Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 235 Return of the Soul (Additional chapter for the leader of the Holy Land of the South)


The dull sound of collision spread far away in the night.

Xiao Jie felt as if he was hit by a truck. In an instant, the murderous intent, bloodthirsty desire, and the occasional uneasiness and confusion of the residual consciousness in his heart were all trapped in the darkness.

I don’t know how long it has been, Xiao Jie faintly heard some noisy sounds.

“Quick, get on the tank, hold it! Form a gun array in close combat, don’t let it cut our back row!”

As soon as Xiao Jie opened his eyes, he found himself in a wetland. The surrounding environment was extremely familiar. The muddy swamp moistened its scales, and the diffuse water vapor made it feel like a spring breeze.

However, at this moment, a group of uninvited guests broke the tranquility of the swamp.

In front of him was a brave general in iron armor. The black iron armor completely wrapped his body, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed from the gap in the helmet.

There were a few words on his head.

Tyrant Crazy Dragon!

"The tanks are in place, listen to my command - go together - kill!"

The general roared, and swords, spears and halberds stabbed from all directions.

Thunder and fire, arrows like rain!

Xiao Jie roared, spewing out bursts of poisonous mist, but was blown away by a Taoist priest's summoned gust of wind.

It swung its tail and swept away the enemies one by one, but the injured immediately retreated to the back and took out red bottles and drank them.

Since someone took over the position, Xiao Jie tried to break out of the encirclement several times, but was pushed back by the long spear and halberd.

"Demon - come and fight me!" The black-armored general roared, and somehow, Xiao Jie suddenly had an uncontrollable anger in his heart. Regardless of the attacks around him, he rushed towards the general.

The tail propped up the body high, and it pounced from above, just when it was about to catch the man.


Severe pain came from his chest. When Xiao Jie lowered his head, he saw a spear piercing his heart, and everything in front of him fell into darkness again.

"Keep your distance, shoot! Shoot!"

It was the familiar human voice again. He opened his eyes and found himself being besieged by more than a dozen knights. He was surrounded by a familiar valley, and every blade of grass and tree was extremely familiar. Those knights were riding fast horses and fully armed, but they did not fight forward, but shot arrows madly from a distance.

The feeling of pain continued to come from his body. When he lowered his head, he saw that his body was full of arrows.

Roar! Xiao Jie roared and pounced on a knight, but the knight suddenly jumped up and sprinted away in an instant, but there was another burst of severe pain behind him.

Xiao Jie roared and roared, constantly trying to pounce on the enemy, but was always quickly pulled away. Those knights did not fight him head-on at all, and kept wandering and shooting arrows. In the blink of an eye, he was full of arrows, shooting like a hedgehog.

Xiao Jie roared and summoned his ghosts to help, but was immediately dispersed by a Taoist priest with magic.

He looked at the Taoist priest angrily, who seemed to be a woman. He was about to pounce on her and bite her to death.

A knight on a white horse galloped past, and a cold arrow flashed. Xiao Jie felt a pain in his chest. He looked at the knight's head - Yulong Zai Tian?

The eyes fell into darkness again.

There was another suffocating silence, followed by a faint voice, as if whispering in the ear.

"Aru, why don't you call a few more people over?"

"There's no need to be so troublesome. It's just a cat demon. It hasn't been separated yet, so it must not be a big deal."

The voice came from the front. Xiao Jie looked up and suddenly found himself lying in a patch of grass, with his limbs on the ground and his belly tightly pressed against the ground. The hunting instinct made him not act rashly, and slowly approached the direction where the voice came from.

A man and a woman, a swordsman, and a Taoist priest were walking in the forest.

Right now, he quickly approached the Taoist priest's back, and pounced when he was five or six meters away.

With one claw, the Taoist priest turned into a scarecrow, covered with a paper Taoist robe.


Xiao Jie was confused.

But a cold voice came from behind him, "Haha, this monster is quite cute, but it's a pity that monsters are monsters - evil beasts, and they don't want to die!"

Xiao Jie turned around suddenly and saw a beautiful woman with a face like autumn moon, holding a rune iron sword, with lightning on the blade. Although he didn't know what kind of magic it was, Xiao Jie immediately felt a huge sense of fear. He turned around and wanted to run, but eight magic runes appeared under his feet, making him unable to move.

He watched the lightning gather above his head.

The Taoist priest's voice echoed in the air.

"Nine Heavens Divine Thunder - Fall!"


At the moment when the dazzling lightning fell, Xiao Jie also saw the name above the woman's head - Listen to the Dragon's Roar.

Then the next second, there was a bang, and the severe pain made him lose consciousness, as if he was hit by a truck, and he completely lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long it took, Xiao Jie’s scattered consciousness finally recovered from the chaos. He slowly opened his eyes from the coma, and saw a familiar ceiling. Hey, isn’t this Chen Tianwen’s house?

He moved his body, but found that he was firmly tied to a sofa chair with transparent tape.

What happened to me? Xiao Jie was a little confused, his mind was in a mess, and various fragments of memory kept appearing in front of him.

Carefully recalling what happened yesterday, Xiao Jie came back to his senses vaguely.

Damn! Am I possessed by a ghost?

No! It's not that simple. What happened to those strange dreams before?

As his thoughts calmed down, Xiao Jie quickly figured out the relationship.

In those strange dreams, he was not a human, but a monster! A snake monster, a tiger monster, and a cat monster.

Damn, it must be the work of those monster pills!

The scenes in the three strange dreams were all scenes of these monsters being beaten to death by the players of the Dragon Knights.

But how could such a change happen to me?

Could it be the Immortal Gourd? Spiritual energy?

Yes, it must be because I absorbed the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy was refined from the inner pill of the monster. Maybe it was not as pure as the ordinary spiritual energy. Maybe it was mixed with some demonic power.

Xiao Jie quickly connected the key information together. Obviously, when using the Immortal Gourd to transform the spiritual energy, some memories or instincts of the monsters were also transformed. After absorbing the spiritual energy, I was also driven and controlled by this beast-like instinct.

Fortunately, these instincts were just instincts, and there was no real intention. After a night of confusion, I recovered.

What happened before?

"Hey, you woke up, do you recognize who I am?" An Ran's voice made Xiao Jie look up, and he saw An Ran holding a chicken leg in his hand, looking at him mischievously.

"An Ran, why am I tied up here?"

"Well, it seems that I am really awake-Chen Daxian!"

Chen Tianwen walked in from outside.

"Haha, how did you sleep this sleep, Brother Xiao?"

"Did you bring me here?"

Chen Tianwen nodded, "Yes, otherwise I can't let you kill people in the city."

Xiao Jie's face suddenly changed, and he also remembered the last thought before he lost consciousness yesterday.

"I didn't..."

"Eat people? Don't worry, we can't let you do anything in real life. If you really eat people, all the players in Jiangbei City will be implicated. Okay, I'll untie you now."

While tearing off the transparent tape on his body, Xiao Jie asked curiously, "How did you two know that I would be in trouble?"

An Ran said, "It was calculated by Chen Daxian."

Xiao Jie looked at Chen Tianwen in surprise, "You can calculate this? It's so magical, why did you suddenly tell my fortune?"

Chen Tianwen shook his head, "I'm not telling you a fortune, but I occasionally feel it, because if you get into trouble, it will implicate me, so I can feel it. Come on, let's have breakfast first, you must be starving, let's talk while eating."

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