Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 92 Game Details and Great Harvest

Huh? Can this thing pick up things?

This is the first time Xiao Jie has seen monsters in this game also have the function of picking up items.

That’s right, the ‘Little Scavenger’ is just a rag picker, isn’t it?

Xiao Jie's heart suddenly moved. He threw a steamed bun on the ground, but the little scavenger showed disdain and deliberately turned his head away without even looking at it.

Throw it again, this time with the replaced sword.

This time, the little scavenger demon reacted and secretly glanced this way.

I see, the better the thing, the greater the reaction, right?

What if——

Xiao Jie suddenly threw the spirit stone talisman on the ground.

This time, the little monster who picked up lost things immediately showed a scratching expression, and danced as if he wanted to rush over and snatch it away, but he was afraid of the two men's swords and axes, so he could only stand there and dance.

I wanted to become a fairy and said in surprise: "Brother Feng, it seems to be responsive. If I throw two more things, I might be able to attract it."

Xiao Jie said calmly: "I know, the question is whether we can keep it if it comes over."

The HP of this thing is 120, which is high or low. The key is that it is too fast. Basically, there is only one chance to take action. If it cannot drop it within seconds and it takes away the spirit stone talisman, then it will be terrible. It's really a waste of money.

"Let me think."

Xiao Jie started to think.

The best way to keep it is to damage it high enough and drop it instantly, but this is a bit difficult. If two people use combat skills together, they may be able to do it, but the prerequisite is that they must hit together. As long as one person makes a mistake, it will be destroyed. Run away.

The second method was to cut off the legs. He looked at the slender arms and legs of the scavenger demon. If he cut it with a knife, there was a high chance that the limb would be severed.

But it's not 100% successful. It didn't trigger when I chopped the horse's leg before.

Looking up, Xiao Jie's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at the cloth bag carried by the wooden stick carried by the little monster. Everything it picked up seemed to be stuffed into the cloth bag. The wooden stick looked a bit like a dry bag. Can a stick be cut if it is struck with a knife?

In reality, it can definitely be cut off with a single blow, but in the game, it is not possible. The key lies in how the system determines. Is this stick considered equipment or jewelry? Will it be judged as damaged?

After thinking for a while, Xiao Jie felt that he was very confident. Some games do not consider realistic logic at all when designing.

The monsters are mixed together in a mess. Just change the skin to become a new monster. The professional skill tasks have no real reference points at all. They are completely made by the designers at random. In many cases, the difference between monsters is just a texture.

Some games try to make the logic in the game as close to reality as possible, and in order to do this, they often work hard on various details.

This game is obviously the latter. It is not difficult to see from the various details in the game that this game embodies the logic of reality everywhere, which is very important.

Weapons will bounce when hitting the wall, shields will break into pieces when their durability is exhausted, wood and wheat straw will cause environmental damage when ignited, crows will peck at the wheat in the wheat fields... and so on.

Then the wooden stick carried by the little scavenger demon must be able to be cut off. As long as it can be cut off, he will definitely succeed. After all, he is a professional woodcutter.

good! That's it.

"Chengxian, I have a solution. Let's do this and do this again..."

After listening to Xiao Jie's arrangement, my eyes lit up, but I was still a little unsure of my own operation.

"Is that okay, Brother Feng? What if I make a mistake?"

"No problem! Although your operation is not top-notch, it's definitely not bad. It's just that you are easily fooled. As long as you are calm and collected, you can definitely do it. Don't worry, even if you fail, it will be fine, and your life is not in danger.

If we win, we will make a fortune. If we lose, we will start all over again. We just lost a treasure. The Ginkgo Valley is so big, sooner or later we can get it back. "

"Okay, I listen to you, come on!" I said in a deep voice.

"Okay, take a step back now."

I wanted to become an immortal and did as I was told. The little monster scavenging was jumping around, but still didn't dare to get close.

Haha, are you being cautious? Xiao Jie also took a step back.

At this moment, I want to become an immortal - the spirit stone talisman - Xiao Jie, the three are in a straight line.

The little scavenger demon slowly moved its steps and walked to the diagonal direction of this straight line. In this way, it would not be intercepted when it rushed to snatch the stone seal. At that time, it only needed to withstand one attack from the two people to remove the spirit stone talisman. Take away the seal.

The little demon seemed to be hesitating and made a weird cry, but Xiao Jie stopped retreating. The risk would have been too great if he retreated any further. He leaned forward to accumulate strength, preparing to block the blow——

If I want to become an immortal, I also raise my giant axe, ready to drop it at any time.

After all, the little scavenger couldn't resist the temptation and rushed over.

"Here it comes, get ready!"

Just when the little demon was still three meters away from the spirit stone talisman, "Become an immortal!"

Xiao Jie shouted loudly.

If I want to become an immortal, I immediately gather my strength and crack the stone——

The little demon who picked up lost objects suddenly accelerated and arrived in front of the spirit stone talisman in an instant. He stretched out his hand and didn't see how he picked it up. The spirit stone talisman disappeared immediately.

Then he turned and ran.

cut! The giant ax suddenly slashed down, not towards the little demon, but towards the front of the little demon's escape route.

The little monster who picked up lost objects was very nimble and stopped suddenly.

What Xiao Jie wants is this effect. Since it is difficult to hit with Stone Splitting Slash, he will simply block your movement.

Two breaks!

Xiao Jie, who had been accumulating strength for a long time, slashed with a knife, but this knife did not cut the demon's head. This thing's 120 health points obviously could not be killed with one knife.

He did not cut its thin legs, but the wooden stick with a cloth bag on it.

With a snap, the stick, which looked like dry wood, broke, and the small cloth bag on the stick fell to the ground.

The little demon who was picking up the remnants did not realize that the package had been chopped off, and jumped over from the giant axe to speed up his escape.

Xiao Jie immediately clicked to pick up, put the cloth bag in his pocket, and looked at the little demon who was picking up the remnants and running away with a broken wooden stick. He was very happy in his heart, hahahaha, what is meant by picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

The little demon who was picking up the remnants ran a long way before he felt something was wrong. When he turned around and found that the cloth bag was gone, he was immediately anxious and rushed forward to fight like crazy.

It seems that this cloth bag is really important to it, but think about it, it can fight for a piece of spiritual stone talisman, and losing all its belongings will only make it crazier.

However, it is useless to fight, this thing is just a level 1 monster, and it has no skills except running fast and picking up things.

Xiao Jie will not be polite to it, and kill it with two knives.

Touched the corpse.

You got copper coins × 1755!

Damn, so rich, but there is no extra drop.

Xiao Jie opened the backpack nervously and looked at the cloth bag inside, but it showed——

[Treasure Bag of the Little Demon of Picking Up Relics (12 Packages)

Extra Backpack: Provides you with an extra backpack grid of 12/12.

Item Introduction: The cloth bag used by the Little Demon of Picking Up Relics to collect treasures can easily hold much more things than it looks on the surface. It is said that these cloth bags were made by the ancestors of Picking Up Relics and distributed to their descendants to collect treasures for them. 】

Xiao Jie's eyes lit up, what a good thing, this backpack alone is definitely worth a lot of money, the player's backpack only has 40 slots, which is enough for now, but when the level is higher and there are more things in the future, it will always be a problem. This thing directly expands the backpack by nearly one third.

Click it, the cloth bag is full. Xiao Jie checked them one by one.

Rusty iron sword - garbage.

Broken leather armor - garbage.

Garbage, still garbage.

Hey, the spirit stone seal, the item has returned to the original owner.

Arrows × 47, okay, at least it can be regarded as a supplement of arrows.

Ruby Ring: HP +10! Good stuff.

Garbage, garbage, garbage, hey, the magic talisman! Another good thing.

[The magic talisman (talisman/disposable prop)

Usage conditions: None.

Use: Increase your movement speed by 30% for 20 seconds. 】

Is this the truth about the speed of the scavenger monster? But can monsters use props? I have to write this down...

This magic talisman is definitely a good thing. Speed ​​is very useful in this game. In a critical moment, a talisman can save a life.

The last item is a pill.

[Heavenly King Life-saving Pill (pill)

Use: It allows you to obtain a layer of "Heavenly King Life-saving" state, which lasts for 30 minutes.

Trigger condition: When receiving fatal damage, consuming this state will forcibly retain 1 life point of the player (after triggering, the Heavenly King Life-saving state disappears.)

Item introduction: The pill made by the alchemists of the Pharmacist Valley has some strange effects. 】

Another good thing. This thing is usually useless for fighting monsters and leveling up, but in case of PK, it may be a weapon for a comeback.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Jie gave the red jade ring and the magic talisman to Yu Chengxian, and gave him half of the copper coins.

Heavenly King Life-saving Pill and cloth bag were kept by himself.

"The magic talisman must be used at a critical moment. You run too slowly. With it, you can at least run away when you encounter an enemy you can't defeat. Don't waste it."

"Thank you, Brother Feng." I want to become an immortal, and I am also very happy. Short legs are indeed a problem. The magic talisman can make up for this problem to a certain extent. This is a good thing for saving lives, and it must be used at a critical moment.

"Okay, let's go back to the village quickly and have a good rest. When we reach level 8, we will go to the ancient tomb to complete your investigation task."

"Really?" I want to become an immortal was a little surprised, "Brother Feng was obviously very cautious about exploring the ancient tomb before."

"Of course it's true. I didn't dare to go before because your legs were too slow. I can't sell you out if I really encounter danger. Now that I have the magic talisman, I can try it."

The biggest problem for him not wanting to investigate the ancient tomb is that if he encounters danger, he will have no problem, but I will probably not be able to escape. Now that I have the magic talisman, I am not afraid.

The corpses driven by the corpse driver are mainly composed of soulless zombies, zombies, and cadaver dogs. The first two are not fast, and only the cadaver dogs are troublesome.

Fortunately, there are not many of these things, and each corpse driver has only three or four of them.

As long as you escape from the monster group, it is not a big problem to face a few stone-eating dogs alone.

Of course, for the sake of caution, it is safer to upgrade to level 8 first.


PS: Recommend a friend's new book "My Computer Leads to a Dungeon Life", which is about real people going to dungeons and hardcore games that can be completed in one life.

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