Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 165: Making up stories and telling stories

“All operations of human society are carried out by humans. Religious beliefs, traditional culture, legal ethics, and even social structures are essentially operated and set by humans. Therefore, as long as you learn the way of man, that is, master the underlying logic and operating rules of human society, you can understand all human social behaviors and essence.

According to the book, although we all look the same on the surface, we are fundamentally different due to differences in cognition.

Human cognition is divided into four levels - fools, knowledgeable people, cunning people, and wise people.

It can be roughly understood as, 1. Fools. 2. Intellectuals. 3. Speculators, and 4. Great wise men.

The logic of these four people in looking at things is completely different.

Fools - surface logic.

Intellectuals - real logic.

Speculators - realistic logic.

Great wise men - bottom-level logic.

For example, let's take belief in God.

The cognition of fools - believing in God can go to heaven, and not believing in God will go to hell, so I have to believe, and I have to donate all my money to the church, so that I can go to heaven after I die and enjoy it forever.

The cognition of intellectuals - does God really exist? Why are there so many bugs in the doctrine? I think this belief is wrong, and I want to reveal the truth.

The cognition of speculators - God certainly does not exist, but since those fools believe it, then I will pretend to believe it too. Oh, by the way, why don't I sell indulgences in the name of God, so I can make a lot of money, anyway, no God will come Punish me.

What? Someone wants to reveal the truth that God does not exist? Then burn them to death for blasphemy against God.

The cognition of the wise man - I want people to abide by the rules I set, but no one listens to what I say. It's too much trouble to reason with these idiots. Why don't I create a god, just call him God. Tell them that these words are said by God, and then make up some stories, such as if you don't believe in God, you will go to hell, as long as you follow my rules, you can go to heaven and enjoy happiness forever..."

Xiao Jie couldn't help but disapproving after hearing this, "Isn't it just the feudal superstition stuff, and it's a set of things, and the wise man? That's it?"

Chen Tianwen shook his head and said, "No, no, no, you don't understand what I mean. God is just an example. It can be God or Buddha. Ancestors can be universal values, freedom and democracy, or even LGBT. All humanistic theories and traditional cultures that influence our thinking are included.

You don't believe in God because you haven't been indoctrinated with such ideas, but if you have lived in the Middle Ages since childhood, everyone around you believes in God and indoctrinates you every day, then you will naturally take it for granted.

All countries and civilizations have such things.

The West has faith in God, the East has Confucian filial piety, and Indians have a caste system... Every civilization has its own traditional culture. These so-called traditional cultures have a common feature, that is, they are natural to people within the framework, but absurd and unreasonable to people outside the framework.

When we look at faith in God and the caste system, of course we think that stuff is nonsense, but in the eyes of other civilizations, our Confucian filial piety is also nonsense.

And the cognition and understanding of these cultures also determines what kind of person you are.

In the eyes of fools, these traditions are very sacred and must be followed.

In the eyes of intellectuals, these traditions are full of errors and loopholes, and even unreasonable, and should be broken.

In the eyes of speculators, maintaining traditions is a tool for profit, and breaking traditions is also a tool for profit. The key to choosing to maintain or break traditions is how to do it in your own interests.

Only those with great wisdom can truly understand the significance of these traditions and whether they need to be maintained or broken. "

Xiao Jie said speechlessly: "But what's wrong with respecting parents?"

Chen Tianwen shook his head and said: "Respect and filial piety are a world of difference.

The original version of filial piety is to bury children and serve mothers, to lie on ice to seek carp, to die if the king wants the minister to die, to die if the father wants the son to die, and to mourn for three years after the parents die. No one can do it now.

In today's view, these behaviors of ancient people are foolish, but in ancient times they were truths and social rules that everyone had to follow.

What we call filial piety now is improved, and those contents that are not in line with the times have been cancelled, such as mourning for three years.

Whether it is foolish or true depends on what kind of cultural indoctrination you have received and your level of cognition.

If you can understand the Tao, the underlying logic of human society, you can understand how all this happened and why there are so many inexplicable traditions. "

Xiao Jie asked curiously: "Then you can tell me why there are so many different traditional cultures? Can you understand the underlying logic of human society?"

"I didn't understand it at first, but thanks to the Taoist scripture you gave me, I can see some of it." Although this was said modestly, there was a sense of pride in it.

Xiao Jie said: "Tell me what Tao is."

"Take these social traditions for example, why is China Confucian filial piety, the West is God belief, and India is the caste system? The answer is actually very simple, because of the choices made by the needs of ancient rulers.

The ruler of China is the emperor, and of course the emperor wants to be supreme, so he needs an idea to control people.

Qin Shihuang chose Legalist thought and used laws to stipulate the emperor's supremacy. Obviously he failed.

So the Han Dynasty learned from experience and chose Confucianism. The so-called monarch, minister, father, father, son, linked loyalty and filial piety, and morally promoted the emperor to the supreme throne.

The emperor, of course, hopes that his status will not be threatened, so Confucianism is the best, but the Taoist rule of inaction and the Mohist universal love without attack are not in line with the requirements of the emperor, so naturally there is no need for universal love. Non-attack sounds good, but how can a majestic emperor accept being on the same level as the common people?

Why do Confucians link loyalty and filial piety? Because if you promote loyalty, you can win the support of the king, and if you promote filial piety, you can win the support of those in power in the family.

With the support of these two, Confucianism will naturally be respected. It can be said that the success of Confucianism may seem accidental, but in fact it is inevitable.

As long as there is a unified dynasty, Confucianism must become the dominant school because it is in the best interest of those in power. Confucius may have seen this clearly when he founded Confucianism. He knew very well what Confucianism would become in the future. The ruling school.

But in Europe, the situation has changed. There is no unified dynasty in Europe, and there is no supreme emperor. Instead, there are a large number of kings and princes. These people are probably similar to the warlords of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and they have no legitimacy or sanctity.

Therefore, the early rule of these kings was very unstable, and the kingdom was easily overturned. They urgently needed an idea to endorse their sanctity and legitimacy.

So the Christian church has a place to play. The so-called divine right of kings, God gives the king power, so it adds a certain degree of sanctity to the crowns of these kings. When the king ascends the throne, a coronation ceremony is held, and the coronator is the church. This It is the church’s endorsement of the king’s power in the name of God.

In this way, their rule will naturally be relatively stable.

In return, the king ceded some economic and social rights to the church.

Take the church's tithe, for example. Why do you think those kings gave the power of tax collection to priests? They don't care about God, they care about the stability of their rights.

The king and the church actually cooperated with each other in a transactional relationship, working together to suppress the resistance of the people at the bottom. The priests provided the ideological cage, and the king provided the basis of force, making use of each other.

This situation has changed in Eastern Europe. There is an emperor in Eastern Europe, the Byzantine Empire - although this emperor is not comparable to the emperor of China, he is still more holy than those kings, so their suppression of the church is also Even greater, in order to adapt to this change in power structure, the Orthodox Church emerged.

The biggest difference between Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism is that the secular power of the emperor is greater than the religious power of the church.

To put it bluntly, they are asking each other for a price. The greater the power, the more capital, and naturally the more shares they hold.

When we arrived in India, the situation changed again. The ruler of India was not an emperor or a group of kings, but a nation - the Aryans. Naturally, the ideas they had to adopt were different.

This culture must benefit the entire nation.

So a group of people wrote a collection of Brahmanical settings in order to maintain the rule of their own nation.

They believe in Brahmanism and the caste system not because they are ignorant, but precisely because they are smart and know how to safeguard the interests of their own race.

So you understand, all the ancient traditional culture and sacred religious inheritance that we observe in the world today are essentially choices and fabrications made by ancient rulers for their own interests, and are deeply rooted in the national civilization. Set together and passed down from generation to generation.

To put it bluntly, it's just a tool.

But for those who are under the rule, they naturally need to be constantly indoctrinated. Since most of the human beings are ignorant people, if you are asked to believe in God, you will believe in God. If you are asked to believe in Buddha, you will believe in Buddha. If you are asked to believe in filial piety, you will Just believe in filial piety.

Therefore, every civilized person is proud of his own cultural tradition, but to put it bluntly, most of these people are fools, enslaved by the ideas they have been instilled since childhood.

Intellectuals can see the problems, but they do not understand the real purpose of these traditions, and they just fight in vain against these superficial loopholes in culture.

Opportunists, on the other hand, don't care about these traditional cultures at all. They either pretend to believe in them or simply use them to benefit themselves.

Only the truly wise can understand the true meaning of these cultures and guide and drive them..."

Xiao Jie was a little dazed for a moment. Chen Tianwen's words were a bit shocking, but they seemed to make sense. But suddenly, something came to his mind, and he smiled and said: "No, I don't think so. Our Confucian filial piety is Different.”

"Haha, tell me, what's the difference?"

Xiao Jie smiled slightly, "Filial piety is about truth. Let's not say whether this truth is perfect or whether there are bugs, but at least it is a truth.

And other things, whether it is the caste system or belief in God, are all making up stories. This is the essential difference. "

Chen Tianwen was stunned for a moment, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Xiao Jie became more and more confident as he spoke.

"You are right about one thing. The so-called religion is essentially PUA for fools, just like the stories parents make up for their children. Go to bed quickly, or the monkey will come to catch you.

Be a good boy and Santa Claus will give you gifts.

All heaven and hell, all darkness and light, all gods, are essentially a combination of the Great Horse Monkey and Santa Claus.

When children grow up and their cognition gradually improves, the monkey and Santa Claus can no longer fool them.

At this time, something more credible is needed. Heaven and hell are nothing more than monkeys and Santa Claus with more exquisite packaging and more detailed settings.

But the essence has not changed. It is still a story, and as long as it is a story, there will be flaws. People with strong enough thoughts and clear enough logic will see through it.

Only the traditional Chinese thought of filial piety is about truth. This is the most essential difference. Because Chinese civilization is more mature and rational, the story-telling method works in other civilizations, but it does not work in China. , at least most people don’t do this.

It was not until modern times that other civilizations began to learn to reason, that is, things like capitalism, liberal democracy, and LGBT.

There are even some backward civilizations that have not learned to reason until now and are still making up stories to fool the people.

This is the biggest difference between our Chinese civilization and other civilizations. "

Chen Tianwen was a little stunned for a moment when he was told this, and then suddenly burst into laughter.

"What a great storyteller and reasoner. You are right. This is the underlying logic of human civilization. This is the Tao, so it seems you have understood it."

Xiao Jie also laughed. At this moment, he really felt like he was enlightened.

"That's right, I've realized it! The so-called underlying logic, the so-called way of man - that's it! That's it!" Xiao Jie said excitedly. His mind was filled with thoughts for a moment, including countless puzzles and countless puzzles in human history. The past becomes extremely clear in an instant, like looking at lines on the palm of your hand.

Everything in human society is like this, whether it is doing business, being involved in officialdom, teaching knowledge, or making up stories, if you master this method, you can be omnipotent and omnipotent.

No matter the story or the truth, they are just tools. You can just use them. If you really believe them, you will fall into the trap and make yourself trapped.

The reason why Confucius created Confucianism was not because he really believed in it, but because he was sure that it would eventually become the dominant school and the dominant thought. Even if he didn't create it, someone else would. To create, it is better to work out this theory yourself first, and then talk about it. The left and right are just a tool.

Jesus knew very well that there was no God in the world. It was precisely because he knew this that he could call himself the savior without any scruples and act in the name of God. He actually did the same thing as Confucius, but Confucius was reasonable. It's making up a story.

And in a sense, he is indeed the savior of the Jews. If the Jews believe in his identity as the savior, follow him, and promote their reformed beliefs to Europe, then the Jews will become the controllers of the Holy See and the power of Jesus. The basic market has become the same existence as the European Brahmins.

It's a pity that those priests are all opportunists. They know very well that God does not exist at all, so they naturally do not believe in the identity of Jesus as the savior. And if Jesus touches their interests, then of course they must be killed.

There are countless such people in human history. On the surface, they seem to be doing different things, but in fact they are all doing the same thing.

They are all making up stories to make sense.

The so-called way of being a person lies in how to use and drive others so that they can be used for oneself.

Human beings appear to be similar, but in fact they are completely different.

For those fools, there is no need to reason with them, because the fool's knowledge is too low, and it is difficult to explain the truth. Just make up a story. As long as the story is well-written, the fool will believe it and do it. Things to do.

For intellectuals, it is necessary to reason and tell them what is right and what is wrong. Only by distinguishing right from wrong can they be driven to act. But truth, to put it bluntly, is just a tool, but it is more important than stories. Excellent, public opinion makes sense, mother-in-law says mother-in-law makes sense, the key lies in the angle from which you interpret it, so just use it and don’t indulge in it.

For opportunists, it is useless to make up stories and reason. Only real interests can convince them.

And a person with great wisdom is a chess player.

Stories, principles, and interests are all just tools.

Foolish people, intellectuals, and opportunists, as long as they master the method, they can use it to become great wise men. They can use these people to act for themselves and achieve their ultimate grand plan. This is the great way of man.

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