Absolute Honor

Chapter 984: Torture

   Qin Fei fell to the ground, shaking the dim light on the ceiling above his head.

   Maggie just increased the voltage to 100ma!

   If it weren't for Qin Fei's physique stronger than the average number of people, he would have fainted by now.

   But despite this, he almost lost his consciousness.

   He began to hear hallucinations and hallucinations.

   Familiar faces appeared in front of her eyes, father, mother, little pepper, old man An, old fish and other brothers who were born and died...

   He returned to the rainy night, chasing out the door by himself, chasing after his father in the dark, yelling "Dad! Dad!"...

   This is the most unforgettable memory of Qin Fei's life. The night Qin Anguo left was like etching on an iron plate, which could never be erased.


   screamed in confusion, as Maggie turned off the current, Qin Fei's consciousness gradually returned, just like the shocked soul returned to his body.

   He was suddenly excited!

   Continue to focus immediately!

  In the training against interrogation, it is very important that you must focus all your attention on one point, and this point is pleasant to you, and then the rest is equivalent to forgetting, physical pain, mental torture...

   All these must be discarded!

   and must be discarded!

   Otherwise, a normal person cannot survive torture.

   Just like those revolutionary martyrs back then, many people cannot understand and cannot believe why under that kind of torture, there are still people who can grit their teeth without revealing the secrets of the organization and not betraying the party organization.

   In fact, they are also ordinary people, and they have not even received the training of Qin Fei today, but they do rely on a strong willpower, and this willpower is brought about by his belief.

   This is of course not bragging, but fact!

  Every member of the special forces is an extremely determined person, no matter which country’s special forces members are!

   They must believe in a certain belief in the feast of modern society, even if it is D-BOY or SEAL in the United States, they also believe that everything they do is to contribute to the country.

It is said that the members of the special forces are a bunch of madmen and a bunch of fools, because in this age, they still choose to suffer from this kind of suffering, suffer this kind of sin, and live a life that may be sacrificed at any time but cannot be announced. Only fools are. Willing to do so.

   Undoubtedly, Qin Fei is the same type of person.

   He believes in everything he has done. Even if he is abroad, even if he is now the head of the mercenary group, he still has a strong purpose-to eradicate the organization that threatens national security, Hei Sun!

  Only in this way can the country be in a stable and peaceful state, can it develop, and make ordinary people live better and more secure.

   Ordinary people, they don’t need to know themselves, nor do they need to know heroes. As citizens, they don’t have to bear this, because there are a few people who are carrying the burden for everyone!

   This is faith, this is pursuit, and this is also the honor of soldiers!

   No matter where you are, no matter where you are, what you do is for your motherland, even if you don’t have a military uniform, you are still a hero!

   "How do you feel this time? I don't think you want me to come a second time, right?"

   Maggie took off the towel from Qin Fei's mouth. Now she felt an inexplicable joy, and she was also very proud. She felt that Qin Fei was on the verge of collapse, and no one could hold on to a 100ma current for thirty seconds without collapse.

   Qin Fei's whole body frame lost its original function as if it had been smashed. His chest was stuffy, dizziness and painful, and the gastric juice overflowed into his throat irresistibly, rushing out of his numb mouth and vomiting all over his body.

"Fuck... You... Uncle..." The wet Qin Feisi couldn't think too much. He was gathering his consciousness a little bit, but his voice had all gone out of tune, as if he was behind a car. The window buzzed like people talking.


   Qin Fei's face was numb, and he slapped him in the face.

   Then, he heard Maggie's cursing.

   "How hard is your mouth! Okay, I'll add more stuff to you!"

After    finished speaking, he tied the towel to Qin Fei's mouth again.

   Qin Fei complained constantly. To be honest, the feeling of being shocked was really terrifying, and no one wanted to try again.

   His body began to tremble slightly, insisting entirely on willpower.

   "Oh! God!"

   At a critical moment, Oleksei, who went out to call his elder brother, returned to the room and looked at Qin Fei on the ground with a surprised expression.

   "You are going to electrocute him!"

   "No, within the range of the safe current, incontinence is a big deal." Maggie said with confidence: "I'm good at interrogation!"

   "No, no! You can't kill him! I need him alive!" Oleksei said.

   Maggie said with disdain: "You have got the video you want, and you can send it to his teammates. Now he is worthless, he is mine."

"No! You are mistaken, Maggie!" Oleksei said: "We are a cooperative relationship. I just talked to my brother on the phone, and Andre told me not to kill him, it would make us provoke us. Big trouble, this man named Qin Fei is not an ordinary mercenary. He has a military background and will not end well once he is targeted! You can't cause us trouble!"

   "Is it up to you or me here!?" Maggie dissatisfied.

   "You and I don't count, let your boss Fan contact my brother, and they decide between them." Oleksei said, while shouting, "Come on, two people, help this poor guy up."

   Qin Fei was supported by two mafia members from the place with chairs.

"Tsk tusk tusk!" Oleksei looked at Qin Fei who was dripping with water, took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked up and down: "You look like you have been exposed to rain on the ground for a day. Shit is as bad."

   Qin Fei then asked the smell of urine.

   looked down, shit, I was actually incontinent when I was shocked to urinate, and a piece of wet in my crotch.

   He stared at Maggie, this stinky lady must find her to settle accounts. This was the first time Qin Fei was electrocuted to pee, and it was a great shame to him.

   Maggie didn't even know at this time that Qin Fei's murderous intentions towards herself were so intense that if Qin Fei got out of trouble, the first thing was to kill her desperately.

   "So lively!?"

   A woman's voice came from the door.

   Everyone turned their heads abruptly, and Qin Fei's gaze crossed Maggie and Oleksei's shoulders and looked towards the door.

   At this time, who is here?

   Someone came into the room while talking.

   Qin Fei's current consciousness is still a bit confused, his vision is also a bit blurred, and the whole person is in a state of being half-out of his body. He blinked his eyelids hard, trying to see who was coming.

  The man walked straight to Qin Fei's side, lifted his chin with his hand and looked at him, then turned his head and said to Maggie and Olekshaw, "Why are you torturing him? What is this person's background? Is it worthy of your instigation?"


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