Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 236 Ancient Qi Refiner

In the living room of the villa, Xiao Jie was stunned by the barbecue on the plate in front of him. He was still frightened by what happened last night. He felt awkward looking at the big plate of barbecue.

After thinking about it, he took an apple and started to eat.

An Ran on the opposite side ate very deliciously, eating meat with big mouthfuls, and her mouth was full of oil.

"I say, why do you eat barbecue so early in the morning?" Xiao Jie asked puzzledly.

"Nonsense, the transformation consumes a lot of energy, how can you not eat more." An Ran burped and took the Coke beside her and drank it.

Xiao Jie's eyes lingered on her "slender jade hand" for a moment, and the huge bear paw last night appeared in his mind.

It must be said that this magic transformation is really a magical spell.

Xiao Jie usually thinks that this girl has a bit of a female man's tendency, and this time it deepened this feeling.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you two for your help last night."

"Well, you helped me and An Ran before, so it's only natural for us to help each other." Chen Tianwen said while sipping a cup of tea.

Dressed in white, he really looked like a Taoist master.

An Ran wiped her mouth and followed up, "That's right, we're just friends. Xiao Jie, why are you still possessed? Let me guess, did you meet a vixen in the game?"

Xiao Jie was speechless, "An Ran, what the hell are you talking about... You even brought up a vixen. Besides, even if you're bewitched by a vixen, it won't affect reality."

"Ah, why?"

"Because the bewitching isn't permanent, it's just a temporary state at best."

An Ran was stunned, seemingly not having thought of this, "It seems to be true, only permanent changes can affect reality, I really didn't notice it before if you hadn't told me."

Chen Tianwen smiled and said, "See, I said it couldn't be a vixen, so what's going on with you?"

Xiao Jie sighed. He had completely sorted out what happened yesterday. He was definitely possessed by a demon pill.

He even thought of the Taoist Hongchen. He probably had one of the reasons why he gave him the gourd.

Of course, maybe Taoist Hongchen didn't know this, after all, he had never left the valley, but it was certain that the other party had bad intentions.

After thinking about it, there was no need to hide too much from the two people in front of him. If he told his own things, he might get some advice.

"I recently obtained a hidden professional inheritance - Qi Refiner, but something went wrong when I was practicing. Because I couldn't find spiritual energy in the game, I used the inner elixir of monsters to practice..."

Xiao Jie roughly described his situation, but hid the part about the hope of becoming an immortal by Qi Refiner. After all, he hadn't even started yet, and becoming an immortal was a bit too remote, so it was better not to talk nonsense.

An Ran shook his head, "Oh my god, you are so bold, you dare to eat the demon pill casually."

"Why not? The item notes say that it can be eaten directly, and you can also get BUFF. Besides, I don't eat it directly, I refine the spiritual energy inside and absorb it."

An Ran explained, "The inner pill is equivalent to the embryo of the demon soul reborn and transformed. It is very important to the demon, even more important than the heart and brain. You can probably understand it this way. The brain is a hard drive, and the soul is a program. The inner pill is equivalent to the CPU - I don't know much about computers, so I can't explain it. Just understand what you mean.

The ultimate goal of a monster is to transform into a monster fairy. To transform into a monster fairy, it must first transform into a human form, and the inner elixir is the embryo of the soul transforming into a human form. Of course, this process is generally impossible to complete, and most monsters die before they transform into human form.

Even if they transform into human form, it is very unlikely to become a monster fairy.

But basically, monsters will take this path.

The soul will gradually merge into the inner elixir, so even if the monster's physical body dies, as long as the inner elixir is still there, theoretically it has not completely disappeared. Generally speaking, when a monster is killed, a part of its spiritual consciousness will remain in the inner elixir. , the more powerful the monster is, the more spiritual consciousness remains in the inner pill.

When you refine the spiritual energy, it is equivalent to absorbing the monster's spiritual consciousness. "

Xiao Jie thought so, and then he was a little surprised, "How do you know so much?"

"I know several big monsters, of course I know, who do you think the sorcerer learned the magic from? Of course, from the monster."

Chen Tianwen said at this time: "In fact, you don't need to worry too much. Monsters are essentially beasts. You are affected by the monster's spiritual consciousness, which is equivalent to gaining some beast instincts. In the final analysis, the residue in the inner pill is not a real monster. Souls are just some broken spiritual consciousness, while your soul is complete. With a complete soul, you will definitely dominate the spiritual consciousness of these monsters, unless the spiritual consciousness of the monster is too strong and your willpower is too weak.

Over time, the spiritual consciousness of the monster will naturally disappear and be completely assimilated.

But you'd better pay attention to whether you have any abnormal physiological reactions recently - such as wanting to eat people. "

"I will pay attention, thank you very much."

"In that case, remember to call me if you have any problems in the future."

Xiao Jie said curiously, "Can't you calculate it? Why are you calling?"

Chen Tianwen was speechless for a moment, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How can it be that easy? My Qimen divination can only sense the vague future, especially about danger. For example, recently I sensed that I seemed to suffer an unexpected disaster, but I couldn't figure out what happened.

So I made a fortune for everyone I know, and finally I made a fortune for you, which showed that you had a bloody disaster. I calculated that my unexpected disaster was probably related to you, and then what happened yesterday happened.

So it's better to say that it was calculated than to say that it was just luck and a little logical reasoning.

To truly predict the future, only gods can do it. I heard that gods have a magic skill that can calculate the secrets of heaven, see through the universe, and exhaust mathematics. Everything can be calculated, and even the secrets of heaven can be seen and the future can be observed. If you master such a wonderful method..."

He shook his head repeatedly, obviously not very satisfied with his ability of divination and calculation.

Xiao Jie probed, "The magical power you mentioned, could it be the 'It Transforms the Free Heart'?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Nothing, I just met an immortal and used it."

Chen Tianwen was immediately shocked: "You have met an immortal!"

"Yeah, what's the matter." (There is more than one).

"Can you tell me how to meet the immortal?" Chen Tianwen's voice trembled a little, obviously he was very yearning for this immortal.

Xiao Jie spread his hands, "It's okay to tell you, but if you want to replicate it, it may not be so easy. Immortals are something that can only be encountered but not sought."

He recounted the process of meeting the immortal in his cave.

"So it's useless for you to go there. Only people with predestined relationships can enter that cave, and now the immortal is gone, leaving only an ancient Qi-refining master, who is the kind who kills people like crazy."

"Alas, what a pity, what a pity." Chen Tianwen sighed repeatedly.

Xiao Jie was moved when he saw it, "If you really want to find an immortal, how about you count as one of them when we fight Hongchen Taoist? That valley is where the immortals used to cultivate, maybe we can find the contact information left by the immortals."

In fact, Shen Jizi mentioned how to find him, which is to go to Guoyunzhou.

From this, it can be seen that Guoyunzhou must still have immortals.

It's just that Guoyunzhou is far away in the sky, so don't even think about it before you master the ability to fly.

Chen Tianwen was immediately moved when he heard it.

"Is this convenient?"

"Haha, what's inconvenient? You don't have a guild now, so you can be my external aid. But I have to warn you in advance. That Taoist in Red Dust is a 59th-level hermit. If we really fight, it will be very dangerous."

"Haha, as long as he is not a god, I have my own way to deal with him. Well, even if I am alone, I will definitely help you change your job, and I can also take a look at what the place where the ancient gods lived is like."

Xiao Jie looked at An Ran again, but An Ran shook her head quickly, "Don't look at me like that. I won't get involved in such things. It sounds very dangerous."

After breakfast, Xiao Jie said goodbye to the two and went home.

On the way home, Xiao Jie was quite happy. Not only did he solve a problem, but he also found a strong external aid, which was also an unexpected gain.

But when he returned home, Xiao Jie became a little worried. Will this happen again when refining the demon pill in the future?

But I'm not afraid. At most, I can say hello to Chen Tianwen and An Ran before refining the demon pill and absorbing spiritual power. With preparation, there will be no problem.

Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock. Xiao Jie couldn't wait to enter the game. He had to upgrade quickly. Xiao Jie had a feeling that if he reached level 20, changed his job to a Qi Refiner, and learned the core skills of a Qi Refiner, he might be able to solve the current problem better.

In the final analysis, the core skills of a profession are the key to professional development.

As a Qi Refiner, I am currently equivalent to a wild road, but with core skills, it should be different.

Walking out of the room of the inn, I saw Ye Luo chatting with me as soon as I entered the second-floor hall.

"Hey, why are you level 20?" Xiao Jie looked at the level above Ye Luo's head with some surprise.

Ye Luo (Impermanence Walker): Level 20. HP: 360.

I haven't seen him for a night, and he has been upgraded.

"I said yesterday that I would practice a late level. Who told you not to team up with me? I just upgraded." Ye Luo said calmly.

Xiao Jie was a little helpless. He didn't expect that he would become the lowest level. It was all because of those rubbish from Tianxiahui that delayed his upgrade.

"You changed your job to Wuchang Walker?"

"Yes." Ye Luo said with a little pride.

It can be seen that she is still very happy with this new job.

"Do you have any special abilities?"

"It's a bit similar to the ghost curser. You can use ghost curse spells, and I can do this-"

Ghost form!

Ye Luo's body was surrounded by a gloomy wind. In the blink of an eye, it suddenly became dark and foggy, and translucent like a ghost, floating in the air.

Xiao Jie was shocked, "Wow, what kind of ability is this?"

"The ghost form, in simple terms, is to turn into a ghost, which is immune to all physical attacks, can be invisible, and can use some ghost-specific skills, such as ghost wall, but it has a duration, and cannot maintain this form for a long time."

Xiao Jie thought this was a bit cool.

"Can you turn into a ghost in real life?"

"What do you mean by ghost? This is called ghost form - but yes, it can also be changed in reality. I just went upstairs for a walk and turned invisible to tease the couple upstairs. I have to say that being a ghost is actually quite interesting."

Oh my god, that's quite amazing.

If this is used to make a ghost movie, there is no need for special effects.

Xiao Jie watched Ye Luo drill down from the floor and then drill out from the wall. This ghost form is not only immune to physical attacks, but also can penetrate walls. This is really practical.

However, it seems that the duration is a bit short, and it will turn back to human form after a while.

Xiao Jie thought that this skill is absolutely powerful. You know, most of the players in this game are physical players. When encountering these physical players, they can directly turn into ghosts to fight. They are simply invincible.

It can be said that it is the nemesis of physical professions.

However, when encountering someone like I want to become an immortal, it is a bit restrained, but it can turn back to human form and fight with flexibility and swordsmanship. It can be said to be quite practical.

Xiao Jie looked at the two people, one was a demon-suppressing aura, and the other was a ghost phantom. He was really a little envious.

Both of them were half-mages, so they could be considered mages if rounded up. His animal tamer still belonged to the category of physical department.

But it didn't matter, I would also become a mage soon.

"I have decided that I must reach level 20 today - let's go and level up!"

For the whole morning, the two accompanied Xiao Jie to kill crazily on the outskirts of Xiaoyue Forest.

Groups of wolf soldiers and giant wolves fell under the butcher knives of the three people. They killed in one breath until noon. Finally, Xiao Jie flashed white light and upgraded.

[System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Yin Yue Sui Feng', you have successfully reached level 20. Your exploration of the old world has yielded initial results. You have gained more powerful power and your understanding of this world has also become stronger. Now you are about to step into a new field.

The system will customize three professions for you to choose from based on your adventure experience during this period. The selected profession will not limit your skill learning, but will provide you with a focus on ability. You will get an exclusive professional core skill and three professional talents generated based on your game experience.

These three professions may be new basic professions, or they may be advanced professions of your original profession. Part-time other basic professions can expand your ability system, and advanced more advanced professions can further study and improve your original abilities. Please choose your career development path carefully.

You will also get exclusive professional tasks in the near future, please wait patiently.

System prompt: Combat data extraction.

System prompt: Combat data analysis.

System prompt: Optional professions are being generated.

Xiao Jie looked at the system prompts that kept appearing and felt nervous. I Yuchengxian and Ye Luo were also waiting expectantly.

System prompt: Your profession has been generated. Please choose from the following three professions.

Xiao Jie was not in a hurry to be happy, and couldn't wait to check the three new professions.

Career option 1: Swordsman.

Swordsman... Well, as expected, I am living on the edge of a knife. The core skills are still the same, so I will skip them directly.

The talents are quite different.

Talent 1: Forgotten Swordsman (Legend). You once wandered in the Forgotten River for several days, practicing the peerless swordsmanship. Although the power of time has long been eliminated, it is hidden in your mind. It is said that the blade of solitude can cut off the shackles of time, allowing people to gain complete freedom and no longer exist in the world...

When you die in the game, you will continue to survive for several days as a forgotten swordsman. In this state, you cannot be completely killed. Every time you are killed, you will be reborn in the Forgotten River until you are completely forgotten by this world (the survival time is equal to the time you stay in the Forgotten River).

Talent 2: Draw the sword and stand on the horse (excellent). You have learned special swordsmanship dedicated to horseback fighting, so you have mastered the essence of horse fighting. When riding in combat, you can use the "sword-holding" skill to obtain a large amount of speed damage bonus.

Talent 3: Lonely and crazy swordsman (Legend). You killed an opponent who was much stronger than you in a duel, and thus became famous and famous, enough to intimidate the villains and those who were higher than you. You are fearless and can face all challenges.

When you face an opponent with a higher level than you, you will get a 5% damage bonus for every level the target is higher than you.

When you face an opponent with a lower level than you, your local reputation will give you an additional damage bonus, 10% friendly, 20% respected, 30% revered, and 40% worshipped.

Damn, this talent is too strong!

The forgotten swordsman... can fight for several days after death, but it's a pity that it can only be triggered after death. Although it is powerful, it doesn't mean much.

But this lone mad swordsman is absolutely ridiculously strong. Whether facing a strong enemy or a chicken, it can get a huge bonus.

Unfortunately, the swordsman is just a physical profession after all, and even the legendary expertise can only be reluctantly given up.

Career option 2: Archer.

Archer cavalry...well, this is a bit unexpected. Xiao Jie originally thought it would be a 'master of beast taming', but he didn't expect it to be this. It was probably because he was bored and rode a horse, shot arrows and kited monsters that it spawned.

Of course, the biggest reason may be that I didn't put too much energy into the profession of beast tamer. I either practiced swordsmanship or explored the opportunity to become an immortal. Even the professional tasks of beast tamer have not been completed yet, and the role of beasts in battle has not been reflected, resulting in the subsequent professions not being unlocked...

The skills and talents of this profession are not very bright.

Core skills: horse archery. Enhanced version of stable shooting.

Talent 1: Bow and horse proficiency (excellent). Gain damage and hit bonus when shooting on horseback.

Talent 2: Light cavalry charge (normal). When your warhorse is not equipped with a horse armor, you get an additional speed bonus.

Talent 3: Horse and man unity (normal). Improve your control over the warhorse.

Two blank boards plus a green talent, there is really no bright spot.

Next, it's the highlight.

Career option 3: Ancient Qi Refiner (hidden profession).

Ancient Qi Refiner... Yes, this is the real focus.

Xiao Jie couldn't wait to check it out.

[Professional Option 3: Ancient Refiner (Hidden Profession)

Core Skill: Qi-Reading Technique.

Ancient Refiner is an ancient profession that has long been lost. In the ancient times when spiritual energy was abundant, the Refiners absorbed spiritual energy, refined their souls and bodies, and achieved the path to immortality. As a result, the Refiners created the Qi-Reading Technique.

Everything in the world is made up of spiritual energy. You can sense the changes in spiritual energy in the world around you, and then find places with abundant spiritual energy. Your small map will show nearby spiritual energy gathering points. You can also use perception to measure the spiritual energy strength of creatures and objects.

Talent 1: Natural Enlightenment (Legend): You have passed the test of wisdom and understanding, defeated the legendary immortal in a chess duel, and thus embarked on the path of a Refiner. Even the heavens have affirmed your wisdom. As the saying goes, everything has its own way.

For every level of your Qi-Reading Technique, you gain 1 point of understanding.

Every time you upgrade a skill to the Grandmaster level, you gain 1 point of understanding.

Current comprehension bonus: 2 points.

Talent 2: Master of Qi Control (Excellent): You have mastered the method of using aura, so you can perform basic aura skills - [Qi Healing], [Qi Control and Protection], [Qi Spiritual Wave]. The higher your Qi Refining level and the higher your spiritual attributes, the more powerful your aura skills will be. You can also learn more aura skills in the ancient ruins of ancient Qi Refiners.

Qi Healing: Passive, restore 1 health point per second. Active, consume aura to fully restore lost health.

Qi Control and Protection: Passive, increase spell resistance by 5 points and physical resistance by 5 points. Active, consume aura to create a shield that absorbs a lot of damage.

Qi Spiritual Wave: Passive, your melee unarmed attacks come with 5 spiritual damage. Active, consume aura to release a group of aura waves to attack the enemy, causing a lot of spiritual damage.

Talent 3: Demonic Spirit Manifestation (Epic): You have absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy refined from demon pills, and the remaining demon spirit consciousness in the demon pills has an irreversible impact on your body and mind. Although you have successfully absorbed and transformed the demon spirit consciousness, your body has still undergone some strange changes.

Every time you absorb the spiritual energy of a demon pill, there is a chance to gain additional attribute growth. When your attribute value is too high, the effect will be attenuated to a certain extent.

Current attribute bonus:

Toxin resistance +20.

Strength +3.

Agility +1.

Current demonization index: 7%. Note: If your demonization index reaches 100%, there will be unpredictable consequences.

Warning: Because you have absorbed a large amount of demon power from demon pills, you are being entangled by demon spirits. You can talk to them in the dream world and fulfill their wishes to make them pass away, or find a Taoist master to use advanced exorcism spells to dispel them.

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