above the sky

Chapter 387 The Real Plan (23)

A very calm and upright knight. This is Yingguang's evaluation of Ian.

Obviously there is no reason, but he still acts with the sense of justice in his heart against Baron Ryan, who is obviously much stronger than him. The anger in his heart has not been extinguished, and he has pure and fiery anger, but his thoughts will not be affected by anger. Not only has he collected a lot of clues with his psionic and alchemy knowledge, but he is also extremely capable of action.

Without Ian's assistance, Yingguang believes that it would be impossible to advance the investigation to this point in such a short period of time alone. And by the time she finishes her investigation, the baron's plan is probably complete. "Found a clue?" the nun asked. "Um.

Hearing the collaborator's question, Ian looked away from the information found in the alchemy room and nodded solemnly: "Baron Ryan wants to collaborate with a few psionicists...to make a brand new body for his dead child. ,

"The information here is all about the manuscripts of alchemy androids, and even the practical operation records about the possession of ghosts and the transfer of psionic memory. The experimenters are the victims who have died. Pretty successful."

"Baron Ryan has done a lot of research in this area, and he's actually a hidden elite alchemist!"

It is not surprising that Baron Ryan is an elite alchemist. He is sitting on one of the most critical production points of alchemy raw materials in Nanling. If he has not studied alchemy, it would be really incredible.

But what amazes Ian is that in the alchemy laboratory of the other party, there are many things that are difficult to obtain even through the channels of Master Gosse. There are experimental manuals on psychic alchemy'', 'Wraith Possessed'' 'And'' psionic memory transfer is the content.

Alchemy is all-encompassing, covering and going beyond what Ian called science in previous lives.

And outside the scope of science, there are also many bizarre small branches, and even a broad road, psionic alchemy is one of them

Psionic alchemy is more complicated. In simple terms, it is the use of alchemy to achieve various effects that can only be achieved by psionic energy. In essence, it is to use alchemy to explore the principles of psionic energy. Combined with the inscription technique, it is possible to create the expensive ''psionic jewelry'' held by Ian Gard and Master Gosse that Ian had seen.

Ian knew that in the continent of Terra, where sublimators and psionicists were the primary productive forces, the value of such research materials was no less than that of high-level spaceship designs, and it would appear in the laboratory of Baron Ryan, a nobleman in the South Ridge. Here, there is only one possibility. That is, there is a great power for him. As for which force.... this one answer.

Step by step, the evidence is superimposed, and Ian is certain that this matter is not directly related to Axel, but there is definitely a high-level participation in the empire. and....

He already knew what Baron Ryan's real plan was.

It's not just an artificial human... That crazy, yet extremely rational, pathetic and abhorrent method...  

Taking a deep breath, Ian retracted his thoughts, and said in a low voice through the helmet: I have found the area where the Baron may be located. Next to this stack of documents is the topographic map of Lone Flame Peak, and he must be around that area. . "

"The next thing to do is to go to the side of Lone Flame Peak and search for...""It's in the canyon next to the third dammed lake in Lone Flame Peak."

At this moment, Director Moda who had finished his repentance suddenly said, "That's where the madam and the young master died. If the master really wants to go to Lonely Flame Peak, he can only go there."

Both Ian and Sister Yingguang looked at the old steward in surprise, while the old man had closed his eyes and sat on the side of the corridor, praying in a low voice. "It's a credit to Moda's stewardship.

Ian whispered to Sister Guang, and then talked normally: "Since there is detailed information, I plan to go to Lone Flame Peak to investigate." "I still suggest waiting for the two executors to arrive. Since Baron Ryan is an elite alchemist , it proves that his danger is extremely high." Yingguang frowned, as the representative of Huaiguang Church, she took the alchemy code from Ian, and she admired Ian more in her heart.

Not all alchemists can easily give up such precious knowledge, but Ian did not hesitate to hand over these materials that ordinary alchemists love to keep for himself, obviously convinced of the reliability of the way of cherishing light.

If it was recorded by Anfa, it would at least be a positive evaluation with more than 100 points.

Ian doesn't know how the other party evaluates himself in his heart. Anyway, he has already copied it with the silver chip. Such perishable things as manuscripts were of no value to the Baron except as evidence of his wickedness.

As for the sanctuary executors, in a more common way, they are actually paladins, who specialize in dealing with evil sacrificial events like Viscount Ryan that may endanger surrounding towns, as well as all kinds of too-tricky natural disasters.

It's not easy to become an executor. In addition to meeting the hard power standards, you must also have sufficient qualifications. Every executor has experienced hundreds of battles, and has experienced many trials and arduous training. It is a war machine in the true sense. .

Yingguang wanted to wait until the paladin arrived, which was naturally the right choice. No matter how powerful Baron Lean was, there was no room for manipulation in front of the two Huaiguang paladins. But he has to go.

Whether as a prophet, prevent your identity from being exposed by Baron Ryan, especially to those behind the scenes. Or as a person, to prevent a worse tragedy from happening. He must solve the other party at the first time. "It's just to go ahead and explore the way."

So, facing Sister Yingguang's suggestion, the young man just smiled calmly: "Find the way, I will come back."

"Right." As if thinking of something, Ian paused, then whispered to the other party: I also found this thing in the baron's alchemy laboratory... If I was accidentally discovered by the other party, I would probably escape into the mountains, no The way to give this evidence to the executor or Nauman City. ""If anyone asks, you say you found it. "

"Huaiguang won't lie, but he won't reveal any helpers who don't want to reveal their identities." In the voice of Sister Yingguang's assurance, the teenager handed something to the other party.

Seeing the other party frown, but still nodding, he turned his head and set off. Ian's figure passed through the window, disappearing into the night and the torrential rain. No silk room hesitated.

Lone Flame Peak, the third dammed lake, is a behemoth constructed due to a major storm, catastrophic rainfall and mudslides.

The huge amount of earth and rock cut off the valley and fed the rainfall from the surrounding mountains, forcing the Degan River to divert its course, while maintaining an eerie stability—a fissure in the rock formation at the bottom of it, which kept the water flowing. Drain it away, but there are still rivers flowing into it, filling it with new water. The rainstorm continues.

In the tumultuous rain, there is a rosy light swaying.

Just in a gentle valley next to the dammed lake, several other beast trailers stayed on one side, and the camel beasts that pulled them to this place had all passed out, and were unconscious in the same place.

In front of these carriages is the source of the glow.

Those were four huge cultivation tanks filled with psionic plant extracts.

The refined nourishing liquid of Xiahuicao is worth a lot of money, and the rough extract is also an excellent psychic carrier. Filling these four cultivation bins is definitely not just a matter of guarding and stealing, but at least several years. Secretly plan, hide the output, and accumulate the results little by little.

In the light of purple red and golden orange, the looming bodies of the three children can be seen vaguely, the three training chambers are arranged in a triangle, and in the empty chamber in the center, a faint blue spirit can be vaguely seen. The body rises and falls in the psionic extract.

In addition, there is a slender broken arm with strong muscles in this training warehouse, and the blue spirit body is the core activity. Because of the relationship between the psychic extract, the spiritual body can also control the broken arm to slightly affect the reality, and the solution inside the cultivation tank is turbid by it.

But under the gentle comfort of a black-haired blue-eyed nobleman, the spiritual body gradually calmed down. He was missing an arm, and the owner of the severed arm was obviously him.

At this moment, Baron Ryan's face turned pale, he raised his head and looked at the dark rain clouds rolling in the sky. His expression was a little indifferent and weak, which was very different from when he received Yingguang and Ian at noon.

"The psionic field is stable.... whispering to himself, he lowered his head and pressed his face to the crystal wall of the central cultivation warehouse, sensing the internal fluctuations. [Dad...]

A vague voice came out: [[Dad...] "The fluctuation of the carrier has also stabilized."

Raising his head, the magic stone, or in other words, Baron Ryan, who can be ignored because he can't face it, nodded, and then looked around at the three cultivation warehouses around him. In other words, train the children in the warehouse.

"Are you all right, kids?" he asked wearily. "Are you feeling sick and breathing? I can increase the oxygen level a bit." The first to respond was a boy with brown hair. [feeling good, dad]

Ira opened his eyes, his red right eye was still glowing, full of vitality and something was slowly regenerating in the left eye that was forcibly dug out. His eyes are slowly growing under the action of the Xiahui grass extract and a part of the regeneration potion.

Light purple light flowed out from his normal eyes and the still-healing eye sockets, making the child smile: [I can clearly sense my brother's thoughts] [My thoughts that I have implanted in Laian collar over the years] , Impression, and the approval of the entire Ryan leader'', assisting Sister Linda's activation of psionic energy, he is now fully condensed soul]

[It's just too fragile, my brother doesn't remember anything except you and Uncle Moda] [But I can give him memory]

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