Absolute Honor

Chapter 985: Michiko Yamamoto

   Qin Fei struggled to raise his head to see who the person was, but he was shocked to the point where he almost lost consciousness. He had not recovered in a short time, and the muscles under his body were still shaking and twitching slightly.

   The man walked around behind Qin Fei and untied the towel tied to his mouth.


   Qin Fei wanted to spit out the acid water in his mouth due to the electric shock. Unexpectedly, he didn't even have the strength to spit. As a result, he spit out a mouthful of acid water on his shoulder and pulled it down along his arm.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's a pity." Oleksei still covered his mouth with a white handkerchief, leaned in front of Qin Fei to look and look again, and said with a look of disgust: "I thought you were the most handsome in this room before. The boy, I look the most handsome now."

   After finishing speaking, she laughed strangely like a girl.

   The laughter stopped abruptly, and Oleksei covered his nose and stepped back abruptly, screaming miserably in his mouth.

   "Woo—he hit me, he hit me! Oh! Fuck! Damn you dare to hit me! My nose—why..."

   There was a bright red ooze from the white handkerchief, and Oleksei's pain was so painful that tears came out.

It turned out that Qin Fei was looking at Oleksei approaching in a dazed manner. No matter who it was, when he heard him taunting himself, of course he would not let this guy go. He gathered the last bit of strength and slammed forward, using the hardest forehead. The place slammed on Oleksei's tall nose.

You know, Qin Fei has practiced iron head skills in the reconnaissance unit. This is one of the most common hard skills training of reconnaissance units. It starts with holding a brick against the wall and continues to practice until a thick knot is formed on the forehead. The layer of cocoon enters the next stage to top the floor, and finally opens the bottle to open the bricks.

   The bridge of the nose is the most fragile part of the human face, and the triangle area with the richest nerves. If you click here, the pain can be imagined.

   "Discharge me! Discharge! Power him! See if he dares to be so mad!"

   Following Oleksei’s roar, a mafia member turned the switch.

   Qin Fei's tingling energy hasn't gotten off yet, and he feels that flesh and blood has been thrown into the fire cellar again. The feeling just now is incomparable with the pain this time. The alternating current with twice the amount of electricity passes through the body, and the muscles are not just spasms.

As the current increases, this kind of spasm will cause muscle soreness to severe pain, chest and abdomen diaphragm spasm makes breathing impossible, the heart is paralyzed like a steel needle, and then begins to feel out of the body, as if one's own flesh has been cut. Pull up but cut off the connected tendons and skins.

   "Tell me where the hard drive is!? Tell me, I'll let someone turn off the switch!" Maggie quietly asked Qin Fei.

When Oleksei saw Qin Fei’s extreme pain, he suddenly became excited. He once again took out the silver box that he had carried close to his body for a long time, and picked out something that would make him more happier and drained his nostrils. inside.

   "It's so cool! It's so cool! Give me a heavy electric!"

   Anger and Qin Fei's scream made Oleksei's face a perverted and twisted smile.

   Suddenly, a big hole was punched in his forehead with a pop, and his brain and blood spurted forward more than a meter away!

   Oleksei's smile was frozen on his face almost instantly, and it was still distorted to death.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "Puff Puff--" in the house.

   Several members of Setta and Mafia were shot and fell down, of course, including Maggie.

   A black shadow rushed to the switch and quickly turned off the power.

   Qin Fei has suffered a strong electric shock for nearly a minute, and the voltage on the switch shows-4A!

   That is the voltage that can be stopped by the heart of the electric shocker!

   "Damn! These beasts!"

   Sombra stomped his foot and fired two more shots at the mafia member on the ground who was in charge of switching the power supply, and shot his head into a rotten watermelon.

   "Help him up! Untie him! Hurry up!"

   A familiar voice rang in his ears. Qin Fei's consciousness was almost completely lost. He vaguely heard someone eagerly calling his name in his ear.

   "Qin Fei! Wake up! Qin Fei! Wake up!"

   The last point of Qin Fei's consciousness drifted away, and he was plunged into darkness.

   Yamamoto Michiko gently put down Qin Fei, wiped off the vomit from Qin Fei’s mouth with a towel, touched his nostrils, and people immediately screamed, “He’s out of breath!”

   A man with the appearance of a bodyguard quickly walked over and squatted down, checked Qin Fei's physical condition and said, "He has his throat blocked by his own vomit! Clear things out!"

   After finishing speaking, he beckoned to the other person: "Quickly, help me help him up!"

Another person hurried over to help Qin Fei. The bodyguard went around behind Qin Fei and made a forward lunge, letting Qin Fei sit on his lap, extending his arms through his armpits and encircling Qin Fei. , And crossed his grip on the upper abdominal cavity to form a closed encirclement, and then tightened his arms abruptly, squeezing Qin Fei's abdominal cavity upward with the place formed by holding each other with both hands.

After    several times in a row, Qin Fei started to vomit with a loud voice.

   The two helped him into a chair and sat down, and they kept slapping him on the back.

   Qin Fei is soft and unconscious. He is in a subconscious state of activities now, and he doesn't know what he is doing, just like a cloth doll without a soul at the mercy of others.

   Yamamoto Michiko walked to Maggie's side. Maggie's weapon had been searched. She was shot twice in the chest. She lay on the ground and panted hard, with bubbling blood constantly overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

   "You...you are not... Yamamoto..."

   She looked at Michiko Yamamoto with doubts in her eyes.

   Yamamoto Michiko smiled and said, "Yes, Baihu, you have been disguised for a lifetime. What you do best is makeup and disguise, but you may not have thought that I am also disguised, right?"

   Maggie's eyes became desperate.

   She regrets a bit now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I regret that she was too careless, and one of the people who participated in the Kavalon meeting was actually an undercover, and it was Princess Yakuza from the Kingdom of Japan.

   Actually, Bai Hu also disguised herself as the real DEA commissioner Maggie. She did it herself, but she forgot that others could do the same.

"who are you……"

   "It's your enemy, I can only tell you so much." Yamamoto Michiko said coldly: "It's time, go to **** and see your accomplices."

   After that, he stood up, raised his hand with two shots and shot the white tiger to death.

   Then he stretched out his hand and gently rolled and rubbed it under Baihu's cheek, and it really rolled up a thin layer of silicone skin.

   Yamamoto Michiko tugged hard, and the entire beautifully designed mask was torn off.

   Baihu showed his original face, he was also a mixed blood, but his skin was darker than Maggie's entire character.

   "Take a picture, confirm your identity, take the video record from the camera, set up a bomb, and prepare to evacuate here."

   "Okay, little pepper!" A bodyguard next to him turned his head and whispered to the other bodyguard: "Tamper, you go to take the camera, I will take pictures."

After   , he took out a small exquisite camera and took a dozen pictures skillfully at Baihu's face and body.


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