Absolute Honor

Chapter 998: The leak in the house has been rained all night long

In the dark night, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After the fierce battle in the middle of the night, everyone was a little exhausted and fell on the ship deck to relax as much as possible, looking up at the starry sky.

Captain Noland remembered his previous doubts about the identities of these people, and still wondered if he wanted to take this opportunity to ask.

Suddenly, a beam of light pierced the night sky, across the top of the cabin of the armed boat.

Then came the dull and familiar sound of m2hB heavy machine gun shooting.

"Be careful! Lie down!"

Everyone hurriedly squatted on the deck, raised their heads, and looked over the ship's side. Thundering saw a few bright lights shining from the river behind the stern.

After counting, there are seven in total.

"Damn! Where did the armed boat come from!" Just now, including the one I grabbed, and one that was destroyed, only two armed boats escaped. Now seven of them have suddenly emerged, which is of course shocking.

What Lei Ming didn't know was that Veneto had already known the news of Rona's death before, and this was all his belongings.

The Seta Group dispatched all the armed patrol boats tonight, and they came out, Veneto personally commanded and issued the death order-absolutely must not let a person who invaded the site escaped alive, whether they were the Mexican police or the U.S. military. Special forces.

Dare to Veneto's business, many times the reputation for people like him is better than life.

On the side door, the establishment of authority is the effect of your personal image and group image.

You are ruthless, you are strong, and you succeed, of course some people are afraid of you.

Once you fail, all other small gangs and organizations that followed you and obeyed you will immediately turn from hot to cold. They will question your authority, just as a group of lions came and another lion defeated the leader. Lion, others are watching your jokes.

Veneto couldn't escape the vicious circle of this fate.

The Seta Group has ruled the entire drug trafficking network in the Americas in the past few years. Veneto has made a lot of money, killed a lot of people, and forged a lot of enemies.

His authority is based on blood. Once the entire authority is cracked, then the deterrent power of the Seta Group will be greatly reduced. Those small groups will not be in the Seta Group, and they will even sit on the sidelines and wait for the opportunity to rush up in the Serbia. Two pieces of meat were torn from the body of the tower group.

Once the hearts of the people are dispersed, the team will be difficult to lead.

Bullets cut through the dark night sky like raindrops, swishing across everyone's head, and the sound of gunshots was as horrifying as it exploded above the head.

As long as this large-caliber bullet hits the human body, no matter where it is, even the hands and feet will cause you to lose blood and die.

"The King of Spears! Kill them!"

Thunder pointed to the heavy machine gun in the stern, and gave Xu Wu a look.

The posters were already lying on the deck, using the thick iron plate on the side of the ship as a cover to shoot at the ship behind.

It’s just that the NATO bullets of the m16 automatic rifle do not pose much threat to those highly armed patrol boats that have been reinforced with armor. The warhead hitting it is like tickling a rhino, except for a few small sparks. Any damage.

All the things-

All the things-

Xu Wu operated the m2hB heavy machine gun and fired at the ship more than two hundred meters away.

Soon, one of the patrol boats running at the forefront emitted black smoke, and the speed slowed down.

This did not cause other ships to lower their degrees. They found that the Xu Wu ship had the strongest firepower, because the ghost group’s ships were acquired locally in Mexico, and it was impossible to get armed patrols like the Seta group. Boats, after all, it is illegal to buy such heavy firepower patrol boats even here.

Suddenly, the ship where the 3rd squadron was located became the target of public criticism, and almost all the firepower was directed towards this patrol boat that originally belonged to the Seta Group.

Thanks to the night and the training level of the Setta members, although many people shot at the patrol boat, not many really hit the boat.

But good luck will always run out.

Soon, Xu Wu's heavy machine gun stopped firing.

"What's going on!?" Lei Ming asked.

Xu Wu checked the bolt and found that it was not jammed, then opened the bullet box, shook his head and said to thunder: "There are no bullets!"

The leaks in the house suffered overnight rain, and there were problems at critical moments.

"The heavy machine gun on the front deck seems to have bullets, bring it here!" Lei Ming shouted at the old K and singer in the cab.

Old K hurried to the front deck, unloaded the ammunition box of the m2hB heavy machine gun, and carried it to the stern.

As soon as I walked to the center of the ship, I suddenly heard Xu Wu yelling: "Get down, get down!"

Old K hadn’t realized what was going on. He suddenly felt like his chest was hit hard by a truck. There was severe pain in his arms, and he couldn’t hold the bullet box at all. He involuntarily stepped back two steps and fell into it. Into the water.

The ammunition box in his hand fell into the water, crackling and unfolding, braving the orange-red light, like a firework exploded.

"Old K!"

The worm screamed and rushed to the side of the ship.

"I'm here, it's okay..." Old K's curse came from under the boat: "Asshole, did I get shot..."

The worm knelt on the side of the boat and looked down. He found that the whole body of Old K was in the water, but his two hands were firmly grasping the hemp rope beside the boat. He was being dragged on the water by the patrol boat. Floating like a surfboard.

"Grab my hand!" said Big Worm, and stretched out his hand to grab Old K's right hand, then grabbed the strap of Old K's tactical vest with the other hand and dragged him onto the deck.

"Is there anything wrong with you? What doesn't it feel right!?" Da Chong touched old K's body with both hands, for fear that he could touch some blood and wounds.

Old K spit water to the side, sat up and said, "It's okay, it seems that I was hit by a bullet in my bullet box, but fortunately, he is not dead!"

"It's not good!" Noland yelled: "Our motive was hit!"

Everyone noticed that thick black smoke had emerged from the stern of the ship, coming from where the two motors were.

Lei Ming stretched his head to see, it turned out that one of the motors had a big hole broken down, not only smoking, but also leaking oil.

"Turn off engine one!"

He turned around and shouted at the singer in the cab: "Don't run out of oil!"

The singer quickly turned off the No. 1 motor and cut off the oil circuit.

The problem was temporarily stopped.

But a more terrible problem followed-only one motor was good, so the speed dropped immediately.

"Why are you slowing down!?" Lao Yu's question came from the headset.

Leiming's heart was scorched at this time, even if he was facing the old fish, he didn't have a good tone: "Do you think I want to! Our engine has been broken down!"

"..." The old fish thought for a while and said: "Don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~We lower the degree and meet the enemy with you!"

"Welcome! The heavy machine gun has no bullets! Your ship has no heavy weapons! Any of you still have Rpg stuff!?"

"I don't have any, so I brought two tubes. I made it out when I was working on that armored car!" Lao Yu now regrets a bit, and he should have kept one tube.



Two grenades were shot from Lao Yu's boat.

Someone shot a grenade at Seta's patrol boat, and the Ghost Team and Crow Unit estimated that someone had a grenade launcher hanging from their gun.


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