Absolute Honor

Chapter 976: Fall into the opponent

"I am here……"

Behind you came Maggie's...1a

Qin Fei slammed the pistol in his waist, he realized that he had something to do this long ago.

"do not move!"

The muzzle was already on Qin Fei's head.

Qin Fei's hand froze.

"Raise your hand, p1a Special Force!" Maggie said triumphantly: "Don't think I don't know your details, Qin Fei."

Qin Fei's heart trembled slightly.

Oh shit!

Damn it!

No wonder she has been displeased with this girl, it turns out that the special inner ghost is here!

Sometimes, I really should believe my instincts, and in the secret path, I should ask in the end the flaws that forced her, but it's a pity that the sudden explosion disrupted the plan.

I thought about getting out of the tunnel and then slowly figure it out, but I didn't expect others to get on the ground first.

This time, Qin Fei felt that he was careless. This was the worst failure of all his actions against the enemy.

"Raise your hand, let me see you raise your hand and hold your head." Maggie sternly sterned Qin Fei and Mister.

Qin Fei was still thinking about how to find the time to let go and get this **** Maggie.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Several bullets hit the soil around Qin Fei, and Maggie's p7 submachine gun equipped with a silencer ejected a faint tongue of fire, and the sound was like a happy deer running.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses.

Qin Fei had to raise his hand and hugged his head.

Mister turned to look at Maggie, unable to believe what she saw.

"Maggie, what are you doing!?"

"Don't move!" Maggie stepped back two steps, moved her gun away and aimed at Mister.

To retreat is to better control the two of them.

Maggie knew very well Qin Fei's abilities, and also knew that Mister was not an easy master. Both of them were top special forces members. If they were close to them, the gun would be taken away.

"I don't want to kill you, but don't force me." Maggie said, "otherwise I would definitely shoot."

"Are you crazy!? We are all the same!" Mister said loudly.

"You are a pig! You are still a fellow!" Qin Fei was a little annoyed, and cursed at Mister: "She is not from you, she is a member of the Black Sun organization, you still don't understand!? Who would like it the most? Dan is dead! Do you want to understand!?"

Mister's eyes turned slightly, and his gaze looked at Maggie for a long time.

Suddenly, his eyes dimmed.

"I see, you killed Dan not because you panicked, you did it on purpose."

"Yes." Maggie said, "you are still smart."

"Did you not verify her identity? Both you and your superiors are pigs!" Qin Fei couldn't help cursing.

Mister said: "I have verified, everything has been verified, I have passed her photos, it's her, that's right!"

Qin Fei ridiculed: "Then you have to say that your superior is a pig head. The person you put in the dea is actually a member of the Black Sun organization. I can't describe the IQ of your superior!"

Mister was also a wildfire burning at this time. Obviously, this time the basket was on himself and the bss behind him.

Dea's undercover agent is actually a black man!

This is really an international joke, how could this happen! ? Mister has always believed in the abilities of his superiors, at least the power behind the people who can oppose the "Flying Eagle Project" organization should not be underestimated.

A small Black Sun organization actually played both sides. From now on, Black Sun not only shaved the "Flying Eagle Project" together, but also placed the bss behind him.

"Fak!" He cursed, his eyes showing hideousness, "Bitch, don't fall into my hands, I will cut your blood vessels before you break your neck and let you slowly bleed to death!" Lao Tzu, I hate people who betray my fellow robes the most, oh-"

Mister screamed before he finished speaking.

A 4.6-caliber submachine gun bullet accurately grazed Mister's thigh, scraping a piece of skin on it, and the heat and the tingling pain made him scream.

"Don't be a hero in front of my old lady, do you think you still have a chance to do this to me?"

As Maggie said, she stepped back.

Qin Fei's heart hung up.

Is this going to be shot and executed? Kill yourself and Mister?

"After a while, no matter who she shoots first, kill her when she finds a chance..." Qin Fei lowered his voice to Mister.

Now, it is the first time that Qin Fei has faced death so passively. The muzzle of the black hole of the p7 submachine gun is facing himself and Mist. Under normal circumstances, there is not much room for resistance. The p7 submachine gun can It shoots at least 95o bullets every minute, which is almost covered by a storm, and the distance is too close, I am afraid that the effect of body armor is not great.

However, Maggie did not shoot.

Many dark figures suddenly appeared behind her, slowly surrounding the three from different directions.

"You are late," Maggie said.

One of the people in the dark shadow came up, and under the faint starlight, Qin Fei recognized this guy.

It's Oleksei!

It's the younger brother of the Russian Aia!

Before the action, Qin Fei had read this person's information. It was said that he was a playboy, but how did he get involved with the Black Sun organization! ?

Oh shit!

Unlucky enough!

Speaking of Russia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei remembered another thing. This organization also had a festival with Eric’s Brotherhood of the Holy Cross. In order to get rid of Simon and Eric, the previous elders deliberately arranged for them to assassinate Russia. Vera, one of the younger brothers of Aia's current boss Andre, revealed the action plan to Aia, causing the two to miss.

In the end, Vera also killed Vera who had come to watch the underground fight in the Tyo training camp in Eritrea, which inadvertently messed up the riot plan that night.

Unexpectedly, Yuanjialu was narrow, and Andre had a younger brother, Oleksei, who actually met this guy in the town of Cavalon.

Eric is the core figure of the mercenary group, and of course he doesn't have a good impression of him if he wants to come to Oleksei.

What worries Qin Fei even more is that Maggie seems to know everything about herself, and it seems that she and Fan Tianlong are definitely not an ordinary relationship.

How to do?

At this time, Qin Fei was already in trouble.

None of this is the most terrible thing. In fact, Qin Fei has always been cautious. The identity was revealed, and Noland did not turn on the satellite phone when they acted, nor did the two teams enter Cavalon to rescue them.

Now Qin Fei has only one hope, and that is that the gunfire from Cavalon can attract the attention of the Crow Squad and the Ghost Squad. After all, according to the original plan, in order to facilitate support, they will also enter this area when they are acting tonight. The area lurks down.

I wonder if they have encountered the same trouble?

If not, there seems to be a chance!

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