Absolute Honor

Chapter 977: playboy

"It's just a little late, I hope Miss Maggie won't care too much."

Oleksei said: "I know that Miss Maggie's ability will surely be able to handle these two guys. Speaking of which, I really admire you for being able to lie to the SEALs undercover and deceive them. A big trouble, now you see, their entire attack has been destroyed by you, and everything is developing in the direction you envisioned."

"Huh!" Maggie looked at Oleksei with some contempt. The pale poisonous insect in front of him was indeed a well-known idle playboy, and the rumors were not false.

She believed that Oleksei might have sent someone to stare nearby. If he succeeded, he would show up in a timely manner and pretend to be cooperative. If he failed, he might not even risk his head to lead people to retreat. .

This is the real reason for his lateness.

"Olekesha, I advise you not to underestimate these two men. It is easier to capture two SEALs than to capture them. You should know the origins of these two men."


Oleksei looked at Qin Fei and Mister with a smile while taking out the small silver box he carried with him from his clothes. Picking out a little K from it, putting it under his nostrils and sucking it violently, people suddenly wanted to be fully charged. The same, become more energetic.

There was a look of disgust in Maggie's eyes.

Oleksei didn't notice Maggie's dislike for herself, of course, he might not care either.

In his opinion, he can finally stretch out his hand in front of Andre.

"Playboy" and "Trash", he knows these nicknames that others secretly gave him. To be honest, it was because the second brother Vera was more savvy and capable than himself. The eldest brother Andre always regarded Vera as his right-hand man. Give yourself too many opportunities.

After Vera's death, Oleksei was promoted to the second-in-command position of Russian mafia.

He feels that the time has come for him to show off his talents, and tonight is his grand debut. He wants to prove to everyone that he is a ruthless character who will not lose to Vera in any way, instead of relying on his elder brother to live his life. Waste.


Oleksei pointed to Qin Fei: "This is a national Z. It is said that he has served in the special forces. Moreover, during the riots in the training camp, he led his subordinates to kill a whole team of SEALs. He is now in Africa. Very well-known in the mercenary circle, it is one of the most valuable corps. Of course—"

He changed the conversation and looked at Maggie with a smile: "I have to keep him alive, he will be useful to live."

"I know what you are thinking." Maggie said, "But my boss meant to kill him. This person is too dangerous."

"Boss Fan seems to be too cautious?" Oleksei looked around. A dozen capable bodyguards all held automatic rifles in their hands, forming a circle of Qin Fei and Mistre. "Unless it's God. Come and rescue them, otherwise you think he hasn't done anything yet?"

"Olyeksey, I know your careful thinking, you want to use him as bait, your target is his accomplice Eric, that is, John of the Holy Cross, right?" Maggie did not reserve. He pierced Oleksei’s careful thoughts sharply, "You want to avenge your second brother Vera, don't you?"

Oleksei spread his hands and did not answer, which was considered a tacit consent.

"I'll just kill him, lest nights have more dreams!" Maggie said, raising the muzzle of the MP7 submachine gun.

"No, no, no!" Oleksei actually raised Maggie's muzzle directly: "Miss Maggie, you can't do this. If you do, the deal between us—"

He patted his hands lightly, then spread them to the left and right: "One shot and two loose."

Maggie still wanted to lower her muzzle.

Oleksei had to resort to his assassin: "Miss Maggie, if you want to complete the task assigned to you by Mr. Fan and hope to cooperate with several of our organizations, then I advise you to listen to me instead of me. Take the line, do you think that Veneto will listen to your grand plans when meeting you? Think about it, think about it, you are a smart person who knows how to choose."

Maggie's big murderous eyes stared fiercely at Oleksei, who was still smiling, and finally lowered her muzzle angrily, her eyes still staring at Qin Fei vigilantly, and her mouth was full of warning and said: "I Hope you will not regret this decision you made."

Qin Fei has escaped from the trap of the Black Sun organization many times, and turned defeat into victory. The repeated tragic whites have already caused Fan Tianlong to lose patience with Qin Fei.

He never thought about playing any cat-and-mouse game again. In the past, Qin Fei was just a hairy boy in Fan Tianlong’s eyes. He was so naive. He and Fan Tianlong had seen Qin Fei since he was a child. At that time, Qin Fei Fei was still a little doll wearing open crotch pants. This illusion made Fan Tianlong think that Qin Fei would never pose much threat to him.

So he didn't take Qin Fei's problem seriously before. In Fan Tianlong's eyes, Qin Fei was nothing but a young soldier who had been trying to find out the truth about his father's disappearance.

However, when Qin Fei's X mercenary group grew stronger, and completely defeated the Qinglong group in Operation Comoro, and then made Qinglong himself smashed into the sand in Rio de Janeiro, this attracted his attention.

Looking carefully through Qin Fei’s trajectory data for more than a year, Fan Tianlong found that he was not dealing with a small soldier who had retired from the special forces, but a familiar person—Qin Anguo, but a slightly younger version of Qin Anguo. .

So he ordered his proud subordinate Baihu, that is, Maggie to go out in person.

This time Maggie received the order to kill Qin Fei, then take a photo and send it back to the Black Sun headquarters.

Of course, what I didn't expect was that in the whole chess game arranged by Fan Tianlong, the most important Russian mafia organization boss Andre's brother Oleksei had another small abacus~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he wanted Qin Fei to live.

Maggie knew that it was indeed not the time to offend Oleksei. Although this guy looked like a playboy, he didn't seem to be headless now.

He knows his weight, knows his importance in Fan Tianlong's chess game, and knows how to use this value to bargain with Fan Tianlong.

"So, we are considered to be a deal?" Oleksei always likes to speak in a calm and gentle tone.

Maggie said in a huff: "Whatever you want, but now please fulfill your promise immediately."

"OK!" Oleksei immediately stretched out his hand, and the men behind immediately sent a satellite phone.

He stretched the antenna and pressed the number.

Soon, the other end was connected.

"Veneto, where are you?"

"It's Oleksei? Where are you? Have you evacuated from Cavaron Town?" Veneto now feels that this place is not safe at all.

"No, dear Veneto, if I told you that the town of Cavalón is safe now, would you believe me?" Oleksei said, "I'm right next to the No. 2 secret road exit of your manor. Waiting for you here, if I can, I can go to the camp near you to find you. I think there is a distinguished guest, you must meet, the reason why we can survive tonight is because of her help."

Veneto said, "Oh?! I was almost killed by a drone tonight. Who else do I need? Dan is also dead. Now the Yankees are watching us. I advise you to return to your Russia soon. Go, it’s at least safer than Mexico."

Oleksei laughed loudly: "No, no, no, you are wrong, let's put it this way, this distinguished guest is a close associate of Fan Tianlong, the boss of the Black Sun organization, do you think you want to meet?"

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