Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 166: Meeting on a Narrow Road Tianxiahui

Seeing that person's name, Xiao Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

He recognized this man, and he killed Huang Mingdingge in public in Luoyang Town just to fight injustice for others.

This guy has quite a chivalrous spirit and shouldn't kill people randomly.

"Brother, you scared me to death."

"Who told you to run around? You won't stop no matter how I call you."

Xiao Jie said speechlessly: "You are such a famous person and you are rushing towards me. Am I stupid if I don't run? Okay, I won't run away this time. If you have anything to say, I'll get the baby out for some air first." Don’t mind it.”

After speaking, he whistled and summoned Xiong Da.

Chivalrous Wushuang said: "Brother, you can do whatever you want, don't mind if you don't mind."

Xiao Jie thought to himself, "You're level 30. If you really want to kill me, it's useless to have a big bear. But it's a psychological comfort after all."

"By the way, didn't you kill Huang Ming in the first place? How come you haven't been cleared yet?"

It stands to reason that killing a person with a yellow name will only make him a red person for 12 hours.

Chivalrous Wushuang said helplessly: "Forget it. After I killed someone, I was chased by others. I had to kill two more people, and then I ran to Sao Feng City to hide. The Longxiang Knights came to make things difficult for me again. I have to start killing again, and if I continue like this, I will be killed sooner or later - Hey, how did you know about my killing? "

"Haha, the chivalrous brother was fighting injustices in Luoyang Town, killing people in the street, and treating the heroes as if they were nothing. I have never seen such a grace in my life, so I naturally remember it clearly."

"Hahahaha, brother, I'm very discerning, so I'm just saying this to you. I, Chivalrous Wushuang, have made you my friend today - by the way, you have a few blood bottles but you didn't give me a few."

"Yes." Xiao Jie said and threw a few small amounts of the golden sore medicine on the ground.

Chivalrous Wushuang picked up the medicine and was speechless. "Damn, there are just a few? Are they all small?"

Xiao Jie said helplessly: "Brother, I'm only level 13. How can I have the money to buy big medicine? This is all I use. How about I give you two more?" He threw out two more.

Of course, this is not entirely true. He still has several powerful medicines in his bag, which were specially prepared when the monsters attacked the village.

But as the saying goes, if you don't see the rabbit, don't let the eagle fly. There is no benefit. How can this medicine be given in vain?

Chivalrous Wushuang didn't mind it and picked up all the medicine.

"In this case, you go and buy some for me, and I'll get you the money and buy some more charms. I may have to fight a protracted battle recently."

As he spoke, he threw a pile of silver on the ground.

Xiao Jie was shocked when he picked it up.

[System prompt: You picked up 100 taels of silver. 】

Damn, it’s so arrogant!

"Give me 50 big medicines, five invisibility talismans, five magic walking talismans, five iron wall talismans... I'll give you the rest as errand fees, how about it, no problem.

Xiao Jie quickly wrote it down.

"No problem, that's no problem. Just wait, I'll buy you medicine right now."

"Go and come back quickly. I'll log off and hide first. We'll meet here in half an hour. By the way, brother, I'll start with ugly words. Don't you want to trick me? Otherwise, even if I die, I can still find someone to help me. Revengeful."

"Don't worry, how dare I." Xiao Jie said as he mounted his horse and galloped away.

There was no danger along the way, and more than ten minutes later, the walls of Sao Feng City were already in sight.

Xiao Jie galloped into the city, and after entering the city, Xiao Jie went straight to the auction house.

When passing by the business district, Xiao Jie habitually dismounted his horse to avoid bumping into people. When he passed by, a player who was setting up a stall suddenly closed the stall and went straight to an inn not far away.

Entered the inn and went straight to the second floor.

"Captain, commander, I saw that kid!"

Around a table on the second floor, Yun Xiaoke was leading everyone from the Tianxia Club to discuss how to find Yin Yue Suifeng. Hearing this, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Really! Where?"

"A man went to the auction house."

"Haha, it seems you are still alive now." Yun Xiaoke was overjoyed, but Feng Buping said solemnly, "No, we can't take action in the city. Go and keep an eye on him personally. Don't let him be discovered. Let's ambush him outside the city."

Yun Xiaoke was a little disapproving, "But who knows when he will leave the city?"

"We will take action whenever we leave the city. How can we not have some patience when we want to do big things?"

Yun Xiaoke snorted coldly, "Okay, Shadow - you go and keep an eye on it while the others follow me out of the city."

At this moment, Xiao Jie didn't know that he had been targeted and was buying and selling in the auction house.

It's great to have money, and all kinds of elixirs and charms are included in the bag.

Xiao Jie also bought himself three Daigo Pills. He now has 17 enlightenment levels. Taking one Daigo Pill will be exactly 20 enlightenment levels. In this way, he can activate the [Enlightenment] state.

When your sword skills reach LV10, you can try to understand the secret.

In addition, he bought a lot of things that the white ape might be interested in. He was worried about having no money at first, but now he is not worried anymore.

In a short time, he bought all the things he wanted to buy. He also collected some materials and made a few bottles of monkey wine, but he was not in a hurry to hang them up.

Looking at the backpack, I saw that the 100 taels of silver had been spent more than 80 taels, of which more than 60 taels were purchased for Xia Yi Wushuang.

This wave of errand fees can earn more than thirty taels, which is not too small.

In fact, Xiao Jie could also choose not to help buy it and keep all the money, but he couldn't be so selfish in his behavior.

Thinking of the chivalrous Wushuang who was willing to risk his red name to kill the villain for an unrelated person, this chivalrous behavior made him feel a little bit impressed. Although Xiao Jie himself would not do this, he could still help buy some medicine.

He went out without stopping and rode directly towards the outside of the city. At this moment, a private message was also sent out in the corner of the auction house.

Xiao Jie went out of the north gate and headed straight for Dongyang Mountain along the road. He was quite relaxed. There were almost no monsters around Xiaofeng City, and he had not encountered any danger in these days, so Xiao Jie also relaxed his vigilance.

However, the facts proved that danger exists at any time.

Just when he passed an intersection between two woods, a rain of arrows suddenly shot out from the woods on both sides. The opponent had obviously planned for a long time. Not only arrows and flying knives, but also a thunder talisman.

In addition, Xiao Jie's horse was shot into a sieve in an instant after just one encounter. He neighed and fell to his death.

"My horse!" Xiao Jie was shocked and angry. This is one million!

He controlled the character to roll and stand up. As soon as he stood up, a group of people suddenly rushed out from both sides.

More than a dozen people surrounded him on all sides, ready to fight. Who else could the leader be but Yun Xiaoke?

"Tianxiahui!" Xiao Jie was shocked. This group of people actually chased him here. He was still careless. He was a little numb because he had not encountered any danger in the past few days. It's over. It's really dangerous now.

"Hahaha, Yin Yue Sui Feng, we meet again. You have made me suffer so much." Yun Xiaoke said viciously.

"I think you know why I came to you? You must explain the matter to me today. What is the matter with that leveling point? As long as you explain it to me clearly, I will let you leave alive, otherwise - hum, I will let you accompany Ramen Brother."

Ramen Brother... Was he really killed? Let me go, who are you trying to fool... Xiao Jie knew it clearly in his heart. The other party was killing him as soon as they met, which clearly showed that they were not going to settle the matter peacefully. As long as he told the truth, he would definitely die.

But even if he didn't tell the truth, the other party would definitely attack. For now, he couldn't fight. He was alone, and even his only teammate was not there. If he really fought, he would die in seconds. There was only one word - escape.

Fortunately, he had a high-level Qinggong that the other party didn't know about. This was his biggest reliance for escaping, but he only had one chance, so he could only gamble.

Xiao Jie was extremely nervous at this time. This might be the biggest crisis he had encountered since he started playing games. If he didn't handle it well, he would die.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to think that he had completely grasped him, and finally gave him a glimmer of hope.

"Okay, okay, okay, I said it's not okay, why are you so excited about such a trivial matter, the secret leveling point is right here -!"

Flying clouds chasing the moon - stepping on the wind!

Xiao Jie flew straight into the sky, and the whole person seemed to rise up on the wind. In an instant, he flew up to 11 or 12 meters high, as high as three or four floors.

This was completely unexpected by the opponent. He didn't expect that a mere level 13 trumpet could have such a strong light skill.

Yun Xiaoke was shocked, "Shoot!"

A round of arrows immediately shot towards Xiao Jie.

In mid-air, Xiao Jie directly pressed the space bar.

Feiyundu! A two-stage diagonal jump leaped forward again, and this time he immediately avoided most of the arrows.

"Shoot again! Shoot again!"

Chasing the Moon!

Xiao Jie rushed forward in the air, flying more than 20 meters away like a big bird.

Without activating the wild goose flying, he fell directly from the air to the ground. The moment he landed, he did not hesitate at all. He directly activated the two skills of flying on the grass and galloping, plus a magic rune, and ran away, and instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Yun Xiaoke was stunned. This kid ran too fast, right?

"Chase!" He shouted, and everyone summoned their mounts and started chasing.

However, with Xiao Jie's three sets of BUFFs, his speed was faster than that of a warhorse, and he pulled away in the blink of an eye.

But he didn't dare to relax. The magic rune only lasted for 20 seconds, and it was gone once the time was up. Flying on the grass consumed internal energy and couldn't support it for too long, so he needed to stop and take medicine to continue.

On the contrary, the skill of galloping can be used continuously as long as there is physical strength, which is the most durable.

At this time, he was extremely glad that he had caught the carrot.

However, now is not the time to be happy, and he has not escaped yet.

Most of the people in the Tianxiahui rode poor horses, and they should not be able to catch up in a short time, but if they were warhorses, they might still be caught up.

Less than ten seconds after the magic rune disappeared, there was a sound of horse hooves behind him. It was Yunxiaoke and Feng Buping, both of whom had warhorses.

Xiao Jie secretly groaned, and hurriedly took a pill of Shunqi Powder and ran wildly again, and at the same time, another magic rune was used!

Fortunately, I bought a bunch of props in my bag. I bought them for Xia Yi Wu Shuang. They came in handy at this time. Xiao Jie was thinking about how to get rid of the pursuers, but there was an eagle cry in the sky. He looked up and saw an eagle flying above his head.

It's over. It must be the baby of the other trainer.

At this moment, a private message suddenly appeared in the message bar.

Xia Yi Wu Shuang: How is it, did you buy it?

Yin Yue Sui Feng: I bought it, but I am being chased by someone!

Xia Yi Wu Shuang: Who?

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Tian Xia Hui, there are more than ten of them.

Xia Yi Wu Shuang: Come and join me, I will help you solve it.

Xiao Jie thought, can it work? There are more than ten people, and there is also a magic system. Although the level 30 master is powerful, this game does not have the concept of level suppression. If you really want to fight, the number of people is king. Not to mention anything else, just shooting arrows together will cause explosive damage. Even a master with a talisman will die. And you are a red name, maybe you will really meet someone who will kill you together, but at this time he can only believe the other party.

So he adjusted the direction again and ran wildly in the agreed direction.

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