above the sky

Chapter 388 Have You Figured Out How To Stop Me? (33, W Word Update)

[Yes, Father]

On the other side, the pretty boy with blond hair also opened his eyes, and a light blue psionic halo flickered in the eyes of Late Autumn.

He seemed a little nervous, but still said seriously: [As long as the data... as long as the flesh and blood data are accurate enough, and the appropriate raw materials are suitable enough, I can create a real body for ''brother']

【I, I can too】

Linda also said softly, the little girl had a crystal skull on top of her head, and the purple-red light flowed in her beautiful eyes: [I can help Brother Ira to anchor one_one I can activate the crystal skull Strength, fuse our souls and memories, turn into echoes'', and become one with my brother] [One!] [One!]

The children cheered, their eyes bright, as if they were very happy and happy at this ending. In contrast, Baron Ryan's paler face.

The torrential rain mixed with lightning slashed the top of the Baisen Mountains, lavender lightning fell on the top of Lonely Flame Peak, and another group of electric lights like flames burned continuously on the top of the mountain. This man wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, and the moment he tried his best to make him speak, he felt extremely regretful. and ease. "Children," he said, "if you don't want to." "This is the last chance to give up."

After saying this, Baron Ryan wanted to give himself a punch, which was simply giving up his hard work over the years, but at this moment he felt extremely happy. This incomparably contradictory mood made him want to kill himself,

Again, I felt that I was hypocritical to the point of being pathetic and abominable.

So, instead, he could laugh and say to the children in front of him: "As long as you want to give up this plan, I will surrender." "Then, you will be able to live." All the children raised their heads , looked at his father'' and his father. Three pairs of shining eyes stared at the man.

The intersection of the powerful psychic wave shocks almost instantly caused Baron Ryan, the second energy level, to bleed from his nose and shake violently. This is of course because he did not do anything to resist, but it is also enough to prove how powerful the three children's psychic power is. [Yes, I'm sorry, Dad, I don't want to hurt you... 】

Aware of this, the children panicked. Yi stretched out his hand and pressed it against the crystal wall of the cultivation warehouse, as if he wanted to help Baron Ryan wipe the blood from his nose.

He said uneasy: [But Dad, why do you want us to give up... Didn't you agree?] [We will die together today...]

He said, showing a happy smile: [We will become brother's memory, brother's body and brother's soul...] ​​[Then, let's become father, your real child together!]

The boy's voice carried a joyful tune, almost a song, and Mo Qiu and Linda also smiled and echoed: [Yes, yes, this is our wish!] A burst of powerful psionic energy fluctuated in the rain. Flickering, the surrounding rain curtains are dyed with light. That is the only child, extremely unstable, fragile but also extremely powerful psionic energy. And with the gathering of these spiritual energies, in the central training warehouse,

The spirit body that was condensed from the thoughts and longings of everyone couldn't help but rejoice.

The brown-haired boy stated aloud: [I don't want to continue to live as Ira] The blond boy muttered to himself: [I don't want to live as a late autumn either] The blue-haired girl recited softly: [I, I don't want to either] , to live as Linda]

The three of them said in unison: [Father, if we are not your children, why should we live?] Even the rain was twisted by powerful psychic energy, slanting around the entire camp, releasing strange-colored light. "I understand.

At this moment, Baron Ryan clenched his right fist.

His face regained blood again, showing a somewhat morbid, crazy, but incomparably determined look: "Then." His blue eyes looked around the four cultivation bins, and he seriously invited: "Children."" Today...be my real child!" all the children cheered. 【As we wish, father】Om what?

In the center of the three cultivation chambers, the one with the most turbidity and the most cultivating substances, the cultivation chamber with the Baron's hand and the ghostly blue spirit body, suddenly shines brightly.

Under the blue psionic brilliance from the late autumn, the baron's arm suddenly began to proliferate and deform violently, and the well-preserved blood also overflowed from a bottle tightly held in the broken arm's hand, mixing with the spirit body and the arm. together. One_—one father's bone, mother's blood. One _ one brother's soul, sister's longing. A _ A dead soul that never died will be returned to the world!

Fuchsia and golden-orange light complemented each other, and the bright rays of the sun shone through the surrounding canyons and even reached the rain clouds in the sky. Boom! A bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, illuminating the surroundings of Lonely Flame Peak, and at the same time lengthening the shadow of another brand-new visitor on the other side of the valley.

Baron Ryan immediately turned his head and looked at the uninvited guest on the other side.

The silver alchemist's armor stood quietly, the knight stood under the light of the storm and thunder, the water-colored eyes and the baron's blue eyes looked at each other from afar. The rain was like a curtain, and lightning flashed and thundered above the valley, but there was no thunder that could fall on the valley that was sunken among the mountains.

Only the light flickered, the shallow mist sputtered when the rain hit the ground, and the gloomy-grey rain cloud slowly creeping at the top of the sky. The valley around Lone Flame Peak is quite solid, or,

The weak part collapsed six years ago and became the foundation of the sliding mountain and the dammed lake. What is left now is naturally the strongest skeleton structure. The low bushes were trampled by the firm iron knight's boots, and the boy quietly came to this silent valley.

"Here you are, Prophet... or rather, the Prophet's successor? A psyker who cannot be manipulated by Linda to spy on the Skull of a Moment."

The one-armed aristocrat turned around slowly, leaning on his back against the glowing cultivation warehouse, and said slowly: I knew you would come - just like you also knew, I must have done it a long time ago. Ready to come. "

"I'm not here to tell lies that have nothing to do with you. Ian, your secret may be bigger than mine, and since I know your secret, it's doomed to a battle."

"But I'll say it anyway."

Baron Ryan's dark blue eyes flashed with unknown emotions: "Are you really going to fight me? Knight?"

"It's not because of the Prophet, and it's not because I want to fight you." The young knight's answer to this boring question was to take a step forward. Under the baron's icy gaze, his tone was calm: "Baron Ryan, I'm here just to ask you a question."

"A question about a pity and pity man.''

"Six years ago, a man lost his wife and children because of a big storm and a mountain skateboard. Distraught, he wanted to give up his life, but he cheered up with the encouragement of the old housekeeper who grew up with him. ...but the method is the nefarious act of maiming others."

"With the help of a mysterious helper, he gradually collected three psionic children who could help him resurrect his own children.

These children have unusual spirits and hobbies, even cruel. Traces of torment remain in their souls, giving them strength, but no relief from pain. "" Men originally only saw them as tools, but perhaps it was because the overflowing feelings had nowhere to be released, but also because they came from within

Sympathizing with each other, he finally treats these miserable children as his real children, and educates and cares with all his heart. "

The knight continued to move forward, and he approached the silent Baron Lyon step by step: "And these poor children who have never been in contact with kindness and love, therefore regard this man as a father they never had."

"The true father in their hearts."

"They live like a family, and the old steward also takes care of his master and young lady with joy. Under the influence of love, the abnormal children may be able to return to normal, as it should be."

"It might be a good ending if it ends here."

The boy's eyes were as sharp as swords, but the eyes of the man who looked at him were as deep as abyss. Listening to this question, Baron Ryan's eyes became more and more dim, or in other words, more and more dark. No grief, no regret, no indifference, no cruelty. There was only silence. The inquiry is not over yet.

So, along with the wind and thunder and the torrential rain, the knight's voice resounded through the valley: "It's just that, perhaps because of the request of the mysterious helper, or because he is still unwilling to give up his wish to revive the parent and child, the man can't stop."

"In order to continue the experiment, in order to continue to maintain the children's unusual but powerful psionic power, he killed innocent ordinary people and used their corpses as raw materials for experiments, as consumables for his children's distorted thinking, starting a few years ago. , until now, the victims have been countless." And now.

The knight was less than thirty meters away from the baron, and his voice suddenly became low: "This man's plan is almost complete."

"Whether the process is sinful or not, now he wants to use the three children he loves most, and the three children he loves the most as raw materials, to resurrect his long dead, and he doesn't even know what his face should look like. Parent-child''."

At this point, Ian whispered "Here comes the question, Baron."

"Should the loathsome and pitiful man continue with this act of guilt and pain that he himself could not bear?" The silence began to spread. Silent silence filled the valley.

Until another flash of lightning fell, causing a lavender glow to illuminate the shadows of the two. In the interlaced light and shadow, Baron Ryan has raised his hand and pressed it on the weapon handle on his waist. [Of course he will continue. 】

At this moment, the man's voice became hollow and distant, and a childlike harmony appeared after his low tone: [He knows that he is full of sin and cannot be forgiven, so he will go his own way and never look back]

The radiance of psionic energy appeared around the one-armed nobleman, and the rays of light gathered together, mixing the surrounding rainwater and mud, and turning it into a strong and dexterous psionic arm, which was placed in the position of his left arm.

Baron Ryan and Ian looked at each other, and his tone even brought sincerity from his heart: [so the man will not defend and hide] [the evil lord even begged the knight to defeat him]

[Knight!] He raised his voice abruptly, like a roar: [If you really want to defeat him, then I urge you to do it, and never show mercy!] [But if you can't do it _1 That man will keep doing it!]

"Even if the heinous?" He also clenched the hilt of the sword, and Ian asked softly, "Even if you are destined to regret?" And Baron Ryan finally laughed heartily: [Even if the heinous] [Even if I was destined to regret] "Very good.

Got what I didn't want to hear, but knew that this was the only possible answer.

So the knight put his hand on the hilt: "Then, now, I am going to correct you a mistake." "It was never I who fought you and prevented you from doing anything." "It was you who came to stop me from going." Achieving my goal." The torrential rain suddenly stopped, as if time stood still.

The chaotic raindrops were frozen by an inexplicable cold, and then solidified in place by a force.

Lightning pierced the heavens and the earth, and bright rays of light penetrated these rain-line ice crystals stagnating in mid-air, making them shine like stars. Surrounded by the stars of ice crystals, Ian raised his sword, the cold light long sword reflecting the brilliance of thunder in the darkness. The second-level ice-race water-type source material was thus displayed in the stunned and stunned eyes of the enemy.

The sword was aimed at the man in front of him, and the stagnant stars began to rotate, drawing shining silver chains between heaven and earth. He whispered, "Baron." "Have you figured out how to stop me?"

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