terrifying than your ghost.

"Is the child male or female? Is it floating in the air or did you just look down? Is it really without a face or is it blurred due to the light?" Ian asked in detail: "How did you faint?"

Because Ian's questioning was too professional, Steward Moda's wrinkled face, which seemed lacking in empathy and empathy, stretched in surprise for a moment but then wrinkled even more.

"Yes, it's a boy? It's about seven or eight years old, I can't see it clearly." Because of the guidance of the young Cavalry Ten, the steward temporarily got rid of his fear. He frowned and responded: "It's floating in the air. The body is translucent. ... He really has no face, his face is smooth, but when I saw that face, I thought of many, many... many, many things that frightened me."

"My dead parents, my second child of Tianzhe, a girl I never dared to pursue... Many, many, many regrets, many, many reluctances... In an instant, I felt pain and unwillingness, self-blame and hesitation Crash, my brain goes blank..."

As he spoke, the manager's calm expression collapsed again, his tears fell in large drops, and his voice was full of despair: "What is the meaning of my life? I have never pursued the beauty in my heart. ."

"I'm not a good father, I just watch my child die. Why don't I borrow money from the master to ask the priests of Huaiguang Church to save my child? The master will not refuse me. What am I afraid of? What, why didn't I do this?!"

Butler Moda knelt on the ground, his body curled up, and a visible pain was attacking his heart. Until a slender and white hand with sharp fingertips stretched out and pressed it on top of the steward's head. The silver-white halo shone, making him temporarily confused, and his breathing eased. "The spirit of despair.

Sister Yingguang maintains the "soothing technique", a nerve calming technique, she turned her head to Ian and said, "Is he really encountered a fairly powerful spirit body or a very dangerous spirit? He Feeling the pain of the Wraith, I think he has something to do with the Baron's loss of a child, and most people don't react so much. ""That might be the fourth blue mist entity I've seen, the Viscount's ''parents''. "

Ian stared thoughtfully at the hay bed where Sister Yingguang put the calmed butler Moda aside: "The landslide caused by the great storm a few years ago killed the Baroness and her children, and the Baron's children were killed at that time. Just a year or two."

"If he is still alive, he is indeed seven or eight years old." Yi was the same age as the baron's other three adopted sons and daughters.

Moreover, there is a "spiritual body" at the age of one or two? Is it possible that the Baron's parent and son are a natural psionic person?" There are still questions to ask him. "

Recovering his thoughts, Ian squatted down, he took out a bottle of stamina potion from his waist, and poured it into the mouth of Steward Moda, who was staring blankly; of."

"Cough, wait, why are you guarding the city?!" After pouring the stamina potion and using the soothing technique to soothe the nerves affected by the aura of despair, Manager Moda was truly awake at this moment. The somewhat showy middle-aged steward looked at the two intruders with shock." "You guys are trespassing illegally. Even the Huaiguang Church can't invade a noble's private house!"

At first, his tone was still full of momentum, but under the calm gazes of Ian and Sister Yingguang, his voice became quieter. In the end, Steward Moda lowered his head and replied a little dejectedly: "Well, I actually feel that something is wrong with the master, I think about it..."

, Hanging into Wang Xing's search service hand l + Ship Cong Bai's mind, the mystery will come out with valuable information first." The most bean of Jiweili 8> Answer is from the Xipei Plain refugee camp four years ago. .The children of 24th and 4th have lost their parents and hands and feet. This is the first time I see the master so angry..."

"And then Master Ira and Miss Linda, they... eh?....they...they...they...

"No, it was Mr. Ira first! But, who? Who was the first to come to the castle? Wait, my memory..." "When exactly did they come, I don't remember at all. …"

Speaking of this, Butler Moda got stuck, and the old butler's eyes gradually became flustered again: "When...how can I not remember, I still remember that I specially prepared a game for the young master and the young ladies. Welcome candy feast, I still remember the scene where I boiled sugar to make a sugar man, but when was that…

"It seems that the situation is obvious." Sister Yingguang narrowed her eyes, and she said firmly: "His memory has been deleted, and the resentful spirit can't do it. It should be done by a psionicist who can manipulate memory.

"Two years ago, a psyker killed and replaced the identity of a wealthy businessman. Whether it was the rich businessman's mistress or his servant, even the neighbors were unaware until a passing psyker noticed it. Not right.

"The two events are very similar." "I can tell."

Ian's eyes flashed with water-colored psionic brilliance. From a close look, he could see that the part of Moda's brain had some blue psionic marks. He didn't die, just because the other party deliberately saved his life, but his memory structure has been destroyed to a considerable extent. It seems that this psionicist modified the memory of the death of his parent and son for Baron Ryan.

"You should have been saved by your master and master." Standing up, Ian raised his head and stared at the ancient castle; "They didn't want to kill you, so they just put you in the basement." Bowing his head, He looked at Steward Moda, who was already dead, and said calmly; "You are not stupid. Steward Moda. You must know that the Baron has done something that cannot be replaced, and Sister Yingguang and I are here to wipe his ass, Stop him from going on wrong."

Butler Moda hung his head, staring blankly at his hands.

The old butler seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. He muttered to himself: "I have been with the master for more than 40 years. He made mischievous mistakes when he was a child, and I was the one who replaced him. Master, he has been very good since he was a child. He is a good lord. ,how come…"

"Master, what is there to hide from me..."

"Very well, you have obviously noticed the mistake." And Ian said in a soft tone, with a hint of untraceable bewitching: "Now, recall carefully about the Baroness and the Baron's family, that is, your young master. '' reality."

"After the memory is over; you can choose to cooperate with us, or you can choose not to cooperate."

"Madam and the young master..." Following Ian's tone, Manager Moda was a little dazed and puzzled at first, obviously not knowing what to ask such an obvious question.

But soon, he showed a terrified look: "No! How could it be?!" "Aren't the madam and the young master already dead, but why. Why are there still young masters waiting in my memory,"

It is like a thunderbolt falling, linking the sky and the earth, and the two memories are intertwined.

The old steward still remembered that he guided the young master to learn to walk little by little, and took the young master to visit the beautiful scenery of Laian Flower Sea. He still remembered that the young master fell down because he was running too fast by the lake, and was so frightened that he ran out of the fastest speed in his life.

Baron Ryan laughed and said that he, a father, is not as anxious as himself. The young master is the son of a noble with blood. What's the point of falling? But he is worried, how can this be? Think rationally?

A pale lightning flashed across the dark sky, and the rumbling of thunder could be heard faintly even in the basement. Everything is just like the Ooka riot six years ago.

A series of lights and shadows began to flash in the mind of the old man. Heavy rain.

storm. Collapsed mountain. A shocking earthquake. _--The baron who roared and flew out of the castle. The old man kneeling on the ground crying in despair.

A boy who grew up watching himself, and who used to hide in his room and cry because of the scolding of the eldest man. A child who hugs each other with the same tears, as vulnerable as he was forty years ago. [Dead, Moda... all dead... all dead, my life has no meaning...] "No, sir! It's not your fault, you are still alive, there is always a possibility... don't give up !" One: [Yes. 】

【you're right. It's not time to despair. I can't give up yet. 】

At this moment, the old steward seemed to have activated the key elements, he raised his head, his eyes were bright, and even Ian and Yingguang felt abnormal: "Yes, I remember it... Butler Moda remembered, two kinds of things. Different memories overlapped and intertwined in his mind, and finally merged into one, showing the most real appearance. He did not hug the young master, but a blue spirit body walked around him through the sea of ​​flowers. No one was there Wrestling by the lake is just a cloud of mist spinning in the sunset.

No child has eaten his carefully cooked food, no child laughed at the sugar man he made by himself, and the little wooden horse and wooden sword placed beside the seating furniture have never been ridden and wielded by anyone.

He also never played the role of the general of the dragon and the enemy, and was defeated by the little knight and lay on the ground. All memories are fake.

The wooden horse and wooden sword were just standing there alone, and he and the baron were just staring silently at these toys that had been prepared for a long time, but had never been used.

From morning to evening and from late night to dawn. Only a lone spirit lingers in the castle.

The misty and exhausting, faint blue spirit body gradually solidified, the human form of a young child.

Because of other people's memory, because of other people's cognition, the soul of the body gradually condenses. But, still no face....

It remains a faceless, disturbing and frightening spirit. noodle::

But Moda is no longer afraid. Because he finally remembered.

When he turned back, the reason why that spirit body reached out to him was not to hurt him. It just wanted to reach out and touch the old man it grew up with. It just wanted to... hug him. "That's the young master..."

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