Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 93 Monster's IQ

On the way back to the village, Xiao Jie was thinking a lot.

I was still a little careless today. Although Marco's appearance was an accident, accidents can always happen unless something goes wrong.

There is no reason to talk about life and death. You can't just bet on luck every time you encounter an accident in the future.

Luck is the most unreliable thing. It doesn't matter if you win a hundred times. If you lose once, the game is over.

No, you still have to be as careful as possible in the future. You must calculate all the factors as much as possible before each action and make a plan.

But it is easier said than done. The level is too low, the understanding of the game is too little, the resources available are limited, and some accidents are unpredictable. In the end, it is impossible to play this kind of death game without taking risks.

Unless you are like Wang Kai, you will stay in the village your whole life and never go out.

All we can say is that we should do our best to obey fate.

As if feeling Xiao Jie's thoughts, I suddenly said: "Brother Feng, I don't blame you for what happened today. Who knew I might encounter Ma Kou?"

"No, this is the problem. Even if we don't know, we still have to think about it in advance. Now we have too few resources and can only make do. When we reach a high level and reach the big map in the future, we must prepare various life-saving props. Make sure you have a way to evacuate in the event of danger.

I don’t know if there is anything like a town recall scroll in this game..."

In fact, when chasing the little demon before, Xiao Jie also considered the possibility of encountering enemies, but his inertial thinking made him think that except for wild dogs and corpse dogs, there was nothing in the Ginkgo Valley map that could run faster than the player. of monsters.

Unexpectedly, when I turned around, I encountered a new enemy.

He couldn't help but think of his original conversation with Wang Kai. Anything could happen in this game. Many people who thought they could increase the difficulty little by little from monsters ended up dying outside.

Xiao Jie shook his head to get rid of the uneasiness in his mind.

"Have you noticed that both Ma Kou and the scavenger demon are too smart? Their way of thinking is very similar to humans. This scavenger demon even knows how to divert trouble to the east and drive away tigers and swallow wolves. It led us to Marco The purpose should be to lure players to be killed by monsters, and then pick up the players’ drops. That’s probably how the things in its bag come from.”

I wanted to become an immortal and said: "You make it sound like this. I was led to a few wild dogs by that little scavenger demon. If you hadn't saved me, I almost died. But the little scavenger demon should be just a human being. Example?"

"No, on the contrary, I think this is probably a common phenomenon, and the monsters we encountered before are just an exception."

The monsters the two of them encountered in the past were either completely brainless garbage monsters like the Soulless Walking Dead, or low-intelligence creatures like wild beasts. Although the Lost Soul Bandit has a brain, he doesn't have much. This is understandable. Soul? He definitely has no IQ.

The scarecrow is a puppet created by magic. Several demons have their minds corrupted by magic talismans and become abnormal.

So much so that Xiao Jie felt that the monsters in this game were no different from other games.

Now it seems that the monsters in this game are not brainless, but the two of them have encountered some brainless monsters before, so they feel that the monsters in this game are not much different from other games.

But if you think about it, since NPCs have the same reaction capabilities and IQ as humans, it makes sense that monsters also have similar IQs.

The reason why the monsters I encountered before were relatively brainless may be because the mobs near the Novice Village were deliberately designed to be weaker monsters. Not only did their level attributes be relatively low, but their IQs were also below average.

The casualty rate of novice players is extremely high. If they were all as smart as Ma Kou and the Scavenger Demon, many would die, and not many would survive.

But once you leave Novice Village, you may not receive such good treatment. Among the monsters you will encounter in the future, Marco may be just an ordinary member of them.

Xiao Jie recounted his speculation, and I immediately screamed in surprise.

"Ah, does it mean that in the future we will treat the monsters we encounter like living people? A battle of wits and courage?"

"No, there is still a difference. The monsters have their own fixed operating logic. For example, the Makou walks around on a horse, and the scavenger demon will be attracted by the fallen treasures. But yes, apart from these, we must treat them as We should not regard enemies who have the same intelligence as us as mindless monsters.

Especially humanoids.

Otherwise, it will overturn sooner or later.

Take the mountain bandits for example. What we are encountering now are "lost-soul bandits". It is understandable that they are a bit stupid. But in the future, if we encounter ordinary bandits who have not lost their souls, we should pay attention. They may be attacked. It will call our companions, or set traps in advance to lure us into the bait.

They even use lies to deceive us, and then suddenly attack us when we reveal our flaws. "

My head was numb when I heard that I wanted to become a fairy, "Then this is too dangerous, isn't it? It's impossible to guard against it."

"Why, are you scared? Is it so easy to gain power? Or are you planning to give up?"

"No, I won't give up. I must become a god and an immortal, and then resurrect my elder brother." I want to become an immortal but I am very firm about this.

"I won't give up either, so let's work hard together."

After returning to the village, the two began to repair. Xiao Jie sold all the garbage in his bag to the store, and sold more than a thousand coins. Counting the copper coins dropped by the little demon, plus the more than a thousand coins he had saved before, he had more than 3,300 coins.

But this time he was not happy. He realized that this little money was nothing and he had to spend it sooner or later.

If it really doesn't work, just spend money. Now there is an extra 500,000 in the card, so it's no big deal to spend some money.

But now it can be maintained, and there is no rush to spend money.

After lunch and buying supplies, Xiao Jie bought another shield. The previous one was directly broken by Ma Kou. Although he is now starting to use double swords, the shield is still useful at critical moments, just like just now.

When they gathered at the entrance of the village, Xiao Jie found that I Yuchengxian bought another dog.

He recognized this dog, and his name was Scar.

He joked, "I say, Chengxian, you have to take it easy this time, don't let the dogs die again."

I want to become an immortal, and I am also a little embarrassed, "Don't say it, Brother Feng, I feel a little sorry for these dogs, and I can't let the dogs die again this time."

The two people chatted here, and the two dogs over there also chatted.

Scar: Meatball? What are they talking about?

Meatball: They said that you are too weak and can't be compared with me. They are afraid that you will be scared and run around when fighting, which will ruin the action.

Scar: The master looks down on dogs too much. When the battle starts later, I must let him know that I am a brave hound. You just watch.

Meatball: Okay, you go first when the fight starts, and give you more opportunities to show your strength, so that your master knows how powerful you are.

Scar: Good brother, you are worthy of being a freeloader.

Xiao Jie was speechless for a while, thinking to himself, Meatball, Meatball, you are really a dog.

"Let's go, level up."

Xiao Jie waved his hand, and the two walked out of the village.

With the lessons learned from the battle of the three bandits, Xiao Jie became particularly cautious in leveling up in the afternoon. He was not greedy for experience or reckless, and everything was based on safety.

At this time, Xiao Jie's experience value had reached 39%.

The three bandits were a bit fierce, but the experience value was indeed high. One gave more than 200 experience points, while a soulless zombie only had more than ten points. If two people shared it, each could only get a few experience points. This bandit was equivalent to about 20 soulless zombies.

If the level really went up, it would be faster to kill bandits.

But now, it's better to chop soulless zombies honestly.

The two wandered around the village, first killed some animals in the forest, and supplemented the pets with dog food. I also used the dissection skill to dig some materials.

Then I went to the area around the forest avenue and killed a circle of soulless zombies. After a morning, the soulless zombies here refreshed again, just in time for the two to practice a wave of experience.

Then he ran to the hillside and cleared the bandits again.

Compared with the horse bandits, these soul-lost bandits seemed much weaker this time.

Not only because they had no horses, Xiao Jie could feel that the bandits' intelligence was obviously not good, and they didn't summon their companions very often. At most, they would run away when they were low on health, but they couldn't run away at all because they were walking.

It seems that the prefix of "soul-lost" has weakened these bandits a lot.

Unfortunately, the crows on the farmland are all descendants of the three big crows, so it's not convenient to attack them.

After this round of training, by the evening, the two people's experience points had barely reached more than 70%.

There was almost nothing worth mentioning about this afternoon's leveling trip. The only advantage was safety.

Now the two of them have almost completely explored the map near the village, and they know how to go with their eyes closed.

Except for the occasional zombies, the small BOSS in the bandit camp is basically not a big threat.

Xiao Jie looked at the map. The only area left in the northeast of the Ginkgo Valley was not explored. He would reach level 8 tomorrow morning and set out to investigate in the afternoon.

In fact, the safest way is to reach level 10 before going.

However, according to the current leveling speed, it may take another week to reach level 10.

Although there is no specific time requirement for the task of investigating the mysterious ancient tomb, the longer the night, the more dreams there are. Who knows what changes will happen by then.

If the mysterious man in black has already run away by the time they reach level 10, or the task is intercepted by someone, that would be bad.

If it is just an investigation, level 8 is enough.

Early the next morning, the two continued to level up. At first, they were still talking and laughing, but gradually became calm.

Mechanically killing monsters repeatedly is never a fun thing, not to mention that you have to stay alert while killing monsters mechanically.

At noon, the two finally reached level 8. With the flash of golden light, both of them were relieved.

"Huh, Brother Feng, let's take a break. It's too tiring."

If there is no threat of death, it would be fine. With this threat of death hanging over us, we dare not relax at all. It is very tormenting to level up.

"Okay, let's go back and rest for a while, and go to the ancient tomb in the afternoon."

Back to the village, all the garbage in the bag was cleared, and the food was full and the supplies were fully prepared.

The two were ready to set off.

Xiao Jie reminded: "Remember, if you encounter danger later, I shout to run, run immediately. If I shout 'Run for your life', don't hesitate, open the magic talisman and run to the village at full speed."

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, I will definitely listen carefully." I, Yu Chengxian, also knew the importance of the matter and answered seriously.

"In addition, we are only investigating this time, and we should avoid fighting as much as possible, understand?"


Xiao Jie took a deep breath, "Okay, let's go!"

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